[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200719/ab6cd76008fa38a0b0ff422ad4f5ddee.png[/img][/center] [center] Duskwing placed the snake and vole onto the fresh kill pile, she felt a small flash of pride at the amount of prey they were able to collect, especially during leafbare. She turned and headed towards the medicine den to check on both Sunfur and Moosepaw. Sticking her head through the entrance she saw the two other members of her patrol as well as Blackpelt. [color=f26522]"Everything alright? The injuries weren't too severe I hope,"[/color] she meowed while looking around the medicine den. She never really could get a grasp on what all of those plants were used for, but Blackpelt seemed to have little trouble remembering what he needed. She turned her attention towards Moosepaw [color=f26522]"How's the paw? Think you'll be ready for battle training soon?"[/color] looking towards the leaves that were wrapped around the swollen paw. [color=f26522]"Good work bringing the prey back as well."[/color][/center]