[@Anza] Looks good, an animal focused journey is likely to be touching. I'd only make a quick mention of the region she is starting from, otherwise Tala is approved! [@Cu Chulainn] Also approved! I like the contrast between Derrick and Cassius, our other monster slayer. [@ERode] I've got no problems with Nea leaving when she reaches her destination, especially given the trek from the Croplands to the Highlands will be a long one and give you plenty of time to work through her emotions and bond with others. I'd say she is also approved! [@SilverPaw]'s character has also been approved via PM. [@Dezuel] Thank you! Would you be okay on a waiting list?[hr] Now that characters are coming in, I'm going to talk a little bit about my plan as a GM. In the beginning of our RP, I'll work together with everyone to get their characters on the road and heading towards their destination, and towards other characters whose paths may align. My biggest priority is seeing character stories through and connecting them together, and getting characters in a group to make friends and allies... eventually. I'm sure there will be some personality clashes at first. It may be that we have groups of smaller members rather than one giant group, which is fine with me if it's fine with all of you. Of course, smaller groups will likely see characters come and go as well. That said, [url=https://discord.gg/kghFdDq]the discord is now operational.[/url] Participation in it is not required until we officially start, in which case it is mandatory as mentioned before - the use of channels and being able to restrict viewing makes it the easiest place to talk about characters' story progression.