[hider=Nei] [center][h1]Nei[/h1] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CYDzXb1U0AAlfsl.jpg[/img] Lvl 3 Raven Queen Warlock | Changeling | Chaotic Neutral | Charlattan[/center] [hr] [h2]Combat Stats[/h2] [b]Armor Class:[/b] 11 [b]Initiative:[/b] +2 [b]Hit Points:[/b] 19 [2d8 + 8 + 3]( https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/20331 ) [b]Speed:[/b] 30ft [hr] [h2]General Stats[/h2] [b]Strength[/b] 11 [0] [b]Dexterity[/b] 11 [0] [b]Constitution[/b] 12 [+1] [b]Intelligence[/b] 12 [+1] [b]Wisdom[/b] 7 [-2] [b]Charisma[/b] 18 [+4] [hr] [h2]Proficiencies[/h2] [b]Proficiency Bonus:[/b] +2 [b]Passive Perception:[/b] 8 [b]Proficient Saving Throws:[/b] Charisma, Wisdom [b]Proficient Skills:[/b] Deception, Investigation, Nature, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth [b]Proficient Weapons:[/b] simple Weapons [b]Proficient Armor:[/b] Light Armor [b]Other Proficiencies:[/b] Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit [b]Languages:[/b] Common, Undercommon, Dwarven [hr] [h2]Attacks & Spellcasting[/h2] [b][i]Dagger, melee[/i][/b]| +2 |[i]1d4 Piercing[/i] [b][i]Dagger, thrown[/i][/b]| +2 |[i]1d4 Piercing[/i] [b][i]Light Crossbow[/i][/b]| +2 |[i]1d8 Piercing[/i] [b][i]Spear, one-handed[/i][/b]| +2 |[i]1d6 Piercing[/i] [b][i]Spear, thrown[/i][/b]| +2 |[i]1d6 Piercing[/i] [b][i]Spear, two-handed[/i][/b]| +2 |[i]1d8 Piercing[/i] [b][i]Ray of Frost[/i][/b]| 0 |[i]1d8 Cold[/i] [hr] [h2]Features[/h2] [u]Changeling[/u] [b]Change Appearance:[/b] As an action, you can transform your appearance and your voice.You determine the specifics of the changes, including your coloration, hair length and sex. You can also change your height and weight, but not so much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, but none of your game statistics change. You can’t duplicate the appearance of a creature you’ve never seen, and you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs that you have. Your clothing and equipment aren’t changed by this trait. You stay in your new form until you use an action to revert to your new form or until you die. [b]Changeling Instincts:[/b] You gain proficiency with two of the following skills of your choice: Deception, Intimidation, Insight, and Persuasion. [u]Warlock[/u] [b]Pact magic:[/b] [b]Cantrips:[/b] You know two cantrips of your choice from the warlock spell list. You learn additional warlock cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Warlock table. [b]Spell Slots:[/b] The Warlock table shows how many spell slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your warlock spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest. [b]Spellcasting Focus:[/b] You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells. [b]Spell Versatility:[/b] Whenever you finish a long rest, you can replace one spell you learned from this Pact Magic feature with another spell from the warlock spell list. The new spell must be the same level as the spell you replace. [b]Eldritch Invocations:[/b] In your study of occult lore, you have unearthed eldritch invocations, fragments of forbidden knowledge that imbue you with an abiding magical ability. At 2nd level, you gain two eldritch invocations of your choice. When you gain certain warlock levels, you gain additional invocations of your choice, as shown in the Invocations Known column of the Warlock table. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the invocations you know and replace it with another invocation that you could learn at that level. A level prerequisite in an invocation refers to warlock level, not character level. [b]Book of Ancient Secrets:[/b] You can now inscribe magical rituals in your Book of Shadows. Choose two 1st-level spells that have the ritual tag from any class's spell list; these rituals needn’t be from the same spell list. The spells appear in the book and don't count against the number of spells you know. With your Book of Shadows in hand, you can cast the chosen spells as rituals. You can't cast the spells except as rituals, unless you've learned them by some other means. You can also cast a warlock spell you know as a ritual if it has the ritual tag. On your adventures, you can add other ritual spells to your Book of Shadows. When you find such a spell, you can add it to the book if the spell's level is equal to or less than half your warlock level (rounded up) and if you can spare the time to transcribe the spell. For each level of the spell, the transcription process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp for the rare inks needed to inscribe it. [b]Mask of Many Faces:[/b] You can cast Disguise Self at will, without expending a spell slot. [b]Pact of the Tome:[/b] Your patron gives you a grimoire called a Book of Shadows. When you gain this feature, choose three cantrips from any class's spell list. While the book is on your person, you can cast those cantrips at will. They are considered warlock spells for you, and they needn't be from the same spell list. They don't count against your number of cantrips known. If you lose your Book of Shadows, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous book. The book turns to ash when you die. [u]Raven Queen[/u] [b]Sentinel Raven:[/b] Starting at 1st level, you gain the service of a [s]spirit sent by the Raven Queen[/s] a homunculus sent by your patron to watch over you. The [s]spirit[/s] homunculus assumes the form and game statistics of a raven, and it always obeys your commands, which you can give telepathically while it is within 100 feet of you. While the [s]raven[/s] homunculus is perched on your shoulder, you gain darkvision with a range of 30 feet and a bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) score and to Wisdom (Perception) checks. The bonus equals your Charisma modifier. While perched on your shoulder, the [s]spirit[/s] homunculus can’t be targeted by any attack or other harmful effect; only you can cast spells on it; it can’t take damage; and it is incapacitated. You can see through the [s]spirit[/s] homunculus’s eyes and hear what it hears while it is within 100 feet of you. In combat, you roll initiative for the raven and control how it acts. If it is slain by a creature, you gain advantage on all attack rolls against the killer for the next 24 hours. The [s]spirit[/s] homunculus doesn’t require sleep. While it is within 100 feet of you, it can awaken you from sleep as a bonus action. The [s]spirit[/s] homunculus vanishes when it dies, if you die, or if the two of you are separated by more than 5 miles. At the end of a short or long rest, you can call the [s]spirit[/s] homunculus back to you—no matter where it is or whether it died—and it reappears within 5 feet of you. [u]Charlatan[/u] [b]False Identity:[/b] You have created a second identity that includes documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona. Additionally, you can forge documents including official papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or the handwriting you are trying to copy. [hr] [h2]Spells[/h2] Cantrips (at will): [i]Friends; Prestidigitation ; Ray of Frost (pact of the tome); Mending (pact of the tome); Minor Illusion (pact of the tome)[/i] 1st level (0): [i]Identify ([ritual],book of ancient secrets); Find Familiar([ritual],book of ancient secrets); Disguise Self (Mask of Many Faces); Charm Person[/i] 2nd Level (2): [i]Spiritual Weapon; Suggestion; Crown of Madness[/i] [hr] [center][h2]Personality[/h2] [b][u]Personality Traits[/u][/b] [b]Boot-Licker[/b]- I will sing praises, I will worship whatever you desire, I will eat grass if you serve it to me on a plate and call it gourmet cuisine, all to earn your favor. The only thing I will not do is harm others, as that would make it harder to get their favor in turn. [b]Dedicated[/b]- If I commit to doing something, I will do it without a fault. I shall persist in the face of failure, but of course will try to adapt and learn from my mistakes. If there is no way to fix my failure, then I shall find a way to atone. [b]Trickster[/b]- Trickery and subterfuge is my go-to solution to conflict. I don't mind playing dirty, and especially when confronted I will hide in a web of lies, hoping that if I just make it dense enough I can keep the danger away. Until then, keep a smile on your face, remain invisible, unless your role requires you do otherwise. [b]Collector[/b]- Albeit not excessively or compulsively, Nei likes to collect many different things, including scraps from magical research, torn book pages, old toys and various other things. She especially likes things that remind her of herself, or the opposite, which are adaptable to different roles she might come to wear. [b][u]Ideals[/u][/b] [b]Reliability[/b]- It is those you can count on who are really worth keeping around you. Nomatter what you do, if you can't at least live up to the expectations of those you deal with, then what's the point of you? And if you betray those you owe, then certainly you are the lowest kind of scum. [b]Lawless[/b]- The law is a trade and breaking it is an investment. You give up freedom for security, and you incur a risk to earn something when you lose that security. Neither one is more valid, but neither gets to complain about their choices either. [b]Affection[/b]- Bliss is to have people who truly care for you, who will be there for you nomatter what. If you want that happiness, you need to work for it, and if others give you a bit of it, you better show gratitude for such an act. [b][u]Bonds[/u][/b] [b]Lord[/b]- The only friend I ever had for long ever since I was a child, who stuck with me throughout my childhood. It seems other people can't hear him though, which is kind of weird, but he doesn't mind, he's a cool guy. He even casts spells for me! [b]Dain Fireforge[/b]- This kindly wizard is the dwarf that took me in after I was chased out of my hometown and even aided me in getting my own occupation. He also was my first real introduction to magic, and Lord's too. I really miss him, but I also understand I was such a bother to him back then that he probably doesn't want to see me again. Still, I'll show him what gratitude I can by at least taking the job he managed to find for me with all my heart! [b]The Little Hut[/b]- My own little home, earned by my own means (albeit with a little help), one of the few places where I feel safely being myself...if I even know who "I" am anymore. [b][u]Flaws[/u][/b] [b]Naiveté[/b]- My knowledge and understanding of other people is very limited and thus I’m easily tricked and have trouble understanding people truly, despite my efforts at researching the matter. [b]Shameless[/b]- For my ultimate goal of attaining affection for myself, no depth is too low. Whether it be committing crimes for someone or resorting to brainwashing, I will do whatever it takes to get people to like me. Because of my obsession, I can lose sight of where the boundaries are normally supposed to be around other people, and my sense of shame is next to non-existent. [b]Low Self-Esteem[/b]- I hold myself in very low regard, and thus don’t believe I am truly capable of doing great things on my own. Each failure only furthers how mentally dependent I am of others. [b]History[/b] Even disregarding Nei's pale appearance, the trauma was too much for Nei's mother embrace motherhood. She was a fickle, noble woman who fell for the charms of the first soft-spoken guy weighing less than their horse who put moves on her. She had, after all, been pampered all her life, how was this any different? But pregnancy was an arduous process, and birthing more painful than anything she could conceive of. Just the thought of keeping around the [i]creature[/i] that caused her so much pain was beyond her. With some coins to hire a nanny, Nei and her father were kicked out, lucky enough that their true species was not outted. Nei's father, however, while willing to raise the child out of a sense of guilt was never one for commitment. He left Nei to a competent nanny who was too well-known, and thus often times too busy looking after a herd of children to give special attention to any single one. Changelings age fast though, and as such Nei's father would soon come to stop leaving her in the care of a nanny, or anyone's for that matter. Despite his nature, her father was an honest and honorable person. He repaid favors, refused to outright lie and more often than not attempted to keep to the spirit of things. The person he was the most honest to was himself, thus he lived a life of hedonism as he pleased, but the second person he was most honest to was without a doubt Nei. Never once did he bother sugarcoating things for her, albeit he never attempted to be harsh either. He brought her food, he answered her questions, he tried teaching her a few things even. Always straight, always direct, always so distant. She didn't even know how to express it. Sometimes her father came back and was a she, and Nei was confused, but she didn't really know how to tell him, what was wrong exactly? During this time, her only friend was Lord, a stuffed dragon she received from her father, as even her trips out only resulted in her finding out how much her normal appearance weirded people out. One day, however, her father asked her to come with him after he came home. He had her infiltrate a birthday party, telling Nei strictly that nomatter what, they couldn’t find out she was a changeling while she was there. Albeit just barely, Nei was able to do as told, and her father congratulated her on proving she could be independent. Nei was so happy for the praise that she never realized what it actually meant, until she noticed her father was gone the next day. It seemed her outings had led to rumors spreading of a changeling being in town. As beings who can copy the appearance of others, changelings naturally cause suspicion and paranoia where they go, as anyone could be them. As a result of the tightening environment, her father had opted to leave as soon as he could have, for himself. some reassurance that Nei would be able to be on her own as a changeling. As any child in her position would, she immediately proceeded to attempt to find her father, futile though she, deep down, knew it was. She didn’t forget to wear a form as a disguise, but (fearing it might appear too odd to see someone suddenly and without reason running around frantically) she opted to shift shape periodically. This backfired, leading people to realize she was a changeling and pursuing her. Although she managed to get away, Nei had been chased out of her hometown. In her desperate escape attempt, Nei found herself in some manner of ruins, far from the town she originally came from. She took shelter in them, attempting to hide on the lower floors. To her surprise, however, the tunnels went deeper than she originally thought, and using her capabilities as a changeling, she followed her curiosity even through rubble and and traps, eventually finding a dimly lit hall with pools with some filthy green liquid, warm as a proper bowl of soup in the winter. That warmness seemed to spread through her body as she approached, not like a fire heating one up, but more a feeling of something welling up from within. Then, she began to feel a great pressure, and her veins seemed to expand. She tried to shapeshift, but even so the veins remained, she made her escape, feeling magic oozing out of her and her skin bubbling as though boiling. She was discovered by a kindly wizard dwarf, who helped ease her out of control magic. The dwarf took Nei in, under the condition that she took the form of a certain child in a portrait he showed her. Times were happy for a while, but over time the wizard closed themselves off more and more in their own chambers, even as Nei became more increasingly clingy. After they had a fight in which she was called a ‘pest’, in which Nei realized she had been a bother to the dwarf (albeit she was unable to understand why), he proposed she find some form of job. Nei, however, knew very little of the ways of the world, and so the dwarf aided her in finding a profession with some of his connections. What Nei sold was a dream, a lie, to those who wanted to deceive themselves or their families. She would take the role of an unfulfilled crush or of missing or even dead loved ones. She would stand-in for people who did menial work and on rare occasions go to a duel on someone’s behalf (and inevitably take a beating). While at such a job, she attempted to understand what could make people finally like having her around, but she soon learned not to reveal her true nature. She grew more and more desperate... Eventually, she moved out of the dwarf’s home and onto a small hut of her own, partially subsidized by her former caretaker. Once alone, the shame and fear of repercussion for more extreme methods of finding ‘friends’ was greatly lowered, and little by little, she began exploring paths for it, from medicine to (most recently) magic. She's furnished with little bits of a collection she began piling up, including some old basic magic tomes. Learning the "Prestidigitation" cantrip allowed her to convince many of her clients she was simply a wizard under an illusion, thus thwarting more panic due to her being a changeling. She was recently contacted by a local prodigal sorcerer who wished to hire her to go to a meeting at a certain tavern while taking her shape, and conducting whatever business the other party wanted in her stead. [/center] [hr] [h2]Equipment[/h2] [b]PP[/b] 0 [b]GP[/b] 12 [b]EP[/b] 0 [b]SP[/b] 10 [b]CP[/b] 50 -Dagger x2 -Disguise Kit -1 Con Tool: (sold) Set of Fine Clothes ----> 1 Costume, 1 Set of Traveller's Clothes, 3 Sets of Common Clothes, 1 Robe, 2 Sack, 1 Backpack -Lord, a stuffed dragon. -Leather Armor -1 Light Crossbow -20 Crossbow Bolts -1 Spear -Forged Documentation -3 days worth of rations *Scholar's Pack -Backpack -[i]Accidents and Curiosities of Western Faerûn, Vol 3[/i] (Book of Lore) -Bottle of Ink -Ink Pen -10 Sheets of Parchment -Little Bag of Sand -Small Knife [/hider] [hider=Using this as well] https://media.wizards.com/2019/dnd/downloads/UA-ClassFeatures.pdf [/hider]