[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wlbvsZr.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/dce2ff3c46523489c67d05405641b140/tumblr_inline_p8ewjuXvb41tzag27_250.gifv[/img] [sub][i]Featuring: [url=https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/tP6gZCS9O20PTMjiK-BE3X95K5w/525x248:2248x1971/fit-in/2048xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2020/02/14/813/n/1922398/227d5ded5e46e787693d66.86238139_/i/Blake-Lively.jpg]Mary Reynolds[/url], History Teacher[/i][/sub] [hr][hr][/center][color=lightgray][indent]Charlie was situated in the cafeteria, with what appeared to be a smoothie and notebook in front of him as he glanced over what the notebook had. It was something about second derivatives. He missed the days where math didn't have letters involved. He really did miss those days where the biggest thing in the classroom was seeing whether or not someone could fill out the sheet of multiplication in less than a minute. But now he had to figure out how the hell to derive this mess of numbers, squiggles, and letters and make sure he wasn't going to flunk this upcoming test. Charlie wasn't one to resent people, but he was as close to resenting Isaac Newton as he physically could've. Who knew math could be so painful? Charlie was deep in the zone, inching closer toward enlightenment and figuring out just what exactly this equation was doing and what he had to do to figure out its second derivative. It was some serious, high octane studying going on. A shadow then cast over Charlie, followed by the sensation of weight being added onto the table he was sitting on. The discrepancy in his environment had caused him to snap out of the zone. Looking up to see who exactly had disturbed his studying, it turned out to be a familiar face. Ms. Reynolds, also known as the lady who told him that many many years ago, Julius Caesar was stabbed twenty three times. It was, unfortunately, one of the few things he could actually remember from that class. [color=73c2fb][b]"Oh, hey Ms. Reynolds. What's up?"[/b][/color] Charlie asked, taking a sip out of his strawberry smoothie. [color=90EE90][b]"Ah, nothing. Just coming to see how you guys are doing -- and see how you guys liked the festivities."[/b][/color] Charlie shrugged, before closing his notebook and looking up at Ms. Reynolds. [color=73c2fb][b]"It was alright. I guess it was a good way to get us to work together. It was a nice change of pace. I'd rather go on a scavenger hunt than sit in class all day, that's for sure."[/b][/color] As menial and odd as some of the tasks were, he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy himself at least a little bit. He'd certainly do it again if it meant that he didn't have to go to class. [color=90EE90][b]"Yeah, that sounds about right."[/b][/color] Mary chuckled, before scribbling something down on a notepad in front of her, [color=90EE90][b]"How'd you like working with your teammates?"[/b][/color] Mary inquired. [color=73c2fb][b]"My team? Well, they were alright. They did what they were supposed to and I can't really complain about them."[/b][/color] Charlie shrugged, before he leaned forward as if he'd remembered something. [color=73c2fb][b]"Although, it did feel really awkward at times. It's pretty hard to describe, but- uh, it felt like my teammates absolutely hated each other. There was this one time where Billie threw the egg super hard at Erica. I don't know what the history is between those two, but that wasn't a friendly throw."[/b][/color] Charlie, admittedly, didn't know Erica and Billie very well, but it didn't take a genius to know that there was some sort of tension between the two. Even Ray Charles could've seen that coming. [color=90EE90][b]"Really now? Well, that's interesting. But you guys did work well together otherwise, right? From what I've seen, seems like you guys didn't finish very high up."[/b][/color] Mary continued to write things down, her interest in Charlie's account of things growing with every word that came out of his mouth. [color=73c2fb][b]"Yeah, surprisingly. We got our stuff done quickly outside of the egg incident. They did their jobs. Maybe if they didn't have whatever it was between them we could've done a bit better, but since we finished I'm not really one to complain or say much."[/b][/color] Charlie was really curious as to what happened between Erica and Billie, but he wasn't particularly close with either of them to the point where he could just ask. Maybe Tyler or Hana knew, but as it was right now, he was in the dark, and he didn't have much of a problem with it. [color=90EE90][b]"Mhmm. If you had to do this all over again, would you want to be in the same group?"[/b][/color] Mary asked, continuing to write things down on her pad. This was a rather tough question. Charlie didn't have a problem with either Billie or Erica, but those two definitely did. He took a long sip of his smoothie, before clearing his throat and formulating his answer in a way that would be clear but also not overly rude and potentially inflammatory. He thought for a few more seconds again, before finally figuring out what he wanted to say. [color=73c2fb][b]"Honestly, no. Not really. They're nice, but I just don't think I want to deal with their beef."[/b][/color] Mary nodded intently, before she looked down at her notepad once again. [color=90EE90][b]"I think that's all for now, Charles."[/b][/color] Mary smiled, [color=90EE90][b]"Thanks for cooperating."[/b][/color] The lady stood up and grabbed her things, as Charles nodded. [color=73c2fb][b]"Yeah, see you around, Ms. Reynolds."[/b][/color] He waved, before watching her walk off. Charlie went back to studying, trying to wrap his mind over this stupid mess of squiggles, numbers, and letters. [/indent][/color]