[center][color=FFFB83][h1]Krisana Herrera[/h1][/color][/center] "Omelets are great, thank you, Katie." Krisana poured herself a third cup of coffee, filled the rest with french vanilla creamer and sugar. It didn't mask most of the bitterness of the coffee like she thought it would. She pushed the cup aside. It's undrinkable. Instead, she went around to the counter and added a pot of water to the heater to make tea instead. She listened to the conversation going behind her. "A gun can be our last ditch effort if we get trapped somewhere. Since there hasn't been a zombie spotted yet we can use whatever blunt object we find. My hammer is just as good as anything else." She pulled the pot off the warmer, poured herself a cup, then sat back at the counter with an orange tea back. Four packs of sugar later she had her sweet hot tea. Perfect for her craving sweet tooth. "I have boxes of candy at my store. It's not the healthiest food, but it'll be better than nothing if we run out of supplies." She can't forget her sweets. The one time she tried to quit cold turkey was the worst thing she ever experienced. The withdraws made her irritable, definitely not good for her mother's business. "It's a few doors down and I still have the key to get in. It's boarded up, so it should be just as safe there as it is here if someone wants to make a run with me before we get going."