Oh, you have [i]got[/i] to be kidding. "I'd settle for killing [i]that![/i]" Sasha is [i]not[/i] happy right now. Coleman's murmuring to her as she tries her best to bolt, wincing as stalactites crackle and crumble against her cabin. Surrender isn't an option, much as he'd like it, and there's a part of him wonders whether sacrificing the wrench to spare Sasha might not have been a better option. And the wafting smell of the sea spiraling out of the tunnel whispers that things are going to get far worse before they get better. So, improve the situation. This is the best place to keep it at bay--it's narrow enough a passage that there's really only forward and backwards. Keep it pinned in place, and it means that the boom happens at a safe distance. At least, that's the hope. [Balmas's dice strike again: 6 on Keep Them Busy]