[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tpMcJL6.jpg[/img] [h3][b]X U N S U[/b][/h3] [sub][i]'It is not just the duty of the Avatar to bring balance to the world, all of us together must work to unite the world and make it a better place.'[/i][/sub][/center] [b]Character Age:[/b] 35 [b]Character Gender:[/b] Male [b]Character Race:[/b] Air Nomad [b]Bending:[/b] [list][*][I]Air Bending Mastery:[/i] Xunsu was born and raised in the Northern Air Temple and has devoted his life both through spirit and through the body in order to master the element of air. While he is six feet tall and not by any mean thin or lithe he is remarkably light on his feet and nimble. His movements always fluid and precise, every move calculated to perfection. Xunsu has reached such a skilled level that he has both his tattoos and the ability to project his spirit through the physical world. While some Airbenders are said to have mastered the ability of flight, Xunsu has not and must use his glider or flying bison in order to fly. That said he has earned the name 'Windwalker' for the ability to create dense pockets of air for him to walk on. It's not as efficient as flying and is tiring but it allows him to cross chasms and help him climb walls where there is no other way up. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*][I]Spiritual Guru:[/i] Xunsu is a spiritual guru. He has spent his life meditating and gaining spiritual enlightenment. He is fully capable of entering the spirit world, and while he is no great bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds he has interacted with spirits on occasion. As a spiritual leader within Si Wong City, he aims to guide the populace to bring about understanding and compassion. [*][I]Artistry:[/i] Art is a form of meditation, he has spent years perfecting his skills in artistry. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*][i]Air Nomad:[/i] Air Benders can be one of the most lethal types of benders. Air Nomads however try to avoid violence and use their bending for peaceful pursuits instead. As such fighting is a last resort. [*][i]Guillible:[/i] Xunsu trusts people and believes in them, so much so that should someone tell them that they will change their ways he will believe it and give them another chance. [*][i]Indifferent:[/i] Xunsu is indifferent to the worldly concerns between the nations of the world and the reasons too why they fight. He's a spiritual guide, and some would consider him 'aloof' as he never takes into account the reasons for strife or conflict. [/list] [b]Posessions:[/b] [list] [*][I]Airbender Staff:[/i] Like most Airbenders he carries a staff that can expand out into the orange glider associated with his people. [*][I]Monk Robes:[/i] He only ever wears the robes of his people, being a spiritual guru and in charge of the chapter in Si Wong city he has been given the bead necklace to denote him as a monk within the Air Nomads. [/list] [b]Biography:[/b] Xunsu was born within the Northern Air Temple and much like all the other Air Nomads he was immediately separated from his family and taken under the tutelage of the monks. He took to the spiritual side of the training with relative ease. While other children struggled with the necessary focus to enter and maintain a meditative stance. While like with many Air Nomads he took to understanding the forms and the beginner levels of Air Bending he found the spiritual work and connection far easier. Under the tutelage of Monk Chen by the age of seven, he was taken to a grove near the temple that had strong ties to the spirit world, together the two of them ventured into the Spirit World for the first time to Xai Bau's Grove. Xunsu would learn to interact with the spirits, nowhere near the level the Avatar could reach but he still found the entire experience enlightening. Soon after the young Xunsu was taken away to the Eastern Temple to pair with a Sky Bison calf. Chosen by the calm, but somewhat skittish, Peng the two became fast friends and journeyed together between the Air Temples, a pilgrimage most young Air Nomads undertook in order to learn the thirty-six levels of Airbending. By the age of eighteen, he earned his tattoos and became recognized as a true Airbender. From there the desire to help others and spread the teachings of the Air Nomads. His Journey as a Spirit Guru began in the Northern Earth kingdom, moving from one town to another. While he would usually assist in matters of the spirit, guiding others in meditation he would often be called to help during Bandit Raids and as gangs of criminals plagued towns outside the reaches of their local lords or the Earth Kingdom capital of Ba Sing Se. While initially during his younger years he found these adventures to be exciting, as he joined up with other noble hearts on their journey to assist others and bring balance to the world he felt a real sense of accomplishment. Though he soon became tired of the senseless violence, and the repetition. Xunsu soon stopped answering calls to help with bandits and raiders, instead of resorting to tackling issues that had arisen between the Spirit and Physical world. Traveling from town to town in order to bring people the balance they sought in their lives. Spiritual enlightenment. Eventually, Xunsu found himself in Si Wong city in the local Air Nomad chapter. He quickly found his calling, rising up through the ranks of the local chapter so that he eventually became a monk. In recent times he has felt the balance shift. Dark forces loom near Si Wong, and Xunsu fears for the worst. Now he knows his new mission, he must find the Avatar. [b]Supporting Cast:[/b] [list] [*][i]Peng:[/i] Peng his Xunsu' trusty Skybison. They have been together since they were both kids, growing up together they have a strong spiritual bond and one is not often seen without the other. [*][i]Tuo Po:[/i] A skilled Earth Bender. She is one of Xunsu's first friends that is not an Air Nomad. The two shared a brief romance while fighting off bandits though as Xunsu sought a more spiritual existence the two ended the relationship. They still remain close, albeit awkward, friends. [*][i]Dai:[/i] Dai is a cunning swordsman. Brother to Tuo Po, he wasn't born with any bending ability but has made up for it in his mastery with swordsmanship. The Two have not spoken much since Xunsu broke up with Dais sister. [*][i]Si Wong Air 'Temple':[/i] While not a full-sized temple, Si Wong has a chapter off Air Nomads seen as spiritual leaders of the city. Over his time presiding over the chapter Xunsu has seen many new Airbenders come and go to experience the life of a city unlike any other. [/list]