[center][h2][b]Jedi Grand Master Yarasi Gavarr[/b][/h2] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ff03e10d-3852-474b-906e-396dc04e027f/de1qqc0-cbf984f9-b19d-4854-9201-561502846bb6.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZmYwM2UxMGQtMzg1Mi00NzRiLTkwNmUtMzk2ZGMwNGUwMjdmXC9kZTFxcWMwLWNiZjk4NGY5LWIxOWQtNDg1NC05MjAxLTU2MTUwMjg0NmJiNi5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.CTbf1cwx6pPKuxTJyyhq6eIGJQ8CVmtSuMwYQOqtR6M[/img] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/2d892bbd-f46b-4650-b52f-6ff80f3c686d/d3ifmo6-8ab863d4-b6c1-4954-aafa-d4d22f6e9d06.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_720,q_75,strp/jedi_consular__sage___seer__by_dreamnoir_d3ifmo6-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMmQ4OTJiYmQtZjQ2Yi00NjUwLWI1MmYtNmZmODBmM2M2ODZkXC9kM2lmbW82LThhYjg2M2Q0LWI2YzEtNDk1NC1hYWZhLWQ0ZDIyZjZlOWQwNi5qcGciLCJoZWlnaHQiOiI8PTcyMCIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD05MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uud2F0ZXJtYXJrIl0sIndtayI6eyJwYXRoIjoiXC93bVwvMmQ4OTJiYmQtZjQ2Yi00NjUwLWI1MmYtNmZmODBmM2M2ODZkXC9kcmVhbW5vaXItNC5wbmciLCJvcGFjaXR5Ijo5NSwicHJvcG9ydGlvbnMiOjAuNDUsImdyYXZpdHkiOiJjZW50ZXIifX0._suBFbKPLa8atOhireEpO1-yTag5FmRWgnC1kJEUHZs[/img][/center] [hider=Biological and Psychological Information] [b]Species:[/b] [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Miraluka/Legends]Miraluka[/url] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Homeworld:[/b] [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Dantooine/Legends]Dantooine[/url] [b]Appearance:[/b] Master Gavarr stands 5'7" tall and weighs in at 126 lbs. Lean and tall, she carries herself with poise and has a sort of serene grace about her. As a Miraluka, she has no eyes, and keeps the upper half of her face covered with a green veil. Like many Jedi, she adorns herself in robes of earthen colors, though hers also contain some flairs of forest green as well. The trim of her robes is embroidered with Aurebesh characters, details that seem almost out of place when considering that she is incapable of actually reading them. [b]Personality:[/b] A gentle being, Master Gavarr rarely draws her lightsaber, preferring instead to resolve conflicts with diplomacy and use of the Force to avoid violence. She exudes a calm that is nearly contagious for her allies, but practically infuriating for her foes. No one has ever seen her lose her temper, and many fear that should she truly be angered, the results could be catastrophic. She is quite laid back, and while the Jedi Code technically forbids love, she has turned a blind eye to those who have forged romantic relationships within her Order, as, in her eyes, it is better to love than to hate, and love could potentially strengthen those bound by it.[/hider] [hider=Abilities and Inventory] [b]Force Powers:[/b] As a Miraluka, Yarasi has an innate connection to the Force, born with the ability to "see" through the Living Force. However, in her earlier years, she was less proficient with this ability than others of her age. With time and dedication, it developed into a much greater power. Now, her Force Sight is on a much greater level than in her youth, enough that she is aware of all beings connected to the Force within the span of a single star system, even passively. On top of her innate Force Sight and the many Force Powers expected of any Jedi Master, Master Gavarr is proficient with some abilities that others have rarely seen. Among her most notable tools are her abilities in [i][url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tutaminis]Tutaminis[/url][/i] and [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Force_cloak]Force Cloak[/url]. However, even above these, she is noted for her abilities in the uncommon power of [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Morichro/Legends]Morichro[/url]. Above anything, she prefers to use this power to send her opponents into a trance-like sleep in an attempt to keep all parties from harm. [b]Lightsaber Forms:[/b] Although she has ascended to the rank of Jedi Grand Master, lightsaber combat is one area of her training that Yarasi has always struggled at. Beyond the basic training of [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Form_I/Legends]Form I[/url] that all Jedi receive at the level of Initiate, she has studied immensely in the field of [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Form_VI/Legends]Form VI: Niman[/url]. As the Moderation Form, Niman is focused on balance above all else, and while still a difficult form to master, its inherent lack of weaknesses plays well to Master Gavarr's Force abilities. However, on its own, it also lacks inherent strengths. As a result, for it to be truly effective, Gavarr must use a great deal of Force power to enhance her saber combat. While typically viewed as a Sith tactic, Gavarr has used some degree of [url=https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Dun_M%C3%B6ch]Dun Möch[/url], but not in the typical sense of jeers and lies or other verbal attacks. Instead, she uses the Force to create illusions and tricks to throw more talented fencers off guard and undermine their willpower, thus granting her the upper hand. Given the choice, though, Grand Master Gavarr would prefer to keep her lightsaber perfectly inactive. [b]Equipment:[/b] Yarasi carries only the robes she wears and her lightsaber with her. The saber itself is plated with bronzium, and possessed a viridian-colored Adegan Kyber Crystal she obtained from a crystal cave on Ossus. [b]Companions:[/b] Yarasi is in posession of a third-degree Protocol/Archive Droid with the designation Z1-B0. Z1 has been programmed to be able to pilot Republic starships, and usually ferries Yarasi where she needs to go, as she cannot see to pilot herself. [b]Starship:[/b] The [i]Prominence[/i], an Alderaan Royal Engineering [i]Starblossom[/i]-class Starship gifted to her by the Alderaanian Senators after her service to the planet.[/hider] [hider=Biography] [b]Early Life[/b] Born on Dantooine to a Miraluka father and human mother, Yarasi knew little of her parents before she was taken in by the Jedi at only 4 years old. She trained as an Initiate on Coruscant, and while her innate Force Sight was stronger than many of her other peers at the beginning, it was weaker than other Miraluka. And for a while, it was the only way she knew to draw upon the Force. During her Initiate training, it was hypothesized by the Masters that she would be one of few Miraluka to ever flunk her Initiate Trials and become a member of the Jedi Service Corps. Yet she persevered, training constantly, even when not in her lessons, and frequently skipping meals just to train. Even up until the night before her Initiate Trials, Yarasi struggled. It took a great deal of willpower for her to even nudge a small rock with the Force. Yet, that night, an older Arcona Jedi named Oculahd saw her dedication to her training and assisted her. "I see that you look to utilize the Force by commanding it," he told her. "That is why it resists you. Instead, try letting it bend you. Feel it flow within your blood, within the ground, within the air around you, and within the roar of the city. Do not use your physical senses, but the Force. Open yourself to that flow, and call upon it for aid. Only then will you be able to utilize it to its fullest." "I . . . I suppose I can try," she muttered. It was then that the elder Jedi uttered a line that many Jedi Masters would repeat for millennia. "Do . . . or do not. There is no, 'try'." "Right," she said, and turned toward the three rocks laid out before her, each roughly the size of her own torso. She listened, but not with her ears. She felt, but not with her hands. And she saw Coruscant with more clarity than she had before. She outstretched her hands, and the first rock was lifted off the ground. First, only an inch, then a few more. It raised up to a foot above the ground before it quivered and fell back down. Yarasi doubled over in exhaustion, panting. "Good," Oculahd said. "Now do it again." "I am not ready yet," she replied. "Do not rely on yourself to accomplish this task," the Arcona instructed. "Rely on the Force. Let it sustain you; let it strengthen you." And so she listened to his words, and followed his instruction. She attempted the same task again and again, eventually lifting the second rock along with the first, and finally the third. The task tired her both physically and mentally, but she did not complain. Then, she moved the rocks. Had them circle her before returning to their positions. Again, and again, and again. This process must have gone well into the night, and at last, she collapsed to her knees. "You have made great strides this night, young one," the Jedi praised her. "Now go, rest. But do not sleep as you would normally do. Tonight, meditate. Let the Force replenish your energy and fill you. Do this, and you will grow even more." "Thank you, Master Oculahd," she said before returning to her quarters for the night. The next day, she took her Initiate Trials before the Jedi Council. Yet, they did not deem her worthy for the rank of Padawan. With a feeling of defeat, she began to leave the trial site, but was stopped once again by Master Oculahd. "Masters," he stated with vigor. "I would like to take young Yarasi as my Padawan." With reluctance, the Council agreed. And thus Yarasi began the Padawan stage of her training. [b]Apprenticeship[/b] Master Oculahd was a quite stern teacher, but he was wise and knowledgeable. He trained Yarasi in proper use of a lightsaber, and when she had difficulty learning to utilize forms like Soresu and Ataru beyond their most basic elements, he decided to aid her in learning Niman, incorporating those elements into a more solidified form. Again, she struggled, but made more solid progress. Her affinity to the Force blossomed under Master Oculahd. With his guidance, she learned to see much more clearly through the Force, and her powers became much more profound. He guided her from being a stubborn child into being a much more patient young adult. Her compassion for life developed naturally as she became more aware of the life that surrounded her. And as her training neared its end, a fire broke out in one of Coruscant's Residential Zones. Hundreds of people had been trapped, and Yarasi and her Master were among those assigned to assist in rescuing the endangered citizens. One thing Oculahd taught her was that fire and the Force do not mix well together. The Force is the embodiment of balance, while fire is chaotic and not easily controlled by the forces of balance. Now she was experiencing this teaching first-hand. While she could use the Force to protect herself from burns and smoke inhalation, she could not bend it away from others. She simply had to be faster than the blaze. Together, she and Oculahd rescued dozens of citizens, her Force Sight proving invaluable in locating people, but the end of this mission was not to go well. Eventually, they came across a family huddled in a small room, trapped by the flames, and losing breathable air quickly. The youngest daughter of the family was hysterical, and nothing the Jedi did could calm her down. And as the flames grew increasingly hotter, the building began to collapse around them. Oculahd raised his hands, and the debris stopped its fall, floating above them. As the child refused to calm down, Yarasi reached out through the Force, and the child fell asleep almost instantly. Then, using what strength she had left, she remembered that some Jedi, when underwater, were capable of producing a bubble of breathable air. She again used the Force, this time to create such a bubble to protect herself and this family, and carried the child out. As they reached the Jedi Healers beyond the flames, the girl awoke, and Yarasi felt something break. A bond had been severed. Another life had succumbed to the flames, and she knew which one it had been. Oculahd had perished trying to save this family; trying to protect her. With all she had within her, she screamed for her Master. She collapsed, sobbing; had her anatomy allowed it, tears would have been streaming down her cheeks. There was no body to recover; all that was left of the Master was ash, yet the Order held a funeral in his honor. Yarasi grieved still, but remained silent the whole time. In the coming days, there had been talk as to whether she should be given another Master, or if she was ready to become a Knight. While she fought through her loss, Yarasi resumed her studies, and visited the Jedi Archives to learn more about the power she had used on the young girl. Her discoveries told her that the power was known as [i]Morichro[/i], a rare power, even among the Jedi, that could only be produced from a calm practitioner who held no malice in their heart. As she studied, the Council summoned her, and she was informed that she would be completing the final portion of her trials; aiding in the firefight had proven her worth enough to be considered the Jedi Trials. She was to travel to Ossus and find a lightsaber crystal there. Once the crystal was received, she was to construct a lightsaber from whatever parts she could obtain on-world. [b]The Jedi Trials[/b] She was dropped off by a shuttle in the middle of the Ossus wilderness. No tools, no companions, only the Force. the shuttle was to return to the nearby Jedi Temple, where she was to return once she had crafted her saber. The first thing she had noticed was that the forest was teeming with life. To identify one of the caves amidst it all would be a challenge for her. She took a few moments to meditate, focusing on various areas through the Force. Not far from her was some old starship wreckage; she could tell by the creatures of the area interacting with something not as connected to the force, which once had an energy signature, but that has since died away. A good starting place when looking for supplies and crafting materials. Then there was a small pond in the other direction, given away by the aquatic life that seemed to swarm around it, and the microscopic organisms that floated within. But her primary target was a cave. Yarasi reached deep inside the planet with the Force, and felt for pockets of Force energy. These crystals were supposed to be deeply connected to the Force, after all. She used to be able to sense the energy that her Master's saber crystal had. Cool and stern, much like him. Then, she felt it. Not just any crystal, but one that seemed to be calling for [i]her[/i]. The path was laid out before her, and she began to make her way first to the wreckage she had sensed. However, she was only a few steps away from her meditation spot when she sensed something following her. Not with ill intent, but curiosity. Come to think of it, this same creature had been watching her from the trees as she had meditated. She turned toward it, but before it scurried away, she called out to it, "It's okay, little gokob. I'm not here to harm you." The creature stopped and curiously sniffed in her direction. "I could use the company right now, little one," she coaxed. "Would you mind guiding me?" The creature consented, and together they made their way to the wreckage. It was there that Yarasi obtained not only a few pieces of metal, both durasteel and bronzium, that would suffice for the casing of her lightsaber, but the energy cell that would serve as the saber's power source. They also made their way to the pond, where Yarasi drank the somewhat bitter, yet refreshing water, and found a small pearl that would make for a unique focusing lens. At last, they made their way to the cave, and while her small companion was willing to travel to the mouth of the cave, it would go no further, trembling with fear. Yarasi thought she understood why: she could sense kinraths within the cave, poisonous insectoid creatures known for being territorial. "It's alright. You've done well to take me this far. Thank you." And with her thanks, the rodent scampered away. Using the Force to hide herself from the Kinraths, Yarasi delved into the cave. She made it to the crystal she was looking for without much issue. And as she reached out and touched it, she found it to be rather brittle. She broke away a small piece of the crystal, and as she let down her concealment, she began to use the Force to assemble her lightsaber, giving exceptional care to the smaller details. As she worked, the kinrath seemed to watch with awe; incredibly, they did not attack. But when she finished, they all shrank back as a terribly growling filled the air. A creature that had managed to conceal its presence from her was now in the same chamber as her, and it was looking to feed, but not only on flesh. She was sharing the cave with a terentatek, a horrible beast that hunts Jedi and consumes them for their Force affinity. Luckily, it did not attack outright, instead eyeing its prey, perhaps planning to toy with her before tearing her apart. Regardless, she had no desire to stick around and find out. She first tried to use [i]Morichro[/i] to lull it to sleep, but it resisted her attempts. Then, she tried concealing herself as she had done to get past the kinrath, but its gaze still followed her, and at last, it lashed out against her when she moved toward the exit. She narrowly avoided its claws, and it tore a notch in the hem of her robe. [i]A bit too close,[/i] she thought. She didn't like the idea of using her lightsaber to kill a creature, but it wasn't likely that she would have a choice. She clicked her new saber on for the first time, the [i]snap-hiss[/i] echoing through the cave as the blade hummed to life. She had to play this smart. Terentatek were supposed to have hides capable of resisting lightsabers, weren't they? It would at least give her a fighting chance. This time, it was her turn to lunge, but at the last moment, as the creature's huge claw swooped in to meet her, she wheeled away, striking at its side instead of its front. The monster's reflexes were quick, though, and a massive clawed hand blocked the attack. As its other talons grasped at her, she jumped above them, and kicked off the terentatek's skull. It reeled backward as she regained her ground. Already, she could tell it was no longer blocking the exit as effectively as before. If she could get it to move, maybe neither of them would have to lose their lives. Knowing it was resistant to direct use of the Force, she had to be clever, and getting in close quarters would be too dangerous for her. Instead, she deactivated her saber and used the Force to life pieces of rock and debris, hurling them at the beast in an attempt to shove it aside. The barrage was too much for the monster to defend against, and it retreated, inch by inch. At last, she had her opening, and bolted for the exit. But the creature was still too close. It grasped at her ankle, and pulled her closer to devour her. With one claw around her leg, and the other around her waist, Yarasi could feel the tension of it pulling her leg with the intent of dismembering her. Its maw spread wide prematurely, and she took her chance. She hurled one more rock at it, and lodged the stone in its gullet. The terentatek stopped pulling at her, but it held onto her and began flailing as it choked. She ignited her saber and slashed at its resilient face. It didn't help the thrashing, but eventually, she found purchase in what she needed. The blade caught in the monster's eye, and Yarasi pushed as hard as she could. And as the entire glowing blade disappeared within the beast's skull, it finally stopped thrashing. After prying its talons from around her, Yarasi stood and apologized, "I wish it didn't have to end this way." She then limped her way to the Jedi Temple, where she was gifted the rank of Jedi Knight. [b]Ascension to Grand Master[/b] After becoming a Knight, Yarasi took on an apprentice of her own, who also successfully passed the Jedi Trials and went on to become a Knight. Most of her time in knighthood went without major incident; she devoted much time to furthering her studies, during which time she befriended one of the Temple's archive droids, Z1-B0. However, there came an assignment from the Council soon enough, one that saw her travel to Alderaan. Upon arriving, she was briefed further on the mission. A group of radicals had imprisoned a Senator and his family in one of the spires of the capital. They were demanding a ransom for the release of their prisoners. But Yarasi formulated a plan quickly enough. Using the ventilation system, she was able to sneak into the room, and without drawing her lightsaber, disarmed the criminals of their blasters. When they charged her with vibroknives, she used her [i]Morichro[/i] technique to cause them to sleep. No one suffered injuries that day, and she was granted a ship as a gift, the [i]Prominence[/i] which she was informed she was not allowed to refuse. And true to their word, despite her protests, the ship had arrived less than an hour after her return to Coruscant. After a handful of further, similar incidents of successfully disarming major criminals without need of violence, or even use of a lightsaber, Yarasi was granted the rank of Master, as well as a seat on the Jedi High Council. At this time, the Council was without a Grand Master or even a Master of the Order. So when the Hapes Consortium began attempts to secede from the Republic, Master Gavarr was one of the first to volunteer to speak with them. Despite them turning her away, and even turning toward her with violence on occasion, she never raised her blade. And due to her leadership in dealing with the Consortium, she has recently been granted the rank of Jedi Grand Master. Ironically, some of the same people who had elected that she would be placed on the Jedi Service Corps years ago during her Initiate Trials were now unanimously voting her in as Grand Master.[/hider] [hider=Z1-B0] [center][img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/016/968/871/large/nico-fari-idlebg.jpg?1554156676[/img][/center] Constructed over 200 years ago as a third-degree Archive Droid in the Coruscant Jedi Temple, Z1-B0 contains a great amount of information pertaining to planets and alien languages. For the majority of his existence, Z1's existence has been a mundane one. Students have come and gone, none ever caring. Routine memory wipes administered by the Librarians from over the years have kept him from remembering most of them. But one companion has become the closest thing to a friend that Z1 has had: Yarasi Gavarr. She was known to spend a great deal of time studying in the archives, and would often come to Z1 with any question she has had. After obtaining the [i]Prominence[/i] from Alderaan, Yarasi was in need of a pilot for the ship. Her request, that it be the droid that had taught her so thoroughly about the stars. That wish was granted, and Z1 has piloted the [i]Prominence[/i] for her on a number of missions since. When not piloting, Z1 can typically be found still helping students within the Jedi Archives. [b]Various Aliases:[/b] Z1-B0, Z1, Zebo, Zee[/hider] [hider=The Prominence] [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ab940dbf-6b1c-43d5-9e49-aa8736340b2d/dcwnxj9-79075dfc-c0d4-406d-bb3c-5ee8bc2f9901.jpg/v1/fill/w_1920,h_1038,q_75,strp/star_wars_alderaan_royal_engineers_starblossom_by_adamkop_dcwnxj9-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xMDM4IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYWI5NDBkYmYtNmIxYy00M2Q1LTllNDktYWE4NzM2MzQwYjJkXC9kY3dueGo5LTc5MDc1ZGZjLWMwZDQtNDA2ZC1iYjNjLTVlZThiYzJmOTkwMS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTkyMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.UVpBkHk0staMdJRJVVqH05BT94vRF4n1lADCLPi85Ys[/img] [b]The [i]Prominence[/i][/b][/center] [b]Model:[/b] Alderaan Royal Engineering [i]Starblossom[/i]-class Starship [b]Class:[/b] Star Yacht [b]Crew:[/b] 1 Pilot, Navigator or Gunner optional [b]Passengers:[/b] 3 [b]Cargo:[/b] Not a designated cargo ship [b]Consumables:[/b] 1 Week [b]Armament:[/b] Sensor Jamming System; Top-Mounted Laser Cannons (2) [b]Shielding:[/b] Military-Grade Shielding [b]Hyperdrive:[/b] Class 1.2 [b]Description:[/b] Designed for transporting Alderaanian dignitaries, the [i]Starblossom[/i]-class is made with practicality, comfort, and aestheticism in mind. It has a sleek, chromium design on the outside, with a smooth, white interior. The top-mounted lasers are retractable, typically stowed beneath a panel above the cockpit. The [i]Prominence[/i] has decals of the Jedi Order's insignia on each engine.[/hider]