[h3]Kushizu Ienari[/h3] Things were certainly heating up on the field, both figuratively and literally thanks to Hoseki and his fire jutsu. He watched as Ataru ran passed him and gave the heads up that Kana has the flag. So the flag is mobile, that changes so things but, Kana can not run forever and with the battlefield being a flat field. It should not be too hard to spot him and caught up to him. However, it seems that Ataru has taken up the role of getting the flag and wanting Kushizu to cover him. That was unexpected, Kushizu is used to Ataru being support and not going to the frontlines. He wondered what caused this change but was not bothered by it. It was kinda nice to see Ataru take the initiative for once but, whether or not it will work out has yet to be seen. Then Kushizu watched Ataru fall to the ground unceremoniously. Kushizu's face noticeably turned as the fall happened. Though Ataru was able to get back up quickly with his shadow clone helping him up. Kushizu decided not to bring up when the match was over. One bump on getting to Kana does not need to be repeated. Especially to Kimiko and hopes that this stays unheard by her. With the plan to cover Ataru, Kushizu moved closer to Ataru as Mizo got in range of Ataru. Watching as Mizo about to punch Ataru's shadow clone in the face and rushed to cover his teammate. Handling Mizo should be easier to deal with Hoseki. Should being the keyword, and Kushizu did expect her to be an easy target. When he finally got in range, Kushizu aimed with his mouth at Mizo and used Water Release: Water Gun. A torrent of water was launched out of his mouth and headed straight towards her. Now let's see if this can get Mizo off of Ataru's back.