[quote=@Dolerman] Do you not think they do the same thing with AC (and Watchdogs)? [/quote] I think you can draw similarities between pretty much any given open world game, Ubisoft or otherwise, but ever since Far Cry 3 the focus has been on the eccentric villain while the tone has whipped back and forth with no regard for consistency. Having to spend the early parts of Far Cry shooting animals so you can carry more than a rock and a flower is asinine. Assassin's Creed has at least attempted to add something new with every entry - whether or not that's been successful is up to the individual - and with Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla they are fundamentally different games than everything that came before. They offer different experiences from each other but similar within the context of their own franchises. Far Cry 3 was a pretty different sort of experience from Far Cry 2 but 4, Primal, 5, New Dawn, and even probably 6 have all just been cut from the cloth of 3. Assassin's Creed Origins and Odyssey share the name but at this point they're far removed from everything else that they might as well be called new games. Yeah, you climb things in both but climbing things is as much a part of Assassin's Creed as it is, like, Uncharted. Watch Dogs hasn't had as many entries but it's already got an identity problem but other than the fact that it, too, is an open world I wouldn't say the philosophy behind it is the same as Far Cry which have all felt the same since 3 down to the focus being on the villain over anything else.