[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200714/cd9c50cc6e6d06543510ad8c4dfdabf4.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=Lightslategray]"Yes, for the love of God, please get up."[/color] Chad rose to his feet somewhat unsteadily, more a result of his anxiety at the prospect of going to prison rather than the collision. Chad was a few feet away from Powers when he found his balance, and on guard, in case the older man attempted to slap him again. Chad couldn't tell if Powers noticed this in any way, but the older man probably did notice Chad's posture becoming less tense as he spoke. For a normal person, the thought of putting themselves in harm's way was an incredibly dangerous, terrifying, and usually unnecessary prospect. Even a person with superpowers would prefer to avoid a situation like Powers was describing - a terrorist with the ability to destabilize an entire[i] city[/i] was horrifying to imagine, let alone directly go up against. And if it wasn't the prospect of fighting a superpowered terrorist that scared a person, the very real fact that death was extremely common in the field would probably do it. Chad had actually never thought about dying as a hero before - his visions of death were usually much more mundane. Things like getting hit the wrong way in a tackle, or falling from too high, or breathing too much helium for too long. Maybe it was his love of the theatrical and dynamic, but rather than turn Chad away from the job, Power's statement only made the young man more excited to become a hero. Dying in a blaze of glory, after all, was far superior to sputtering out with a whimper. At least, in Chad's mind it was. And that wasn't even mentioning the fights! Slamming into another person with all his power was exactly the thing that Chad needed - at least, in his opinion. He had been training his power ever since he discovered it, and while running down the road was pretty fun at Mach speed, Chad knew that H.E.R.O was the best way to master his ability. Percy had always told Chad that becoming the best version of themselves was what a lot of people would wish to accomplish - and Chad had followed that advice as much as he could ever since he heard it in Middle School. He trained hard, followed a strict diet during his cuts, and he studied things as long as they actively interested him. Becoming a hero was simply the place Chad thought he could be the best version of himself. And being able to help people wasn't bad either! When Powers extended his hand and finished his warning to the man in black, Chad was slightly taken aback. [color=8B4513]"Wait, I'm starting right now?"[/color] Chad shook his head and zipped over to Powers, grabbing Powers' hand in both of his own and shaking it very quickly. [color=8B4513]"I-I mean definitely! I'm in, I'm in, I promise! Oh god, I haven't been this happy since I became a Co-admin on the [i]Heroes in Lavender[/i] Fanclub! Hell, this is infinitely better! You're a God, Mr. Powers, I swear you won't regret this - I'm pretty fast, y'know?"[/color] Chad finally let go of Powers' hand and did his best to adopt a more serious demeanor, considering how serious Powers' speech had been only a minute or so prior. As a matter of fact, he even held back from asking again about the Invincible Warmonger poster! [color=8B4513]"But, um... if you don't mind me asking, what's so important that we're skipping over my registration papers?"[/color]