Topic says all. I'm curious to hear what others think regarding this matter. For clarification, I'm not accusing any specific website of slowing down, stagnating, or dying. I do feel like, however, I clearly remember times when Roleplaying on forums across the internet was a bit more active. I'm not sure where the shift has gone, but is there anyone else who feels that Roleplaying on forums is becoming less and less popular as time progresses? If so, do you have any theories as to why this is? My best guess is Discord, personally, as I've seen plenty of dice games, for example, switch over to it. My other guess is that many active Roleplayers usually become busy with life which is doubly true nowadays considering the state of the world. It's hard to say for certain, however, and if this actually a trend or just the perspective of one person. Even still, I'm curious where others lie on this matter. Anyone out there have any thoughts on this?