[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img] [color=salmon][i]Mission EXP: +20[/i] Word Count: 666 (+1 exp)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]6[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 6/60 [b]Location:[/b] The End[/color][hider=LEVELED UP!]New power: [b]Hunter Arts: Longsword.[/b] Advanced techniques utilizing a long sword. These arts include: [i]Sakura Slash[/i], an evasive slashing technique excellent at drawing blood; [i]Critical Juncture[/i], a parry developed in Yukumo that involves clearing the mind and unleashing a counter attack; and [i]Devouring Demon[/i], a temporary state of mind in which a hunter's attack power increases while their health drains - though health can be restored by successfully landing hits. ***[/hider][/center] The dragon's tail, encased in ice courtesy of Linkle, made for an excellent slide. With his sword acting as a rudder even while carving a line down the beast's scales, Ace Cadet smoothly slipped off the end of her tail and landed easily back on the yellow stone. No worse for wear after that stunt, save a cold backside, the hunter whirled around with his weapon brandished just in time to see Bowser body slam their quarry. The aftermath was brutal, but after everything the dragon had thrown at them it seemed fitting too. She screeched and flailed, but it was clear she was on death's door. The fight was gone from her. ...or not. A glow seeped out from between the cracks in her skin. It took a few moments for the Cadet to realize what he was seeing, and once he did he felt like an idiot. Fighting together with the myriad of characters in their party was so exciting and confusing that the Cadet got stuck in his own head space, and it frequently slipped his mind that the rest of the crew didn't really share his experience or knowledge. A near lifetime of questing with other professional monster hunters meant you only had to watch their backs, not school them on secret techniques dragons liked to use. Everyone was so close to it, it was way too late to warn them to get back, they'd never clear the blast area! Hastily the Cadet shoved a hand into his pouch and dug around for the last remaining lifepowder he had on him, hoping to save anyone from taking too hard of a hit when the energy burst out from the dragon. Cadet was still as the shockwave passed over him. It was mildly painful, but that was it. [color=salmon]"Uh... what?"[/color] he wondered aloud, surprised and just the tiniest bit disappointed by the lack of power behind the dragon's final gambit. The silence after the supernova was brief, ended with Tora's peals of laughter. The nopon's cheer was infectious. After the initial confusion, the fact that the monster's ultimate attack was reduced to... well, barely a shove, was pretty funny. The hunter found himself laughing too, and eventually he whooped and cheered as he was wont to do. [color=salmon]"[i]Woohoo![/i] We did it! A real live black dragon - put down!"[/color] The young man was merry, and he stabbed his sword through the piece of the dragon's tail - still half frozen - that had broken off and hoisted it over his shoulder. With his other hand he sought out the closest ally, which happened to be Bowser Jr. sitting nearby and refueling. He wrapped the little koopa into a tight one-armed hug and dragged the both of them closer to the rest of the group. Once nearby, he hefted the tail over his head into the air like a macabre popsicle in testament to the party's victory. [color=salmon]"I can't wait to tell the Guildmarm! Everybody was amazing! That was so... so [i]radalos![/i]"[/color] Cadet exclaimed, [color=salmon]"and, uh, dangerous!"[/color] He counted off the people he could see, making sure not to linger too long on Linkle or Geralt's forms, and was startled to see that there was one missing - ah, wait, the grumbles coming from his side alerted him to the missing person's presence. Oblivious and overly friendly, he still had the prince tucked close. [color=salmon]"Okay, everyone's still with us and in one piece,"[/color] he glanced at Poppi's makeshift leg, [color=salmon]"mostly. Definitely calls for a celebration when we get back! I'm hoping the others are waiting for us back in Lumbridge - I can't really think of anywhere else the palicoes would take them."[/color] He admitted the last part a bit sheepishly, but quickly followed it up for those worried about their missing comrades. [color=salmon]"I definitely saw them get carted though, so they're safe and sound [i]somewhere.[/i]"[/color] Cadet let the tail-sicle drop down to his side and he beamed at all of the gathered heroes. [color=salmon]"Great job. G-rank quest: cleared!"[/color] [right][sub][@DracoLunaris][/sub][/right]