Hi [@Sep], Here it is! Let me know this there is anything you need adjusted, changed, or clarified. [hider=Kyouna] [center][img]https://em.wattpad.com/f7393c78435d6bf09d3b73d1fa69c7cf8ff8b516/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f6d30694a5742524b376d664155413d3d2d3836393335353738382e313630626536336339356235643635633633393537333431343638382e6a7067?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200719/4326205c8e7762a6f4cb67454c0e9a4b.png[/img] [sub]'To change yourself means to change the future'[/sub][/center] [hr] [color=4EDDCF][b]Character Age:[/b][/color] 24 [color=4EDDCF][b]Character Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=4EDDCF][b]Character Race:[/b] [/color] Northern Water Tribe [color=4EDDCF][b]Bending:[/b] [/color] Kyouna can indeed bend water. Would she call herself a Waterbender? No, not really. This is mostly due to the fact that her most proficient form of bending is healing. The reason for this is that the Northern Water Tribe focuses their attention on the male population and leaves the woman only to know healing. Everything she has learned bending wise has taken her longer and been done alone for the most part. She spent some time in the Southern Water Tribe, hoping to learn but they were so spread out and the small cities she managed to visit were lacking benders which made her journey not as helpful as she had hoped. They gave her some of the basic moves but the rest was up to her. This means not all her bending is the graceful fluid form of movement as she has had to adapt to using other styles of bending as examples to jerry rig to her own bending. Needless to say, it isn’t the best way to go but what can you do? She does hope to one day find someone willing to really properly train her. [color=4EDDCF][b]Skills:[/b] [/color] [list][*][b]Making Tea: [/b]She doesn't own a tea shop for nothing. Time, effort, love, and soul goes into making her special blends as well as the classics that everyone adores. She likes giving people a place to retreat and relax. Nothing makes her happier than seeing their smiling faces. [*][b]Cooking: [/b]She is actually a pretty good chef. She loves making savory foods and sweet treats to go along with her teas. [*][b]Fortunetelling: [/b]Okay, so she might not be completely legit in this area but she has gotten good at reading people to know what they want to hear. She also knows how to keep her fortunes vague enough for multiple meanings. It wasn’t supposed to be this way... You try to cheer someone up one time by “reading” there tea leaves as a “fortune” and suddenly you have people flocking for advice or hope. [*][b]Daggers/Hand to Hand: [/b]When you don’t have the best bending skills to protect yourself or least lack of confidence in those skills, the next best things are your hands and small weapons. She isn’t a stealthy assassin or some brawler but she is much more a fighter than she appears and will drop her opponent if given the chance. [*][b]Hunting/Fishing:[/b]Her time in the Southern Water Tribe while fruitless in her help for someone to teach her bending was bountiful in other areas. They taught her needed skills to survive so she wouldn’t be wasting money on supplies. They taught her how to trap or fish, the missing pieces she hadn’t learned at home since she was used to cleaning the kills, cooking, and sewing but nothing more. She will ever be grateful to them for that. They made her feel more at home than she ever had in the North but it still reminded her of all she left behind. [color=4EDDCF][b]Weaknesses:[/b] [/color] [*][b]Ranged Weapons: [/b]Just don’t ask her. Really, don’t. She had horrible aim and would be more likely to hurt herself or her team if you hand her one of these. [*][b]Childish/Stubborn:[/b] While most of the time she is calm and patient, there are moments where she is extremely childish and troublesome. This puts her in situations that could have been avoided easily and makes her problematic when she won’t listen to reason. [*][b]Bending: [/b]While she can bend, sometimes her own moves lack finesse or take on too much style from another element and it fails her because she herself is not in the right space. She also lacks confidence which is not a positive. This can be extremely bad at a crucial moment. [*][b]Smoking:[/b] She knows it is a bad habit but she can’t seem to be able to stop. She has gone as far as to add flavors to her tobacco, creating her own blends to make sweet flavors. [color=4EDDCF][b]Possessions:[/b] [/color] [*]Has her own jade and gold pipe which cost her a pretty penny but so worth it as it comes with its own carrying pouch for the tobacco but could easily hide other things if needed [*]Water pouch, would be dumb for a Waterbender not to have one of these especially in a desert. [*]Daggers, she keeps many of them on her body to be used if needed though she hopes that it won’t be necessary [*]It’s not really a possession she can carry with her but she does own a tea shop called Tea & La[/list] [color=4EDDCF][b]Biography:[/b] [/color] She was born in the Northern Water Tribe, on a night like any other, just another addition to their large tribe. Her life growing up was fairly normal despite her need to question everything, much to her mother’s dismay. She had done her best to deter the way Kyouna would ask why she was not allowed to do the same as the boys or why things were the way they were. It didn’t stop the pranks or defiant nature but at least her mother hoped she would learn to be content with the life she had. Everything seemed to be relatively peaceful for the family when a wonderful surprise happened, her mother had become pregnant. It seemed like there was nothing but smooth sailing and wonderful times ahead of them. Only life has a funny way of disrupting plans and dreams. Her mother ran into complications, her body giving out before anyone could do anything to stop it. She was gone but in her place was now a new baby brother for Kyouna and a son for her father, one that would need care and attention. It was then that Kyouna learned to be much more patient and gentle than the rambunctious child she had been. She was only ten years old and now, her brother needed her. Her father buried himself in work, barely came home and became much more distant. It was like all the light in his life was gone, just a husk of a man. The soft sides of him becoming rigged and hardened, walls around his heart. This left Kyouna to pull the extra weight that had once been her mother's duties such as cooking, maintaining the house, and taking care of Akolo. She missed having fun, being a child but at the same time she couldn’t regret it. She loved her brother and wanted to be there for him. She sang the songs her mother used to sing to her. She took care of him and practically raised him. Kyouna will forever wonder and regret what her future decision had done to her brother’s life. When she turned sixteen, her world felt like it had been shackled and controlled like she wasn’t even a person anymore. Her father had decided to arrange a marriage between her and the son of a long time friend with higher status. It wasn’t just being forced into marriage but the person she was to be married off to was a man she had despised for many years. They had been forced to be around each other as children and now she was being told that he would always be by her side. She had tried to protest to her father, begging him to call it off. All she had received was that she should know her place and stop acting selfish, that he knew what was best for this family and her. The choker around her neck could have been iron chains the way it felt sitting there. Kyouna felt like she couldn’t breathe, drowning in the sorrow and feeling time rushing by her like the pull of a wave. She knew there was a small window to take back her life. She hadn’t been bound by marriage yet and if she could only find a way out, she would have to take it. That minuscule window came in the form of a trade with the Earth Kingdom. They were mostly independent, not needing much from others but occasionally they would trade, sending out supplies. She removed the necklace, wrote her goodbye, took her things and snuck into the cargo. It had been a miserable experience. She hadn’t stayed long, instantly leaving so she was not anywhere near the city in case someone tried to find her or she had been caught. She became a permanent wanderer, a rough year of struggles and small jobs took up on her way to the Southern Water Tribe since she needed supplies to make it from city to city. The Southern Tribe had been everything she wished the Northern Tribe to be. They seemed to have a lot more freedoms in her opinion. They were all so kind and welcoming, teaching her skills that would greatly improve her life. Sadly, Kyouna had not stayed with them long, the villages still a painful reminder of home but with her newly acquired skills and new ways to practice her bending, she set off to explore new destinations. Eventually, her aimless journey had led her to Si Wong and though she hadn’t planned to plant roots there, that is exactly what happened. It was just a coincidence or maybe it was fate itself what happened that day. An elderly woman was struggling with her purchases, close to falling over when Kyouna stepped in to assist her. She accompanied the woman during the rest of her shopping even though the woman kept giving her outs if she wanted to. Instead of running at first chance, Kyouna has been more than willing to stay and found herself helping to carry the bags and then heading to the old woman’s shop as her husband manned the place. They had given her a free meal and tea as a ‘thank you’. She watched them as they flitted about, helping customers and watched some of the struggles with ruder individuals. She decided to ask if she could come back again, assist them a bit tomorrow. They had told her there was no need but she had come back anyway, bright and early. Eventually it had become a habit, then the habit of helping turned into a job as they didn’t feel right for her doing something for nothing, that turned into invites from either party on meals and getting to know each other which led to a bond. They told her that she was the daughter they had never had. They were her new family, her family not by blood but still just as precious and something she had been lacking. The years passed by, she got a place for herself in Si Wong near the Yang’s and started to live a pretty peaceful life. The Yang’s started to think of retirement, asking Kyouna if they could pass the shop to her since they trusted her with it. They knew they had been pushing themselves far too much. They told her to make it her own, that they knew she would make them proud. She changed the shop's name and added more teas to the menu, using the knowledge the Yang’s had provided over the years to make her own. She made sure to keep everything else as it was, a tribute to where the shop had come from and the love she feels for her makeshift family. [color=4EDDCF][b]Supporting Cast:[/b] [/color] [b]Akolo: [/b]Is her younger brother. She doesn’t know much about him anymore except he has the same dark hair and light eyes are herself. He always seemed to be a happy child, if not a little too shy and needing lots of praise. Not surprising with how her Father was never satisfied with anything. Akolo is her biggest regret in leaving the Northern Tribe but she couldn’t stay and have her life planned out for her but she also couldn’t bring him when she wasn’t sure how stable her life would be. [s][b]Nagisa: [/b]was her mother. A kind and giving woman with a heart of gold but of a frail body. She was one of the midwives to the tribe and helped heal the sick or injured. It is hard to find a time that this woman was not loved and respected by those that knew her. She wasn’t perfect by any means, her temper one of the largely noticeable flaws as it was as fierce as a dragon. She had almost caramel colored hair that frames a delicate rounded face and the brightest turquoise eyes. Kyouna misses her very much.[/s] [b]Pheakdei: [/b]Is her father. Ever the serious and no room for fun or error kind of man. A Waterbending Master who has taken on many a beast in his days and has scars to prove it. He always expected her to just fall in line and be a meek quiet daughter. Those steel grey eyes always seemed to judge and any softness disappearing with her mother’s death. She got in many a trouble over the years for her childish and stubborn nature and has known what it is to be a disappointment to the man that is her own blood. She got told to step up, grow up, and stop being difficult, that things are the way they are. It wouldn’t be a surprise if he found her to be an embarrassment or even worse than that after her leaving. [b]Sakda: [/b]the suitor she never asked for. He could be called handsome by most standards, chiseled facial features, deep cobalt eyes, sun kissed skin, and shaggy chocolate brown hair but all of this is overshadowed by the overconfident, arrogant, cruel and brash nature of his attitude. These are just some of the more polite things that could be said about this individual, let’s leave it at that. They had grown up closely together much to her dismay, their families friends with one another. It should have been no surprise to her what was to happen next and yet it was. She wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out when he presented her with a betrothal necklace as if he were doing her some amazing favor. She had tried to reject him but her father had stepped in before she could, the families using her to their benefit or more her father was as Sakda’s family had connections in higher society and could set her family up with an easy life at the expense of her happiness. [b]The Yang Couple: [/b]A sweet elderly couple that has become like family to her and the reason she has her tea shop at all. She is very honored to continue their work and what they have built together. She would be nowhere without them. They have supported her, believed in her when she had nothing and she will forever be grateful. Kyouna would do anything if only they would ask but they never do. They are both givers. They once told her that she was the Yin to their Yang, their family finally complete even though it took longer than they had both hoped for. For this reason they call her Yin instead of by her given name. [/hider]