[center][h3][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/694696263320469506/714938786810691634/Kanati.png[/img][/h3] [sub][b]Location || UNKNOWN || Time || Morning || Interactions || [@Hitman], [@CanaryRose], [@DarkRecon] || [/b][/sub][/center][hr] Samson's eyes roved among the others now as they all seemed to resort to their own versions of a plan. Splitting up seemed to be the only option in their heads, despite his reservations against such an action. "Nature is cruel to a herd that scatters," common knowledge for a hunter, but that may not have exactly translated to the others. For one, clearly from the lingering smell of alcohol breath in the air, a good many of them were hungover from the night before. Which, was going to be doubly dangerous for them to be going into battle. While he may not have been the brightest tactician, their impaired thinking was showing with the presentations with which the groups would be split. William even changed his mind twice. Shaking his head, Sam was soon to follow after Joseph when he caught wind of another strange, yet familiar smell. Refocusing his sense of smell to his more immediate area, Sam sniffed the air. Horsehair and...Wood? The combination of these two scents seemed entirely out of place for this environment. His nose kept shifting and he turned his head to Patricia. Mulling over the smell again, it was horsehair, and a sort of pine...two were main components in the composition of a violin; Eliza's scent. This was a development that could lead to their friends' rescue. His eye quickly turned as he saw a monitor come to life. A man's voice, with both Eliza and Grace on screen. The man spoke with an arrogant air that made Samson narrow his eyes. Though, his skin tensed when they were shocked awake. It was clear that this villain's arrogance betrayed him though, when Grace managed to quickly shout out a key weakness in ape-like leftover's senses. Along with that, the perpetrators for their situation. The Wings of Law? Meaning the group that worked under HERO along with them were responsible for putting them in this peril? The blatant betrayal made his blood boil. Childish rivalries were one thing, actively placing women and children in life or death situations was another. When punished for the villain's own incompetence, Sam silently thanked Bypass before walking over to Patricia. Eyeing the monitor again, he kept his voice low. [color=orange]"I may be able to find our allies through my senses. As it currently stands, you have Murmur's scent attached to you. I will not make assumptions about how, but it is the only lead we have."[/color] Kanati then briefly closed his eyes to focus on his sense of touch to follow the air flow. Focusing in on the fine spruce scent, he found himself turned in the direction of the Basilica. It would make sense to hide in the area most protected, though it would be too obvious. Too obvious for someone who overthought things, like he did. Thus, there had to have been some merit in going there. Currently, Firebird and Spacewalker were driving the beasts back who were managing to close the distance. They were clearly running out of time. [color=orange]"Alpha, take my place in the group with Joseph. I am unaware of how many monitors he has on this place, but my senses allow me a means of locating our teammates. I am unsure if this villain will let arrogance strike him twice, so we split his attention to multiple places."[/color] Sam rolled his shoulders and went on in the direction of the ogres. The hunter called out to the others as he started on his path: [color=orange]"Everyone moving, move quickly!"[/color]