[centre][h1][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200502/8a58ab15e9b594094eed99bd4fb41a88.png[/img][/h1][/centre] [hr] Felix sighed as he slumped into his den of books. The first lecture was little more than an introduction, further it looked like most of the stuff they'd be covering he had already gone over during the summer. Admittedly, it was always good to go over subjects multiple times, though it was clear the lectures wouldn't be the main centre of his learning. He was in the midst of reading some annoted texts of old French tales. He didn't know what it was but he always found a connection with the main character. As he sat there, delving into both the story and the culture that spawned it, he didn't notice some form of mist curling around him. What he did notice was the fact he was becoming drowsy. He never became drowsy, his brain kept firing full burst until he crashed. Thoughts began to speed through his mind, ranging from poison to kidnapping, to his brain finally entering its death throws as it could no longer deal with his abuse to it. Collapsing to the floor, he was quickly buried underneath his den. When he awoke, he was surrounded by this ethereal mist, blanketing the world in a shroud of shadows. Gripping his head, which currently had a few bruises from the falling books, he looked around. [color=f7941d]"Merde, it's the Otherworld..."[/color]