River arrived by ferry, with her base within a case strapped to her back. Vaporeon at her side along with an Espeon. Her signature eeveevultions. It was the first she heard of these islands, as Evultion was doing a tour around. Turned out she was the first out of her band to arrive. Once off the boat she seemed to be recognized by a few traveling vistors she stayed behind and posed for pictures and gave out autographs. Once she made it to the hotel she set her things down and left her base in the hotel room. River decided to kill some time by exploring the area according to her map there seemed to be amazing caves in the northern part of the island. She constulted her map after checking in to her hotel and leaving her base behind to go ahead and explore. The northern part of the island was catching her attention. [color=6ecff6]"What you you think Vaporeon? Espeon? You up for some training?"[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Vapor![/color]" [color=bc8dbf]"Epse" [/color] River smiled as they headed off towards the northern caves ready to explore.