[color=#D5D8DC] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/urIEjex.png[/img] [color=skyblue][b]Time:[/b][/color] Evening ---> Morning [color=skyblue][b]Location:[/b][/color] Art Exhibit - OH HQ garage [color=skyblue][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] [@princess] - Angel [color=skyblue][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [@Ducky] - Remy [/center] [h3][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/610964561553522698/610976734258659379/up-divider.png?width=960&height=83[/img][/h3] Shay had stayed awake and silent as the two entered the car. She hadn’t replied to them, too exhausted to even think. She had been clutching her painting for dear life and wasn’t letting it slip from her fingers. The red haired hunter picked up food and Shay had wolfed it down. She had been so hungry, and the adrenaline had caused it to intensify. Shay had remained awake and under the blanket until arriving at the garage. When the two had left, Shay remained alert for another ten minutes before finally crashing for the night. [center]~*~[/center] When Shay woke up, she was briefly confused. Where was she? As panic surged through her, her mind quickly began recounting the details of the night. She let out a slow, sigh of relief and did not remove the blanket. She looked down as pain throbbing in her arms alerted her to the source. She had been clutching her painting still, albeit loosening over night. Shay groaned in pain and slowly flexed her fingers individually, remembering to hold the painting so it didn’t crash and make noise. The door opening caused her to jump and peek out. The familiar voice of Angel however, managed to soothe her nerves. Still on edge nonetheless, Shay stretched out and remained hidden under the blanket. She had been listening to people coming and going and was afraid to be seen. As a precaution, she only kept her head visible. She stared at her curiously, her eyes still adjusting to her new surroundings. She still held onto the painting and kept it invisible to the hunter. [color=skyblue]”What would you like to know? My tragic life story, or the thrilling events of being in New Paeonia, also known as hell - or all of the above?”[/color] She rested her head up against the side. [color=skyblue]"Tell me this, please. As much as I appreciate your hospitality, how do I know you won't rat me out or send me to die after I tell you what I know?"[/color] She didn't want to come across as too scared, but she was. She was terrified. What if this girl sent her to her death, or she was found? Shay didn't know what to do. OP Humanity wasn't kind to witches, nor did they trust them. She wanted to find a familiar and also visit Maeve's store - but where would she go? How did she know nobody would turn her in? The helplessness sinking in, mixed with her anxiety, was too much for her. She started to nervously twirl a piece of thread with telekinesis spell to help soothe herself. [/color]