The soldier, now having in part redeemed himself and his duties although he still harbored a hardness in his heart toward the man who had sentenced them, breathed slowly through his lips. The air of anxiety and tension leaving his chest, he took in the moment, removing his helm and setting it under an arm as he surveyed the fallen beast. One of his boots nudged a limb, lifting it, checking to see if it were really as lifeless as it appeared while the other held the hammer at increasing rest; they really [i]had[/i] done it after all. Hair sticking to his face drenched with sweat, he looked over his companions in misery for a moment. It was too close to home for him, too familiar in a way, and soberingly he retreated back into his helm, giving a nod of agreement to both who had spoken that they should best leave from this vile pit. Tracan, in the meantime, had only a sense of underlying wrath in her extinguished for now. Mentally exhausted more than she was physically, she was pleased only that the creature was not say, resistant or immune to her talent, but all the same this experience had tapped her completely. Her bow and hand would be steady, just her heart and certainly her mind now too were not in the place they needed to be. She spoke up as she was oft want to, saying, "Let's go then. Nothing here for us now just like there wasn't before." She slung her bow once again, flexing her fingers after open and closed, rolling her wrist over itself a few times. It surprised her that they asked nothing of her ability, leaving it just up to elven trickery and magic most likely, although she couldn't help be more suspicious they would conspire about it before asking. For the time being, however, she drew her dagger from her belt and looked on down back the path they had came, the only other they hadn't gone taking them to the barn. It was that or they returned down the path toward the chest... [@BangoSkank][@Hellion][@Lord Wyron][@TyrannosaursRex]