"WHAT IS MY MOUTH DOING?" said Jasper, experiencing her very first yawn. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?" This was a rebuke! A curse! A... a... a Buddha-thing! This was what she got for not obeying the Enlightened One's request to use her desired title! Her mouth was contorted into a terrible cramp, trying to bite the air, breathing the essence of sleep. Buddha magic! One time she'd tried to foot race a Buddha and he'd revealed that the entire racetrack was actually in the palm of his hand and it had made her head [i]hurt[/i]. Like, she'd [i]won[/i] the race, but he'd somehow made it like it [i]hadn't mattered[/i]. How can a race not matter!? They - they matter, [i]okay[/i]!? She stabbed at her ramen with her chopsticks moodily. She hadn't considered the show, honestly. A big musical event where everyone would be singing and dancing in the midst of elaborate pyrotechnical displays honestly sounded like the most boring and mundane thing she could possibly do with her time, the celestial equivalent of going to Shanghai and ordering a hamburger. But she did owe the Buddha for hosting her as a guest and had no desire to end up as the subject of a koan. So she nodded. "If you desire it, I would be honoured to serve," said Jasper. "You will have to inform me of this story. And, of course, the role you have in mind for me." With any luck this would be a straightforwards role with minimal weird Buddha concepts.