[quote=@Ammokkx] Take note of the part I highlighted. "People have become more flighty." No, they haven't. The nature of man doesn't change that easily, and it just reads like a big 'ol "Back in MY day" statement. People were always shit. There's just less of us now. [/quote] I mean, let's be fair here, there's a lot more to distract you nowadays. (And I get a taste of that feeling every day, when my own roommate can't ever seem to put his phone down.) So the idea that people's attention spans have been on the decline, doesn't seem too farfetched to me. Especially, in this particular online social climate, being at its worst in a long time. (Which mind, is in it's own little pocket of reality.) I've still seen a few people tune out/use the internet less. So I agree that people haven't changed, per say. But technology certainly has. (And not to go too far into other topics, but IQs and attention spans have been occasionally linked. And general IQ scores have been on the decline.) Though, when you say "less of us now", do you mean roleplaying in the forums? Or less roleplayers in general? Because I agree with what was said previously, in that, I'm sure people are still RPing. But they're simply doing it in different avenues and places. (Granted, I can't seem to *find* those places. But I'm sure they exist.)