[color=DECAB0][b]Magus Dagon[/b][/color] The Magus of the Cult of the Crow had been conversing softly with a nearby colleague a step from the dais, but their conversation died as they spotted Khaemtir approaching. Dagon watched coolly as the boy offered his fealty as a student, with even his Tutelary supplicating itself similarly. The older master's lips pursed as he watched the display, and the lines on his face seemed even more stark from this angle directly below him. Truly it seemed like there was no color about his entire face and head, except for his startlingly blue eyes. They were not as icy and pale as the sky, nor as wine-dark and deep as the sea or lapis lazuli, but they possessed the sharpness and clarity of cut sapphires. Truly a gaze that seemed to cut right through you. "[color=DECAB0]There's no need to attempt to appease me. Not now, anyway.[/color]" He spoke, and while his tone was ambivalent there was a dry, papery quality to his voice that made it seem like he was suffering from going through this minor social interaction. "[color=DECAB0]I assume by donning that cloak that you're prepared to make all necessary commitments and sacrifices. If not, well, that will be sorted out in short order.[/color]" He rubbed his chin with one of his gloved hands, still appraising Khaemtir with his inimitable gaze, before making a dismissive gesture at him. "[color=DECAB0]Go on, go enjoy the festivities. Meet some other Novitiates; they'll be more helpful to know in the future than some stuffy old Magi that are like as not to retire before you're done wearing that white cloak.[/color]" Dagon spotted his other two Novitiates waiting close by, staring at their interaction with obvious anticipation. "[color=DECAB0]Well? The same goes for the two of you, unless you want something specific. Enjoy yourselves now, there will be plenty of work to come in the future.[/color]" [hr] [color=black][b]Magus Nevrakis[/b][/color] The Magus of the Cult of the Serpent had departed the dais with all haste when the formalities had ended, and Sarahi found her diving head-first into the diversions of the banquet. She was sat at a wide table with a variety of other people around her, presumably her friends or colleagues. Her bare feet were kicked up onto the table, and she was alternating between drinking, eating grapes from a nearby plate, and talking and laughing with the others sat at her table. She seemed to spot Sarahi coming from some distance away, and Nevrakis' brows knitted together at the sight of her student. She didn't look directly at her Novitiate until she was done speaking, instead fussing with the contents of her plate. "[color=black]Yes, well, as am I, child.[/color]" She said, not sounding particularly enthused. However, her expression suddenly shifted, and she looked back at Sarahi, knocking back her cup to drain it. Then she tossed the ceramic cup to the student and said, "[color=black]Here, your training begins now. Fill that with beer and bring it back to me.[/color]" After Sarahi returned with the filled cup, Nevrakis wanted another plate of fruit. And after that, she wanted confections from the desserts table. It seemed like she had an unending list of desires, purely to keep Sarahi running around doing her petty bidding. At just about the point where Sarahi's patience was running out, the other Novitiate, Berenice, appeared. This again made Nevrakis' expression change slightly, her interest seemingly piqued by having two of her students present at once. "[color=black]Oh good, the other one.[/color]" She said in a voice that sounded pleasantly surprised, as she licked honey from her fingers. "[color=black]Now once that third shows up we can really get started.[/color]"