[center][h3]Character Ideas / References [/h3][/center] [hider=References - Info & Potential NPCs/Characters] [center][h3][color=black] ═ ══ ═ ═══ ═ ═ ═══ ═ ══ ═ ═ ══ ═ ═══ ═ ═ ═══ ═ ══ ═ [/color][/h3][/center] [hider=Ritual?][center] - - - [/center] [center][h3][u]Summoning Ritual[/u][/h3] [color=cadetblue]" Through our consciousness as humanity, I call upon this contract... " " For your essence, it shall be made from wisdom and reason... " " For your anchor, it shall be made from faith and virtue... " " For your ritual, it shall be made from wisdom and knowledge... " " For your honor, it shall be made from respect and good-will... " " Seal the contract that is the Consciousness of Human Order. " " Come from the Truth, and follow the obscured pathway to the world. " " Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open." " With each path open, close it. " " Come forth. " " Listen. " " Your body, is created through my desire... " " My contract, is realized through your judgement... " " Our oath, is completed from our determination together... " " Together this pact shall be sworn between two who seek to protect humanity! " " I shall realize all the virtues which make up the Heavens. " " I shall accomplish dominion over all evils that constitute Hell. " " If you seek to fulfill this agreement then answer my call! " " Come forth from the veil and out of your bindings, " " Guardians of Humanity! [/color][/center] [center]- - -[/center][/hider] [hider=Greater NPCs] [hider=Represnative of the Church] [center][img]https://static.zerochan.net/Violet.Evergarden.%28Character%29.full.2266818.png[/img][/center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmZmZmZmZi5UbUZ0WlRvLC4wAAA,/the-khallid.regular.png[/img] [indent][b][i]A e r i s d e ' M e d i c i [/i][/b][/indent] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmZmZmZmZi5RV2RsT2csLC4wAAAAAAA,/the-khallid.regular.png[/img] [indent][b][i] 4 5 Y e a r s o f A g e [/i][/b][/indent] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmZmZmZmZi5RWEJ3WldGeVlXNWpaVG8sLjAAAAAAAAA,/the-khallid.regular.png[/img] Appearance [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmZmZmZmZi5RbWx2WjNKaGNHaDVPZywsLjAAAAAAAAAA/the-khallid.regular.png[/img] [indent]The Medici are an old family that have been around for a millennia, having around ten generations worth of knowledge passed down with the family. To the mundane world, they were known as a family of bankers who once wielded significant power during The Renaissance as they provided to funds to keep the flame of inspiration burning as long they could. In the modern they, the Medici family is no longer in existence with nobody claiming themselves as a living individual of the family. This is due to their reputation in the world of Magi, with the family in its entirety receiving its death sentence in the form of a sealing designation placed on the entire family. Being an valiant effort that they put up in resisting the ruling but while surviving several generations, they fell into decline from the pressure placed on their family. As the generations produced heirs inferior than the last, it was only expected of the outcome that was inherited by their bloodline. They as a family focused on things pertaining to 'reality' and 'metaphysics' as they sought to observe the fabric that made the universe. Undergoing research into bounded fields, reality marbles and so on, they tried to understand what constituted in creating the tapestry that they lived on. In the end, it resulted in them creating what humanity would know as 'The Renaissance' an event which was the first conscious attempt after the Age of Gods to achieve creating an Quantum Time-Lock. Being an existence where the course of human history has been locked into place by events which are immovable and impervious to outside interference from the past and future. While an impressive feat, it is something that cannot be considered akin to 'True Magic' as while it may be parallel to it on scale and have traces of the Second Magic within its theory. It exists as something being achievable within the very cusp of human wisdom yet outside their realm or authority, being the distillation of 'Magecraft' into its purest form that ultimately equals 'True Magecraft'. Perhaps it can also be considered to be ultimately superior as even the Second Magic or Kaleidoscope cannot even overwrite such an event when already in place, having to simply navigate to a universe where such an event is too weak to become a solid phenomenon. But then again, the Fifth Magic would be able of overwriting a Quantum Time-Lock but that is a discussion with its own disastrous conversation. It in the end though placed the Medici Bloodline into the sights of the Mage's Association, seeing them as too powerful for an outside party, they sent out relentless amount of enforcers in response to shut them down. With the resources to last a time, the Medici family were individuals who lacked the general offensive or defensive capabilities of magi families. Focusing themselves in pursuit of the esoteric, they left themselves quite vulnerable in their dedication that resulted in their eventual 'extinction'. They moved themselves underground and have remained in the shadows as they watched the world with their keen eyes until a second calling came. Involving themselves with the shady underbelly of the Magus World as they operated as collectors, hunters, and informants as their specialty. Giving them the freedom to hunt down the remaining pieces of mysteries that were quickly fading away from the world to observe them. Surrounding themselves in the depths of mystery before they disappeared from the world, leaving their presence feeling 'different' like most renown magi. Leaving them several steps away from the mundane magi as the most adventurous Medici have retained some of their youth as they aged quite gracefully. As when the news came between the dealings between the Holy Church and the Mage's association, they placed their former head of the family, Aeris, onto the chess board as another piece to enter the fray. Being only a matter of time before interested parties would get involved and even then, the Medici's have always had ties within the church, preparing themselves once they saw that the Church found the task at hand a recognizable threat. [/indent] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmZmZmZmZi5RV0pwYkdsMGFXVnpPZywsLjAAAAAAAAAA/the-khallid.regular.png[/img] [indent]What one could call the 'Sorcery Trait' of the Medici family is known as [Foundation] gives them the capacity to conduct miracles if they commit time and resources into it. Essentially bringing possibilities closer into the realm of achieving or birthing the spark of possibility into the impossible if they do not exist. Being essentially a metaphysical bonus towards luck in achieving something that is added in addition towards efforts already made to achieving it. Outside of the gifts that she received from her family, Aeris possesses a pair of Mystic Eyes with the effect of [Affirmation] bestowed upon them. Activating them imposes the effect that prevents the degradation of something, consuming magical energy in accordance to how powerful she wishes to manifest it and how abstract the object she is trying to affect it. While easy to train them on a mundane object and prolong its existence, focusing these eyes on magical phenomenon is more difficult as to sustain or even empower the mystery operating behind it is more tedious. One can liken this to Conceptual Reinforcement. After these special traits that Aeris possess, her skill as a magus are the top of her family's capabilities which is in all honestly unimpressive as they fall to be simply above average. Being quite disgraceful for a family of their age to be at that level with their magecraft, some praise thought should be given for them developing their abilities to defend themselves. Having taken the time, they've managed to close the gap in their ability to defend themselves instead of having to rely on others like they did in the past. By their nature, they as a family focus on the field of bounded fields, having once only focused on the utility of their properties that left them having researched and developing weird or specific effects within their repertoire of spells. They have refined the qualities of their bounded fields to be more suited for their purposes when called for, being quite knowledgeable and competent in this one field. [/indent] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmZmZmZmZi5VM1JoZEhNNi4wAAAAAAAAAA,,/the-khallid.regular.png[/img] [indent][i][b]Magic Circuits: B Mana: B Athleticism: D[/b][/i] [/indent] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmZmZmZmZi5UM1JvWlhJNi4wAAAAAAAAAAAA/the-khallid.regular.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=One of many Lords] Twin #1 - Elias (work in progress) [CENTER][h1][b]F A L S E - M A S T E R[/b][/h1][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/306065751/original.gif[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub]Elias ó Cuilinn [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [b]|[/b] The Runic Wordsmith [b]|[/b] [b]|[/b] Bookkeeper of the Trinity College [b]|[/b] [b]|[/b] The Grand Librarian of Ireland [b]|[/b] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] Male [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] Physical Profile[/sub] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub][b] Basics[/b][/sub] _____ [hider=][sub][b]// Basics: • Height[/b] | [i]5 Foot 8 Inches[/i] [b]• Weight[/b] | [i]182 lbs[/i] [b]• Build[/b] | [i]Slim / Lithe [/i] [b]• Hair Colour[/b] | [i]Pale White / Pale Silver[/i] [b]• Eye Colour[/b] | [i]Turquoise[/i][/sub][/hider] [/hider][CENTER][SUB]Miscellaneous[/sub] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub][b]//Notes: • Birth & Age[/b] | [i]1897, Ireland [b]|[/b] 61 Years Old [/i] • [b]Alignment[/b] | [i]True Neutral[/i][/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell] [sub][b] Rank[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [indent][center][b]Brand: Color[/b][/center] The level of a talented Lord of Clock Tower. A true prodigy is at this rank, someone who can revolutionize an entire field of magecraft just by existing. Those truly at the level of Brand in the Clocktower probably number in the couple hundred at most in its entire history. While some political finesse has been used to clear the path toward reaching this position, it is not unexpected looking at the state which the Clock Tower is in, ruthless and cutthroat when weakness is shown. The Cuilinn family are one of the main contenders to the Fraga and their legacy, possessing knowledge of the runes at a comprehensive level similar to theirs. [/indent] [sub][b] Personality[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [indent]Elias is someone who surprisingly floats around the top of the hierarchy that is involved with the Clock Tower, despite bearing the presence of someone who carries themselves more as a professor rather than your typical scheming politician. He seems to lack any malicious intent, but it'd be foolish to think he completely abstained from such activities, knowing how the Clock Tower works. So in the end, it is difficult to say how someone like Elias reached the rank of Brand, seemingly lacking the aptitude for politics and compassionate which is an emotion that strays away from the realm of magus. Elias can be described as someone who can be called 'reliable', 'understanding' and 'fatherly' earning the scorn of other magus who question how he presents himself. A behavior very abnormal for magi one could say, as a very distrusting species between each other, and definitely an hindrance among the apex of their society. Seeking to see his students perform their best not just with magecraft but their lives outside of it, as hypocritical it may seem for someone dedicated to research. Liking to encourage those to explore and learn more about the world around themselves, he is your stereotypical role-model teacher with the personality to back it. But coming from an old magus family who has navigated the political waters of the Clock Tower, when a much more serious and stern position needs to be taken, he doesn't mind showing that just didn't he receive his Rank without many merit to its name. Having the determination to see through his plans all the way towards their execution, he can be seen as ruthless and unyielding that ensures their surrender will be permanent. He prefers to have things be done discretely behind the scene without any fuss or hassle so everything can be smoothed over, but if conspicuous attention is required, he will do what he needs to do. [/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] Character Synopsis[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [indent]Beep Boop Placeholder tee hoo?[/indent] [sub][b] Holy Grail Information[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [INDENT][sub][b]// Objective for the Grail:[/b][/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][color=cadetblue]"Simply to take part in the Holy Grail War and Record the stories that would come it"[/color] is his flimsy cover story, but in truth wishes to recover the grail as a means to gain access to the missing primeval runes not in his family's possession. That is the quest he has been undertaking for several False Grail Wars, seeking to find a quicker solution to the long standing problem of his family's legacy. [/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][sub][b]// Command Seal:[/b][/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Located on the center of his chest, it is easily hidden underneath his clothing [/INDENT][/INDENT] [sub][b] Magic Circuits Information[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [INDENT][sub][b]// Quanity:[/b][/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][b][i]B Rank[/i][/b] | [/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][sub][b]// Quality:[/b][/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][b][i]A Rank[/i][/b] | [/INDENT][/INDENT] [sub][b] Magecraft Information[/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [INDENT][sub][b]// Elemental Affinity[/b][/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Earth and Water [/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][sub][b]// Origin[/b][/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]'One who is separates and watches the world' [/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][sub][b]// Magic Crest & Age[/b][/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT] A family old enough to be worthy enough to produce a great lineage of mages with the time that they have been passing down their Crest. Over time though, their magic circuits have diminished over the ages to simply be 'average' from the new generation, at least that's the perspective coming from the Elders. A bloodline originating from medieval times, it has been passed down to become more than twelve generations old when coming into Elias' possession. They have a tendency to produce many twins within their family, only one is able to carry the crest however, as the less capable one of the two become the assistant to the inheritor. [/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][sub][b]// Magecraft[/b][/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT] [color=cadetblue][General Magecraft][/color]: Versed in the basic techniques that every mage was supposed to know by his family and his magic crest, he has a fair understand of those techniques but isn't interested in investing any more time into them. Having a different set of priorities to focus on instead where he dedicates most of his time towards accomplishing it. [color=cadetblue][Bounded Fields][/color]: A topographic type of Magecraft that consists in knitting a network of magical energy and spreading it on base area, such as a piece of land or a building, to create a mystic boundary line that separates the inside from the outside. By definition, it should not be possible to move them once they are set. It is the trade of the Cuilinn family, being talented in the construction of bounded fields that have lasted throughout the decades of wear and tear that have ravaged them. Typically deployed as a means to provide a safe haven for magi, those who are competent in the art of bounded fields are capable of deploying effects that are for more than just defense. Usually requiring another forms of magecraft in order to fully utilize their effects, but it can replicate other forms of magecraft by itself although at an much inferior potency and effect. [color=cadetblue][Spatial Magecraft][/color]: While the Cuilinn are capable of the former, what they have focused on is the manipulation of space with their Bounded Fields, capable of stretching and bending the area within the area of their Bounded Fields as a few tricks available to them. Taking the boundaries that would be present in a bounded field, they are able to push it to the extreme, with the limitation being their supply of magical energy hindering what can be done. Being capable of creating 'pockets' of space which defy logic, boundaries which seem impassable, or spaces inescapable with their Bounded Fields. In truth their aptitude comes from the blood of a fairy as an distant ancestor and the knowledge bestowed upon them is what solidified and allowed this Irish family to perform their brand of magecraft. Allowing a recreation of these 'fairy mounds', that once coexisted as a separate space from the world during the Age of Fairies, in a diluted and inefficient fashion. This recreation of what essential is 'Magic', is impossible for Elias and his twin to sustain what would technically be a reality marble but its principles can be applied to their Bounded Fields in the form of 'Spatial Magecraft'. [color=cadetblue][Celtic Formalcraft][/color]: The teaching of the druids, having passed down their ways from generation to generation and surviving in what ways it can. It is a culmination of methods of how to do Magecraft using Mana instead of Od. With the casters making contact with mysteries through processes established by their ancestors, heavily involved with the components that nature provides. Since Magical Energy comes from somewhere other Elias, he only needs to perform rituals, requiring an extensive amount of knowledge and training as an important requisite. His main usage for these techniques, however, act as a support for what can sustain a bounded field long-term through the sustainable resources. [/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][sub][b]// Mystic Code - Sol[/b][/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT] Magical Amulet invested with the power of the sun, has healing magecraft imbued[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][sub][b]// Mystic Code: Formal Legacy[/b][/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT] Clothing [/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][sub][b]// Mystic Code: Fenrir[/b][/sub][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT] A high-tech motorcycle that was built for speed, inscribed with runes which allows it to literally travel at the speed of sound at its fastest (around 900 mph). With runes that spell the name of [Fenrir], it greatly enhances the performance any kind of vehicle it is inscribed upon, making mundane humans impossible to ride this vehicle without serious harm at full speed. [/INDENT][/INDENT][/hider][/hider] [hider=Lesser NPCs] [hider=Character 1] [list][*][u]Name[/u]: Antonio Márez y Luna[/list] [list][*][u]Nickname[/u]: Tony[/list] [list][*][u]Age[/u]: 24[/list] [list][*][u]Appearance[/u]: [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/3cf5749b-f9b3-42f0-b72e-a517f25b47d1/dcy1ppo-724a3bf7-2bed-4595-b8d9-230b1583e8bc.png]Art by Smooshkin[/url][/list] [list][*][u]Personality[/u]:[/list] [list][*][u]Abilities[/u]: [hider=Abilities Section] [i]Magical Beast - The Great Owl 'La Grande'[/i] [indent]A familiar on an exceptional nature that is personally linked to Antonio that serves as conduit for his magecraft, assisting in matters of stabilizing magecraft. Functioning as what a typical magi family would pass down to their children, the owl itself functions as a magic crest that grows from each generation it passes its teachings down. Fluctuating from each generation as the quality it serves as a conduit depends on their own stability and foundation with magecraft. Coming from a lineage of witches who have taken great care with their pupils, La Grande serves as an excellent vessel of knowledge. With its inherent nature has the potential to become a magical beast within a few more decades. With around ten years already dedicated to its age, while its appearance may appear to look like a mundane owl, its physicality has already started to become something 'more'. As while she is capable of taking a solid hit or two, her physicality is still vulnerable to mundane trauma.... [/indent] [i]Magical Beast - The Golden Carp 'Tóta'[/i] [indent]A spirit of nature that he bound to himself when he tried to touch it during his childhood, it is a recent creation of the land. Being born in the secluded waters of a river running through the forest, two to three centuries old as a spirit of flowing water. Latching itself onto Antonio when it saw the opportunity, seeing the destruction of its surroundings as over the years it lost the ability to defend itself. Slowly being forced into a small river as it rested within the forest, constituting its form within that place of nature. Upon taking the spirit as a guest, it appears as a tattoo of a golden fish that swims around his body. Allowing an exchange occur for it to have a place to inhabit while bestow a portion of its power, in civilization it is quite meager as healing magecraft is simply amplified. [/indent] [i]Witchcraft, Arts of an Curandero[/i] [indent]The trade that was taught to Antonio by his mentor. The foundation of Witchcraft itself tends to typically be a 'negative' branch of magecraft that focuses on cursing techniques and other means of inflicting harm and misfortune to others. But this is not the universal truth, for teachings can vary from region to region, from one person to another as even handful of individuals may form groups that specialize in specific area. That is what the Curandero are, a group of witches who focus on the spiritual and art of healing, they possess extensive knowledge of caring for and protecting their patients. Being well versed with general medicine and the creations they make from plants, it can be paired with their general healing magecraft which allows them to be capable of handling most wounds or afflictions given to them. Unique to their ways as the Curandero, they combine the doctrine of the Holy Church along with their magecraft and fuse Witchcraft along with Holy Sacraments together in order to bolster their effects off each other. Having traded off their competency with cursing techniques for the ability to use Holy Sacraments, their knowledge can be quite substantial as it can rival or even surpass the average practitioner. Their abilities to use cursing techniques is near incompetent, but the knowledge they have in order to counteract them is still within their possession. While average in the quality and number of his circuits, Witchcraft itself isn't quite as intense compared to the other foundations possible, requiring more time and dedication to complete rather than the supply of magical energy. Based heavily on information and knowledge, it easily accompanies the teachings of Formalcraft as part of the foundation this form of Witchcraft. [/indent][/hider] [/list] [list][*][u]History[/u]: [hider=History Section] Antonio is an interesting individual who was raised in New Mexico with her mother and father, his ancestry coming from two completely different sides, one being farmers and the others ranchers. He does not possess the typical backstory of a magus, being an irregular individual in his family born with magical circuits. A trait that lied repressed in both sides of his family's genes but when manifested inside of Antonio they lacked the knowledge of even rudimentary magecraft generations ago, ignorant to an entirely different world out there. To them, their son was a normal human boy just like everyone else was but his nature was to be uncovered instead by the assistance of a witch. Known by her reputation as a healer that traveled from town to town, giving assistance to help birth the boy and raise him along with the parents. Where they welcomed her with warmth as she would live there for many years, leading Antonio to finally discovered her name was Ultima, while his parents still in respect called her 'La Grande'. Offering him wisdom and guidance as he grew up, he was a shining child that could be called a prodigy during his childhood as a bright mind for the other kids and adults. Showing wisdom beyond his years that encouraged the other kids to play with him and call them their priest yet unsure of himself and the world around himself that similarly caused him to be shunned. Intelligent enough to skip several grades in school despite being taught in a language he first didn't know yet apprehensive to say that he knew everything about the world itself which fostered fear and doubt within him. He lived a complicated childhood, split between different facets of himself and possessed the knowledge to recognize such a thing. Having ancestry to the land of New Mexico where his father's side possessed the blood of Native Americans, being excellent with nature that conflicted with his mother's side. A family coming from a line of priests in Spain, that their beliefs linked tightly with Christian faith and God that pulled Antonio to their side while the other side fought as well. Torn between the two halves within his blood as he grew up questioning both sides and reflected upon himself. Possessing strife in his life was something not uncommon, as it would also be one that would closely trot alongside with death, plagued his consciousness at such a young age for gruesome topics. With four in total that he went through during his childhood and each possessing a lesson, the first death was a man inflicted with the horrors of war as Antonio witnessed his murder as he wondered about sin, death and hell. The second death and another murder, he held the hands of a drunk as a confession was made before passing on, giving him to question god, righteousness, and heaven. The third death being another a murder in self-defense, the aggressor who was the murderer of the drunk of his mentor questioned him on forgiveness. The fourth and final death of his mentor taught him forgiveness before departing a final blessing onto her pupil, a gift to celebrate his future in the form a familiar. Passed on from teacher to pupil as an animal possessing the mentor's soul that approached him in the form of a owl, the same on that she too possessed. A binding link from familiar to master, an absolute one that bounded two individuals, that with a death of either side would result in the same for the other. On that same day, he also recieved a second gift from himself, his mystic eyes growing into fruition as despite him as a child had matured into an adult. An irregular transition from childhood to adulthood, that left him possessing the wisdom and mentality to perform his calling as a Witch. Being a magus with not your typical upbringing of one, being raised as a human first and having unlock his mystic eyes first rather than being taught magecraft. That simple knowledge would be distilled to him from what remained of his mentor, the owl being his teacher as it walked him through the knowledge it possessed. Teaching him witchcraft, finding places to gather knowledge, and further his experience with a different side of the world. With a decade of experience from learning, teaching, gifting, and receiving has lead him to Fusang City. A curious place indeed...[/hider][/list] [list][*][u]Other[/u]: Character is based off the book: Bless Me, Ultima[/list] [/hider] [hider=Character 2, Needs Revamping] [hider=Appearance] [center][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/d3c9/th/pre/i/2016/101/2/b/comm__trip_by_littleulvar-d9yjm40.png[/img] [url=https://pre00.deviantart.net/d3c9/th/pre/i/2016/101/2/b/comm__trip_by_littleulvar-d9yjm40.png]Credit[/url][/center] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Samuel Smoaks [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5'9 and 167 lbs [b]Personality:[/b] Samuel is an energetic individual who seemingly has no stop to his relentless onslaught of things that he wants to do. Capable on going on for hours til who knows when he'll stop, he is quite the social butterfly who likes adventuring and just doing stuff in general really to stop from being bored. As an open and outgoing guy, having his eyes on the people of the party and taking notes on those who seem interesting to him. There is a hidden demeanor of being a calculating person who is full of charm as he learns about the people who are around him by studying their actions and conversations. Learning to meld himself into a form which will more likely create cohesion with the environment he is in, his behavior for this comes from the strong survival instincts he has. Who always is in the possession of having a constant and ever-changing personality, the only remotely solid piece of his character which carries on is his charisma which he cools off in one way or another. Keeping his true thoughts locked away in a safe far behind the mask that he has created for the situation, Samuel is truly a secretive individual once you realize this. Liking to be the 'fun one' he likes to tease around with people and have fun with no restriction to what he won't do really. Shaking off fatigue just as easily as he can shake off insults and offense which are greeted with a laugh or joke. Being quite thick-skinned, he shows much restraint and control but when it starts chipping, stay out of the way unless you want to be a target for him to vent himself out. It is the general rule of thumb of 'Beware the nice ones' should be taken of note before you do anything to him. Although his change to a furious state is negligible as he keeps it under wraps until he can get a sucker punch or two in. [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral [b]Class Affinity:[/b] Rider [b]Background:[/b] Samuel is heir to the family fortune of the family magus known as Smoaks, focusing on a slightly more modern type of magecraft known as 'explosive magecraft' which heavily involved gunpowder back in the old days. A family originating from the Americas as they took on the new wave of ideas that developed in the country with the passing ideologies and technology that influenced them. With their knowledge being developed and passed down through the family where they could actualize it without the assistance of material ingredients. Despite being the next head of the family, his position is taken with a slight grain of salt as his time so far has not shown his full potential as a magus with much debate about the role that he has. With the displays of his abilities that have been heard or seen has been his shows which have a niche following of magus who actually are humans who like entertainment from his flashy shows. His fire magecraft is most commonly the one on display in his shows, with the creativity that he brought forth in his shows baffling the people that were his fans. Many people wondered what the inheritor of the Smoaks family's crest would be capable of doing if his skills were put to their proper use as a serious combatant. There Samuel after his education at the Clocktower after years of the basics and the independent studies that he took have decided to see more of the world. Obtaining another education outside of his background as a magus, he has a bachelor's in English which gives him a cover for living on both sides of the mundane and magical world. From the interesting nights of Latin America to the historical tourist sports in Europe, Samuel's most recent travels have brought him to Japan in the Port City of Junyo. Here he has an opportunity to explore Japan as another spot to check off his list of things that he wants to do, unaware of what he was getting into when he sensed a powerful presence in a card that fell into his hands. [b]Occupation:[/b] Teacher [b]Known Magic:[/b] A calm and collected person, his control over his magecraft is impeccable with his two attuned affinities towards fire and wind magecraft that is evidence of his skill as a first-rate magus. The blood that runs through him comes from a family of magi that run several generations that have passed down that gives Samuel quality magic circuits and a sufficiently abundant amount within his body that provide enough energy to get what needs to be done and a little more. As the next figurehead of the lineage that his family has backing him, he has inherited all of their teachings which allowed his fine and deft control as his main focus. At the most basic level of his skill, the control over his flame magecraft is astonishing to the point that he can create definite shapes that can represent images. With extensive knowledge about this kind of magecraft, he can be said to reach a high level of mastery that would be suitable to a person like him coming from the Smoaks family despite not showing it. His wind magecraft while not as advanced, is the other side of his focus that is adept enough to be considered a threat even solely using it. With eerily acute control, the fine manipulation of the air above simple blasts of air or flight can be achieved by him and can be expanded to other uses. In more advanced areas, he specializes in explosions which is surprising as given when attacking, he opens a thin pathway to his target by concentrating the density of oxygen to a volatile point to create chain explosions. With his main right hand used for more dexterous application of his mageraft with scary accuracy while the other is used for violent applications, he shows surprising skill in using two elements at the same time. While he dislikes the uncontrolled use of his explosive magecraft, if brute force is needed to accomplish something that fine control can't, then it doesn't bother him to do so. What he lacks in versatility, he specializes in the destructive potential of his magecraft that he is comfortable in saying that could handle any foe. He, however, takes it to an even higher level when combining the two elements into something much more. Using fire and wind magecraft together, he is able to create a strong burst of electricity by superheating gas with his magecraft. His control over this combination of magecraft is rough but highly potent in its purely destructive capabilities that unleash highly concentrated energy. The higher amount of energy he's trying to control the less controllable the action he is trying to do becomes as it becomes more imprecise but higher destructive potential. [b]Special Talents/Hobbies:[/b] He's a surprisingly good cook whenever someone is over to experience it the food Gunmanship is a hobby that he picked up with his family's talents that prove useful Dancing and karaoke singing with friends that he met from all over the place and at home Likes to doodle in a book that keeps in a bag whenever inspiration hits him in the head There is also a camera that he has around him fairly often that he takes pictures with [b]Ambition:[/b] A personal goal of his is to see every facet of the world with the many different cultures and people that inhabit it along with having a good time in general. However, he knows that he also holds the mantle of his family that gives him a certain responsability to hold as well when the time comes. He'd like to take his time and enjoy it while he can before having to offically pack his bags and become the head. [hider=Servant Cards] Davy Jones; Chaotic Neutral Rider STR: D+, AGI: B+, END: C+, MANA: B, LUCK: E, NP: A [b]Noble Phantasm:[/b] The Flying Dutchman - Sunken Ghost Vessel of the Seas (A-Rank) This Noble Phantasm is a galleon with tattered sails and a hull that appears to have been on the losing side of a naval confrontation yet remains eerily functional still. When manifested, the Flying Dutchman is fully handled with a crew of ghost pirates that are loyal to Rider and can operate the ship. These ghosts are not combat capable but at the same time cannot be harmed so long Rider is still manifested. Due to the nature of the legend behind the Noble Phantasm as a symbol of doom, anyone who sees the ship gains E Rank luck which will regenerate one rank per day until its original value. The ship itself is armed with cannons that can fire cannonballs as an attack which are considered C Rank attacks and can be manifested individually instead of the whole ship. The only limiting factor of this Noble Phantasm is that it requires to be summoned in a body of water capable of supporting it. Anti-Fortress. --- Depths of the Davy Jones Locker - Graveyard of Ships (EX-Rank) While some would consider Rider's Ship as his ace in his sleeves, this is the crystallization of his legend that ties to the foundation of him. Represented as a reality marble, it is a symbol for all who travels the seas as an untimely death for all who are unlucky to be in such a situation. The space that is invoked mirrors the ocean in dark stormy weather with towering waves that seemingly push you underneath after each onslaught and drags you under. This aggressive nature is due to the property of the reality marble being 'Death at Sea' which is meant to drown anyone trapped within. For this Noble Phantasm to be activated, Rider must be within the ocean along with the targets that he is facing off with that will seal their fate. Rider's other Noble Phantasm can be manifested within this reality marble is incorporated into the cost that burns the reserves of mana in Rider quickly. At its climax, the Noble Phantasm eventually turns into a whirlpool that crashes everything within the Reality Marble into the bottom of the seas but there is not enough prana for Rider to finish the technique to the end and is dispelled before then usually even with his affinity. There are ways to escape the deadly outcomes of this reality marble but the easiest one is to simply avoid facing Rider anywhere near the ocean. Anti-Fortress. [b]Include:[/b] An option for the classic cutlass fitting for a pirate Chance to wield a flintlock pistol in the other hand or even in both if he wanted to Or use the trusty spyglass to scout and look far ahead [b]Install:[/b] - Gains access to Rider's fashionable pirate outfit which looks like a very nice naval uniform - Gains access to Rider's Noble Phantasm, which upon using either of them turns his outfit into a ruined uniform with barnacles and other sea life on it [b]Install Class Skills:[/b] - B Rank Riding: If this skill is limited to ships only, it increases by a single rank - D Rank Magic Resistance [b]Install Personal Skills:[/b] - A Rank Blessing of the Seas (True): At this rank, the legend of those who crossed the seas were known to be as the Sons and Daughters of Neptune in which they had the blessing from the God of the Seas himself. A trait that has manifest onto Rider as he is immune to most water-based magecraft, abilities, and techniques unless they are of truly exceptional nature. As he is an entity closer to a nature spirit of water brought forth by human imagination rather than heroic feats but can still be considered for such a position in the throne. He gains a rank boost to his physical stats whenever fighting in or on top of a body of water from being in an environment that is conceptually ideal for him, as one could say that he can turn it into his own favor against others. Unique to Rider, this is a skill also causes him to shed the human form that he has on to hide his identity as an embodiment of the sea. This causes Rider to gain a temporary increase in his parameters but in exchange becomes a monstrous being when in contact with water this change is instinctive and reveals his true form more permanently until he 'dehydrates' himself. However, the effect of him changing can be suppressed when in water but is a difficult task that prevents him from engaging very complex actions like combat for a long time while also negating the boosts to his parameter so long as he resists this skill. - B+ Rank Eye of the Mind (True): At this rank, Rider as a pirate has an eye for naval combat that can give this skill a single rank increase when used specifically for it. Otherwise, when fighting on the scale of individual battle, it allows him to observe the flow of battle with calm analysis of the battle conditions even when in danger and deduce an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to a situation. Besides, pirates aren't limited to the traditional rules of combat that more honorable folks may be inclined to follow that gives him an edge in creativity. - D+ Rank Battle Continuation: At this rank, combat can be maintained even with wounds that would hinder the Servant from operating at optimal performance until whittled down further. While not able to fully suppress the effects of deadly wounds, it partially allows him to ignore the pain that comes from it but combat is very difficult and other actions are hard to perform as well. When fighting in a body of water, this skill receives a bonus modifier that allows him to withstand and fight even with those deadly wounds that he has received in battle as he is closer to his true self. [b]Install Appearance:[/b] When installing the class card into himself, he dones the outfit of the pirate with a stylish black outfit. With a leather coat over the shirt that goes over nicely with his pants along with the boots that are paired well with the outfit. They are dull yellow decorations on them that serve as buttons for the coat and link up the lower part of the shirt together as well. [b]Servant Biography:[/b] A deadly tale that was passed between sailors and navy men about how ships would get lost at sea and never reach the port. These thoughts eventually lead to the creation of the servant known as Davy Jones that represented the fear of those who traveled the ocean in fear. Unbiased and without judgment in his duty as those who were unlucky to get caught in his wake were left out at sea without seeing home again. There a reputation of infamy was built from Rider's acts that he performed with the people and ships that were sunken in his wake. Appearing during the worst of days with stormy weather and the iconic ship that was a symbol of doom for the eyes who happened upon it. Eventually though, as a creation of human imagination, Rider was a true anomaly as he began to develop in the image of humans that made it fall out of favor with Gaia. Even partaking in human society for the short time that he was able to was enough for the World to decide that Rider was to be terminated and remove the existence that was him. [b]Servant Personality:[/b] A handsome, fearsome and confident pirate ship captain, Hook relishes every challenge and never backs down from a fight, whether the reward is power, riches or women. He possesses the meticulous style and old-school manners of a proper gentleman, but beneath that masquerade lies a vindictive enemy who will not rest until all his enemies have been bested by him. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider][/hider] [hider=Subject #022, Needs Revamping (Homunculus)][center] | s ᴜ ʙ ᴊ ᴇ ᴄ ᴛ # : 022 | 「 [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/7ac1d3d68713ebefe66b86527ad68f34/tumblr_mt6nv1KYVB1rh0yzro3_r1_250.gif[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/e1932b8c08a8fae6d3815a3584bc07f5/tumblr_mt6nv1KYVB1rh0yzro5_r1_250.gif[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/a41b3bcfa4a7fe240e23a263ce6319b6/tumblr_mt6nv1KYVB1rh0yzro6_r1_250.gif[/img] 」 _____________________________________________________ | F e l i x W i n t e r s | | '65' Appears Late Twenties, Early Thirties | | M a l e | | T e s t S u b j e c t | | B i s e x u a l |[/center] [indent][indent][indent] [u]ᴀ ᴘ ᴘ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ᴀ ɴ ᴄ ᴇ ᴅ ɪ s ᴄ ʀ ɪ ᴘ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ[/u] ↳ [color=silver][color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] is a male, standing at the height of 5 feet and 8 inches ([color=lightcoral]172 cm[/color]) with an athletic build from conditioning in the underground rooms provided by the facility. It should be noted that even though the subject is of 65 years of age, the lack of growth and the state of his body in its prime has been attributed to side-effects of testing. With [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] coming from mixed descent ([color=lightcoral]Portuguese, Russian, and Swedish[/color]), he possesses dark brown hair and eyes that show no noticeable changes to his outward appearance during their stay at the facility. It has been noted that [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] has been considered 'unique' by the other test subjects and researchers, for his demeanor that contrasts with the environment of the facility, with many citing his cheerful smile as his most distinguishing feature. Due to the unique conditions placed on [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] for testing, should any form of confrontation take place, prevent any trauma to the head due to the sensitive equipment in place. As placed on Subject's file, original purpose was to see the relationship between the biological and the technological, monitoring the information processed through the implanted brain in [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] ([color=lightcoral]computer code has been translated for other and future researchers to study the subject[/color]). If damaged, immediately 'put to sleep' the subject from the remote switch and engage in troubleshoot mode to repair the areas of damage. Further developments for the purpose of [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] has been changed several time after conclusions were made with the last goal set in place. The new generation of researchers will assist in testing the depth of [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] and his humanity, being an individual closer to being a machine in mentality, as their focus goal. [/color] [u]ʜ ɪ s ᴛ ᴏ ʀ ʏ[/u] ↳ [color=silver][color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] is part of the early phase of Project Infantil, where the initial process of creating babies were to become the specialized test subjects for the facility, it became too difficult to sustain for the Project. Over the whole course of [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] stay in the facility, the individual has maintained a history of cooperation with the testing done and the instructions given by the Researchers. Between the different individuals who have interacted with the subject over the years, it should be mentioned that Researchers are not allowed to have personal attachments to any of the subjects, with both researchers and test subjects reporting the same thing. --- Even with the changes of staff and the methods of acquiring new test subjects, [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] has also maintained good relationship with the new generation entering in the facility. They have no extreme opinion about the changes besides stating 'It was something eventually to come' for both the new researchers and test subjects. However, it should be noted that the new individuals to the facility are to maintain caution against [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] due to the nature of their power. As the subject was born inside the facility, they have stated interest in the outside world ([color=lightcoral]"Not sure if it should be surprising that anyone of us would be curious of the outside right? Just having the books ain't enough silly!"[/color]) and more material have been provided to research further into the capabilities of [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] and his power. --- It has been noted under a previous occasion, a successful test has been conducted with this subject's power and an unauthorized media ([color=lightcoral]a movie, was confiscated and identified to be '[u]Interstellar[/u]'[/color]), any external information could not be gathered outside but both mental and visual records were recovered directly from [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] and his brain. Before the termination of the scientist, they reported the potency of the subject's ability with great fascination that encouraged further study with other forms of media ([color=lightcoral]in violation with the rules and thusly denied. Further testing will result in punishment if discovered.[/color]) Report of this incident reached upper authority and memory of the incident was approved to be kept for the development of [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] so long kept confidential to other test subjects. Several measures have been kept in place to ensure such promise will remain intact, all researchers will be notified with the profile of [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] upon working with him.[/color] [u]ᴘ ᴏ ᴡ ᴇ ʀ / ᴀ ʟ ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ᴀ ᴛ ɪ ᴏ ɴ s[/u] ↳ [color=silver]When testing [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] and his abilities, caution is advised that researchers do not engage in personal engagement with the subject during these moments unless approved of. All test results are to be gathered from the subject's brain through the remote terminal and observe the mental process that he goes through. His ability has been promptly recorded by us as the first generation of researchers as 'Reality Simulation' which is an ability that is exactly as named. [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] has the ability with enough information provided to construct a simulated space that captures a limited area ([color=lightcoral]20 feet radius[/color]) around him. Those within the effect of the subject's ability will be placed into a creation of the subject's mind that replicates the material as best it can. The interior of this space has been reported by several other tests to be greatly bigger than the captured area, spanning up to miles in a specific iteration testing the subject. Entering the range of the subject's ability when already activated will cause the individual suddenly stop in 'real space' and to join [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] in the 'simulated space' but will immediately experience intense nausea and sickness as reported by previous tests. Other tests involving a guest joining the subject have been much more successful if listening to the subject's instruction, not doing so will again result in the former symptoms but to a lesser degree ([color=lightcoral]suspected that easing into the subject's ability may help with the disorientation[/color]). --- To render the subject's ability into describable words, one can compare it to a waking dream where the space where it happens is not real, but the experience occurs surely is. But closer observation with our most sensitive equipment has indeed detected spatial disturbance on the atomic level ([color=lightcoral]without any variable being manipulated[/color]). It has been concluded that injections to elevate [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] and his power are denied without approval before hand due to the risks involved. Due to the nature of [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] this power cannot be classified as 'Psychic' due to not having a biological mind despite reported conditions normally placing such a power under it. For lack of a solid classification, it has been placed under 'Other - Spatial Manipulation'.[/color] --- [color=silver] Outside of [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] and his ability of 'Reality Simulation', his alteration of having a mechanical brain has involved a lot of work to incorporate a 'human' base that can be built on top of was managed by the best computer scientists hired by the Infatil Project. Being a piece of code that would no doubt enable a continuously learning 'human' robot if used by a machine or android ([color=lightcoral] additional backups of the code exist but under heavy guard with their location unknown[/color]). With this brain of his, [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] is enabled enhanced mental capabilities that resulted in better learning and memory as a few listed benefits through superior pathways in receiving, interpreting, and storing information. The trade off for this is that [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] initially displayed a large discrepancy in social skills compared to peers of his age. Developing at an estimated rate of 1/2 to 1/3 compared to the average, the progress so far that has been achieved by [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] is a noteworthy development. As a noted observation, it seems that his mental age is the determining factor of his physical growth as while socially developing slower than his peers, his aging slowed to match the pace he grew. [/color] [u]ᴘ ᴇ ʀ s ᴏ ɴ ᴀ ʟ ɪ ᴛ ʏ[/u] ↳ [color=firebrick]Subject #022[/color] is observed to be a very outgoing individual who is quite the playful person. Holding a very bubbly aura around him, he is very unique person in the facility for his mannerism and personality that seems to always bounce back into shape despite what goes on. He wouldn't be a person that you'd call naive, but seems to be deliberately handcrafted. Still that doesn't mean that he's being dishonest but is simply being conscious about how other people perceive him and how he carries himself in front of others. He's very easy to get along with him, laughing to jokes that are tossed out and easily picking up different topics to build on. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/hider] [/hider][center][h3][color=black] ═ ══ ═ ═══ ═ ═ ═══ ═ ══ ═ ═ ══ ═ ═══ ═ ═ ═══ ═ ══ ═ [/color][/h3][/center]