Iris for a moment was worried at just how long they could be here without someone getting suspicious over it, of course both Jay and Miles were high and out of the minds after having indulged themselves but surely they would start to notice the pair of them had disappeared. Unless they were really out of it. It certainly wasn’t the same level of danger as being on the run from the rebels and also a prisoner of the Capital, but it still sparked a tingle through her at the idea of them getting caught red handed in some sort of sultry act and it only spurred her on with going further with Cas in his best friends bathroom. It wasn’t exactly romantic, but Iris didn’t care for that, they had been through so much that making their first time romantic wasn’t a priority. Of course, it would have been nice, but who didn’t like the effort the romance? Right now, however all Iris wanted was him, she wanted to go to the next level and that had been clear back in the districts when they nearly lost themselves the first time. Although it had not been her intention to go that far at first it had been on her mind since their first encounter, all she could think about was being that close to him. Intimate and feel his touch because it was becoming something she really wanted to experience. It was hard to keep pushing away the desire when each time they touched or kissed it was electrifying to her, he did something to her that she couldn’t personally remember ever happening to her and it was exciting. The way she’d respond to him, the way her body would react she was losing herself to the lust of wanting him and she knew that here they had more precautions unlike in the districts but she couldn’t help but wonder if he had thought about that too. A part of her wanted to ask, but then what if he didn’t intend to do that? What if she was just reading into it and the redness on her cheeks this time was from embarrassment. Those worries soon left when she felt his hand snake round locating the zipper of her dress and she felt herself hold her breath, waiting for him to undo the fabric in anticipation. Without thinking about it she slipped her arms out of the straps of the dress letting it fall to the ground around her ankles in a heap on the floor, a shudder came from her body partly to do with the cool air combined with his zealous kiss. Out of instinct her hands trailed down from his chest to the hem of his shirt playing with the fabric for a second before she let her soft hands touch the skin of his chest. Moving in an upwards motion she caressed his skin whilst pushing the top his was wearing further up his body with intent to take it off as she deepened the kiss, heart hammering away in her chest leaving her breathless.