Najila was irritated that Sarfyr was running away again, but thankfully, Angus wasn't going to let him get away. She just hoped that his going ahead won't end up like last time. She gasped as she felt the sonic attack affect her and the others close to her. She looked at the figure in imposing draconic armor. She watched as Ulhar disarmed the figure, and she acted. She ran over to the glaive calling to Blue, "[color=aqua]I've got it![/color]" She picked it up, to find that it was quite heavier than she expected it to be. She muttered to herself "[color=aqua]Oh my...This is heavier than the Weapons Almanac made it out to be...![/color]" She then directed her attention to the figure engaged with Blue, and she pointed her arcane focus at him. She sent an Eldritch Blast at the man's way, hoping to help Blue in combat. [hider=OOC]Najila's HP: 22/29 Constitution Save against Shatter: [url=]16[/url] Eldritch Blast against the closest opponent to hit: [url=]24[/url] Damage: [url=]7[/url] Force Damage[/hider]