Waiting in anticipation Iris watched to where she thought the door was, heart still hammering away as she waited for Cas. Although it was dark there was a faint light so she knew she wouldn’t fall over herself or crash into something at least. Fiddling with her fingers she watched the door as she waited, mind running wild as she thought about the few minutes, they could spend with each other. It made her cheeks heat up at the ideas, but she couldn’t wait to hold him, to touch him and kiss him as it had been a week without seeing him so it was hard to not be excited. [color=f49ac2][i]Hopefully they don’t get too suspicious, I can’t say that I’m not enjoying the element of danger[/i][/color]. Thinking to herself as she waited, feeling like it was taking so long for him to join her in the bathroom. [color=f49ac2][i]I hope one of the boys doesn’t forget and walk in here, that would be awkward[/i][/color]. Especially if it was Miles. Biting her lip as she watched the door intently feeling a little anxious as her thoughts whirled around in her head. Brushing down the dark red fabric that adorned her skin she then found herself fiddling with her hair as if she had to make herself look presentable, not that it would matter too much seeing as it wasn’t bright enough for him to see strands of hair askew. Brushing out the creases distracted her for a split second, waiting for him to finally come through the door and as she heard it open, she couldn’t help but beam. It had to be Cas; she was certain it was him as she narrowed her eyes looking at the silhouette that turned to the door locking it as she heard the faint click. It was a smart move because it meant no one could just walk in on them with whatever they were doing. Iris could feel her pink tinged cheeks as Iris glanced up to Cas holding her breath as he inched closer to her, this was the first time in what seemed like forever they were alone, and no one could disturb them now. Iris could finally enjoy a moment of peace with him like she had wanted for a while as between the rebellion and then coming to the capital and being separated like they had. It was excitement and she couldn’t wait. Unable to stop the gasp that left her lips as she felt her back hit against the cold bathroom wall, heart racing as she felt his lips against hers and she wrapped her arms around him her fingers entangling in his hair as she kissed him. Savouring the feel of his lips against hers as she kissed him with passion, one hand of hers playing with the locks of his hair as her other hand trailed down his arm just enjoying the fact she could touch him and that they were able to spend these few moments together. The boys wouldn’t miss them, they probably wouldn’t notice because they were too busy being out of their minds.