[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/cool-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200408/4c1b92160c3b3976dc26b9f3d0604256.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6d6Oc8t.jpg[/img] [sub][color=slategray]Featuring: Dr. Helena Larkin Location: Library[/color][/sub][/center] [hr][hr] The library was usually a sparsely populated area of San Agustin, and today was no different. Erica was seated at a round, wood table, a stack of books resting in front of her as she dragged a neon yellow highlighter across her notes. Her hair was still damp from her recent shower, and she’d traded her athleisure wear from this morning for a t-shirt and leggings, perfect studying attire. The scavenger hunt didn’t mean she had any less studying to do. If anything, she had more. The doors to the library swung open, but Erica didn’t look up until she heard one of the chairs at her table slide out. Her eyes landed on Dr. Larkin, the chemistry teacher whom Erica thought could be making a lot more money working in a lab. Dr. Larkin, clad in her usual business casual clothes, offered up a warm smile as Erica closed her notebook. [color=ffcc00][b]“Can I help you, Dr. Larkin?”[/b][/color] [color=slategray][b]“That depends. Can you answer a couple questions for me?”[/b][/color] Dr. Larkin replied, opening her own notebook and clicking a pen into a ready position. Erica glanced at the watch around her wrist, where the seconds ticked away. [color=ffcc00][b]“I have another hour left before I can go to dinner, and I need to have all this stuff down for my quiz tomorrow. You’ve got ten minutes.”[/b][/color] [color=slategray][b]“Well, thanks for penciling me in,”[/b][/color] Larkin said, grinning despite Erica’s icy demeanor. She admired the girl, to a certain extent. She was determined, and resilient, hacking away at textbooks while her peers were doing anything other than homework. Much like herself at that age. [color=slategray][b]“First question, how did you like the scavenger hunt?”[/b][/color] Erica scoffed. [color=ffcc00][b]“I would’ve rather been in class. I got egg all over my favorite running shoes, and we didn’t even win,”[/b][/color] she said, crossing her arms as if to fully exhibit her discontent. [color=slategray][b]“So I take it you’d feel better about the entire event if you would’ve won?”[/b][/color] [color=ffcc00][b]“I’m just saying, it would’ve made working with Billie, worth it.”[/b][/color] Dr. Larkin scribbled something in her notebook, before glancing back up at Erica, an inquisitive glint in her eye. Erica thought that she looked almost like a cat, watching it’s prey. The mental comparison made her uneasy, and she fidgeted ever so slightly under Dr. Larkin’s watchful eyes. [color=slategray][b]“Would you say you’re adjusting well here at San Agustin?”[/b][/color] Dr. Larkin pressed on with her questioning. [color=slategray][b]“You’re exceeding expectations in all your classes, but what about your social life?”[/b][/color] [color=ffcc00][b]“Why is it important to know if I have friends?”[/b][/color] Erica asked, cocking an eyebrow in a quiet sort of defiance. [color=slategray][b]“Well, this can be a difficult adjustment period for some students. Being away from home for the first time, it’s important that you have a support system.”[/b][/color] Dr. Larkin smiled, and Erica relaxed. She didn’t know why she’d gotten so defensive. [color=ffcc00][b]“Well, I’m doing fine in the friends department. As long as they don’t kill each other over some stupid boy,”[/b][/color] Erica said, rolling her eyes at the thought of the cold war that had begun on Monday. [color=ffcc00][b]“I mean, honestly, don’t we all have more important things to worry about boys?”[/b][/color] [color=slategray][b]“I’m guessing that means you don’t have anyone you’ve been keeping an eye on?”[/b][/color] Erica’s thoughts went to Dwayne and then to Sam, but when she opened her mouth, she made no mention of them. [color=ffcc00][b]“Are there any boys here who happen to be on the Harvard admissions board?”[/b][/color] [color=slategray][b]“No, not that I know of.”[/b][/color] [color=ffcc00][b]“Then no, there’s no one who’s caught my eye.”[/b][/color] Erica grinned, and Dr. Larkin laughed. [color=slategray][b]“You’re a smart girl, Erica.”[/b][/color] Just not smart enough. [color=ffcc00][b]“Well, I try,”[/b][/color] Erica said, gesturing to the stack of books next to her. She glanced down at her watch and then back at Dr. Larkin. [color=ffcc00][b]“Time’s up.”[/b][/color] Larkin grinned and closed her notebook, standing up as she did. [color=ffcc00][b]“Thank you for humoring me. I’ll see you in class,”[/b][/color] she said, before turning and walking out of the building, her white lab coat trailing behind her.