[color=#b97703]“Don’t worry about it,”[/color] Cas reassured Iris when she apologized to him. He understood exactly why she’d freaked out, so he wasn’t upset with her. If he hadn’t known how much his friends let themselves go whenever they smoked, he would have been worried too. As she planted a kiss on his cheek, he smiled. [color=#b97703]“I didn’t mind it, really. You’re cute when you’re flustered.”[/color] He laughed to himself, reaching up to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear affectionately. In the districts, when they had actually been in danger, things had been different; but now that they were safe in the Kinders’ estate, he found her reaction endearing. However, her following whisper made him bite his lip desirously. He wished again that the other high borns hadn’t interrupted them. Although the bathroom wasn’t the best location for them to be with each other for the first time, he hated stopping when things had gotten so heated between them. He couldn’t get the image of her almost naked body out of his head either. He swallowed and averted his gaze from her, trying to think about something else. Hopefully his friends were still high enough that they wouldn’t notice the lingering flush of his skin or any other sign of arousal that he couldn’t hide so soon after their make out session against the wall. Taking a shuddering breath, he gathered what was left of his composure and walked with Iris over to the door, careful to angle his body in such a way that the others wouldn’t see her standing behind him. When he reached it, he unlocked the latch and pulled the handle, simultaneously flipping the light switch on as he opened the door. He hoped that in doing so, Miles would assume that it had been on the whole time. His friend groaned with relief and pushed past him to get to the toilet, “Move it! It’s my turn to hog the bathroom.” [color=#b97703]“Have at it,”[/color] Cas gestured with a wave of his arm, glancing over his shoulder just as Iris slipped back into the bedroom from behind him. It looked like she had gotten out without either of the other high borns noticing. He bit back a smile, pleased with himself and with her for getting away with their sultry encounter. It would have been nice to get away with more, but as she said, they were just going to have to wait for a better time. Heading back with Jay, he took a seat on the sofa while his friend planted himself beside him. Jay looked across the room and grew rigid as his gaze landed on Iris. “When did you get here?” he furrowed his brows. “I thought you left already.” [color=#b97703]“She’s been here the whole time,”[/color] Cas rolled his eyes. [color=#b97703]“She can’t leave, remember? We’re still hiding her from the soldiers.”[/color] “Right…” Jay said slowly, maintaining the perplexed expression on his face. “Jesus. Where does Miles get his stuff from? I feel like that bong was laced with something stronger than weed.” [color=#b97703]“Who knows?”[/color] Cas shrugged, shooting a sly wink at Iris across the room as he leaned back comfortably into the couch cushion. [color=#b97703]“All I can tell you is that she never left Miles’ room.”[/color]