Death, needless to say, had not been kind to Mamoru. It would have been one thing to have lived long enough to be able to make something of his life—spend more time with his friends and family, invest time into hobbies new and old—but dying so abruptly did not sit well with him. Neither did the supposed 'goddess' that had caught him before his consciousness had slipped away in its entirety fill him with any sort of inspiration. He had read enough isekai literature in his lifetime to get a grasp of the situation fairly quickly during the initial introduction, to the point where hearing of the task set out for him didn't faze him as much as it did annoy him. Of course, that brief moment of consciousness soon gave way to darkness once more, and before long the young man found himself splayed out on the ground, groggy as the faculties that begot his regained consciousness took their sweet time returning. There was a pause as he slowly dragged his body, still drenched in some sort of odd liquid, off of the ground, and after a few moments of staggering and violently coughing out whatever was left in his lungs, he clapped his hands to his face as the sound of someone's voice caught his attention. Not necessarily because of the voice itself, though, but moreso the place where the sound was reaching him. There was the briefest of pauses as he slowly moved one hand to to top of his head, and the feeling of wet fur coupled with long hair that, upon further inspection, reached past his shoulders only brought his attention towards the rest of his—or, rather, [i]her[/i] new body. "...Well, I suppose it could be worse," Mamoru sighed, clapping her hands to her face before shaking whatever liquid she could off of her body. Drenched clothing would do her no favors—doubly so given the chill in the air that caught her attention—and the now-foxgirl slowly cast her gaze around. The most obvious thing to catch her attention, though, was the small girl standing in front of her, weapon at the ready. Though the change of her body had not caused any sort of panic, the presence of that black-haired girl... "...Nobunaga? No, wait, that can't be right; that goddess must've just modeled someone's new body after that character..." she said to herself before shaking her head, as if to clear her thoughts, before recalling what it was that the person in front of her had asked. "Right. Well... You wouldn't be wrong there. Though it goes without saying that I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this whole affair... Wait, hold on." Once she reviewed the words in her head, Mamoru took a moment to pause before staring directly at the girl standing in front of her. "That Japanese just now was rather archaic... No, this has got to be some sort of joke, right?" she added, taking a moment to pause before laughing in disbelief. "I'm not even sure if there'd be anyone sticking to that sort of character in this sort of situation... I suppose that introductions might clear things up. My, uh... Hm. Name. I suppose that... Misaki sounds good? Right. Takeshima Misaki it is, then." As she continued to attempt to dry herself (and her clothes) off, [i]Misaki[/i] continued to look around the room, her gaze constantly returning towards Nobunaga as she attempted to get a feel for what had occurred in the room up until the time they had 'arrived' and to try and wrap her head around the situation given what she knew thus far. [i]"Seriously, this feels like something out of a light novel..."[/i] [@VitaVitaAR][@Rune_Alchemist]