[center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/animal-jam-clans-1/images/3/34/Anime-brown-hair-cool-girl-Favim.com-2924172.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20161017023436[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190627/caef8ea983efd2bcd9e18f48d8ed2d95.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200721/9fb6cf25256a0e0781973976cf066b5b.png[/img] [b][color=DC143C][u]Age:[/u][/color][/b] 22 [b][color=DC143C][u]Sexual Orientation:[/u][/color][/b] Bisexual [b][color=DC143C][u]Height and Weight:[/u][/color][/b] 5’6” feet tall, and 145 lbs [b][color=DC143C][u]Location and Color of Guild Mark:[/u][/color][/b] Left side just over her hip, crimson [b][color=DC143C][u]Hair Color:[/u][/color][/b] Black [b][color=DC143C][u]Eye Color:[/u][/color][/b] Crimson, kind of looks like pools of lava when she’s upset/angry [b][color=DC143C][u]Any Other Physical Things of Note:[/u][/color][/b] Has a large scar that wraps from the front of her right side around to the back of her right side - total length is about seven inches (pretty much looks like someone stabbed her in the side and sliced outward with the blade...because that’s what happened.) A few other scars scattered around her body, mostly on her back and forearms. [b][color=DC143C][u]Magic Type:[/u][/color][/b] Phoenix Magic Lost Caster Magic [hider=Spells] Kali can summon up fire magic and uses it for weaker unnamed spells more often than not. When angry and she touches material that is either extremely or easily combustible, she has a chance of causing the item/material to catch fire. If she’s extremely angry, she tends to start getting encompassed by flames, particularly around her fists. Like many other lost magic element casters, her magical aura helps provide her clothing with the same immunity to her element (fire) that she has. [hider=Basic Level] °[color=DC143C]Flame Tornado[/color]: By spreading their arms and summoning up fire in front of them, the user then pushes their arms outward in front of them and launches a swirling vortex of hot air at their target. This tornado can toss debris weighing less than 10 pounds into the air and light easily ignitable objects on fire; it can do a lot of damage both from the intense heat and sending the target into the sky, which will cause them to fall back to the ground when the tornado dissipates and create its own problems if the target cannot slow/stop their fall or cushion their landing. °[color=DC143C]Smoke Screen[/color]: Through a targeted spell form of pyrokinesis, caster can snuff out fire in up to a twenty foot radius by stopping oxygen from properly feeding the fires. Done instantaneously, it turns the fire into a thick cover of smoke that fills the area. It can be used to conceal the user and others in order to retreat or sneak in surprise attacks. Smoke is not magical in nature and will dissipate as normal. °[color=DC143C]Blazing Fist[/color]: User summons fire around their fist, and uses it to punch the target with great force. °[color=DC143C]Essence of the Phoenix: Replenishing Flames[/color]: (unnamed) Not only is user immune to fire, but flames can help heal the user and replenish their magic power. User cannot utilize their own fire to complete this. [/hider] [hider=Intermediate Level] °[color=DC143C]Gift of the Phoenix: Respite[/color]: Support Spell, the user summons up a small fire in their hand. They then press this fire into the body of the intended target, granting the target the feeling of having a good night’s sleep and renewed magical energy. Can be cast on two people at once. Can be done multiple times, up to the point of magical exertion on the caster. Cannot be used on the caster. °[color=DC143C]Flame of the Phoenix: Fiery Flight[/color]: The user summons up a large ball of fire around themselves that builds into the form of a bird with outstretched wings. The user then extends their hands toward the designated target(s) and the fiery form slams into the target(s) with great force and heat, causing moderate amount of damage and potentially setting surrounding flammable materials on fire. °[color=DC143C]Flame of the Phoenix: Cutting Path[/color]: The user gestures to the ground near them with one hand and summons up flames. As they raise their arm in the direction they wish it to go, the flames spread in a line raising as high as the user gestures (up to twenty feet high) and continues building in a rising wall of a path for up fifty feet away from the starting point. Flames burn extremely hot, and will set surrounding flammable materials on fire. °[color=DC143C]Essence of the Phoenix: Pyrokinesis[/color]: (unnamed spell) User has gotten to a point of being able to understand how to control not only their own flames, but existing flames as well. Natural flames can be manipulated and used to create distractions, be altered, and even used to attack at user's whim. As user becomes more skilled and advances, they gain minor ability to turn aside magical attacks from opponents. This ability does not let the user manipulate fire magic that requires the opponent to concentrate on the spell or keep it close to their body, and only works on projectile spells; this spell also does not fully give the user the ability to redirect the spell back at the original caster, but simply turn it away from themselves. [/hider] [hider=Advanced Level] °[color=DC143C]Essence of the Phoenix: Restoration[/color]: The user summons flames around themself in a shape that looks rather reminiscent of large bird wings. As the user focuses the power, the wings grow and finally splay once it reaches the peak of the spell. The user then touches their chest and summons forth the flames from around them into a ball of fire. This ball of fire is then pressed into the chest of the intended target while uttering the incantation. Whatever ailments and injuries, from magical exhaustion or illness to near fatal injuries, have befallen the target are cured within moments. °[color=DC143C]Rage of the Phoenix[/color]: (unnamed spell) User enters a berserker rage type state, wherein user becomes immune to most forms of damage. The user becomes engulfed in flames and increases their strength, speed, endurance, and agility. They also gain the ability to maneuver freely, with the ability to fly. They are capable of powerful fire attacks, both ranged and close combat. When moving, they can take on a fiery bird form to race at incredible speeds around. This takes immense amounts of energy, and typically lasts until the user is exhausted of magical energy, though has the potential for a skilled user to end it before exhaustion. °[color=DC143C]Flame of the Phoenix, Inhalation[/color]: The user doesn’t just summon fire around them, the fire continues to grow until it is a raging storm setting everything ablaze within 10 feet. When this energy is released in a targeted direction, everything in its path is turned to ash nearly instantly. This can also be released in a wide spread burst with the user as the center point, accomplishing the same thing. An unfocused burst only goes out 20 feet leaving only scorched earth in its wake, while focused blasts may destroy up to 100 feet in the designated direction or until the user ends the spell. °[color=DC143C]Essence of the Phoenix: Rebirth[/color]: (unnamed spell) So long as the user isn’t instantly killed, the user encompasses themselves in fire - either a magical cocoon of their own remaining magic or natural fire capable of burning for long periods of time. The fire slowly absorbs into the user, converting the energy into whatever is needed to make the user whole again - limbs, organs, blood, flesh and bone and muscle, etc. Once all the fire has been absorbed, the user is left whole (save for possibly lost hair depending on the damage type prior to the rebirth) This process can take minutes, hours, or even up to a week to complete depending on the severity of the injury. This only begins to work when the user has been knocked unconscious; user remains unconscious for the duration of the spell’s effects and will wake without realizing time has passed. [/hider] [/hider] [b][color=DC143C][u]Combat Style:[/u][/color][/b] Kali is a tank. She hits hard, can deal a lot of damage, and can take a lot of damage. Considering she doesn’t look like she can take or give much of a hit, she tends to get underestimated going into combat with other wizards and definitely uses that to her advantage. [b][color=DC143C][u]Strengths:[/u][/color][/b] [b][color=DC143C]Perceptive:[/color][/b] Kali watches and remembers details about things. Whether it’s how someone fights or smiles or phrases things, she picks up on things others might be hiding. Her ability to pick up on details helps with knowing what she needs to say or do to get what she wants, and definitely helps give her an advantage in a fight - especially when interactions are with the same people over a long period of time. [b][color=DC143C]Renown:[/color][/b] Not a lot of people know the name Kali Milya, but many know the name Firebird. Even people that are new to the guild have heard the name, and if they aren't in the guild and heard of her - they either have read articles in Sorcerer's Magazine (though there has only been one interview article in the 5 years she's worked) or aren't on the right side of the law. The reputation isn't always a good thing though. While many know how powerful a combatant Firebird can be, they also have heard exaggerated tales of how destructive her power is. Starting off as a barely contained inferno when she first joined, the stigma of going full out hung over her and it isn't hard to believe it when people say she over did it on one job or another (especially since many of the people she brings in are worse for the wear.) [b][color=DC143C]Determined:[/color][/b] Whether it’s trying to learn a new way to control her power, or trying to solve a problem, once she puts her mind to something, Kali isn’t willing to let anything get in her way to accomplish it. She puts her whole self into any undertaking, and doesn’t let anyone’s negativity (even her own) stop her. [b][color=DC143C][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/color][/b] [b][color=DC143C]Defiant:[/color][/b] This kind of plays off her determination, but if told she can’t do something, you better believe she plans on trying to prove you wrong. Kali doesn’t like hearing that she can’t do something, even if it’s simply because someone is looking out for her best interests. It stems back to her childhood, and didn’t really resolve when her situation improved. Especially for getting passed over for S-Class again. [b][color=DC143C]Time Bomb:[/color][/b] It's not a concept she likes to think about, but she knows its true. She has a hair trigger temper, and it comes out more often than she likes. Maybe it's just her personality. [i]Maybe[/i] its the fire in her gut. Her magic doesn't exactly instill patience, and she's usually eager to act and react than set up an elaborate plan to act upon. But it's not just her temperament that makes her a time bomb. Without careful control over herself to allow for just the right amount of action and power at any given time, she could become the epicenter of an immense inferno - something she very dearly does not want to do. Again. [b][color=DC143C]Asocial:[/color][/b] Though she joined the guild, she’s always been a bit of a loner. She has trouble trying to socialize, even to the point of finding it hard to ask for help even if she needs it. [b][color=DC143C][u]Personality:[/u][/color][/b] Bitch, coldhearted, elitist, loner - these are a few of the things that people have used to describe her. Kali is generally quiet. She gives people the cold shoulder more often than not, and when she is willing and able to engage, she generally does so in a crass and uncaring manner. Offhanded comments are usually more biting than they deserve to be. It doesn't seem to bother her that she ends up usually working alone unless forced to partner with someone, and even then - she usually ends up running the job alone and just splitting the cut a bit unfairly to get the other person to keep their mouth shut about it. No one in the guild currently has seen her have a nice interaction with someone, or even so much as smile. She knows what they say, and if it bothers her she doesn't seem to show it. [/center]