Lex put his phone down on the small island between the driver seat and passenger seat. He grit his teeth as he swerved through traffic, "Mr. Tseng...and the Boss..." He looks up at the copter in time to see the Manaward burst into brillance around the chopper, "Man thinks of everything." Wasteland let out a baying howl, not like Darkstar would be able to hear her, but Wasteland salute the alpha of the pack. At the same time Lex leaned out as he saw Rufus Shinra himself lean out. He gave him a thumbs up in admiration. Soon enough Lex's attention is back on the chase. His lips split in a large grin as he races through traffic. With the head start he's actually slightly happy he can see the two bikes up ahead. Reaching down Lex shifts the jeep into All Wheel Drive. And mounts the median of the highway. Then down onto the otherside of traffic driving in on coming traffic. Vehicles dodging out of the way of the big up armored jeep as he races along for abit. Done mostly to avoid a thick knot of traffic in the other lanes. Soon though he mounts the median again and is back in normal traffic having ate up a few meters on the bikes ahead of him. With a glare Lex uses the big jeeps profile to nudge a smaller vehicle out of the way just a little, not enough to send it careening out of the way. The driver laid on the horn, for about 5 seconds before he saw the huge jeep roll by, the ShinRa logo on the side and the big grinning, sharp toothed canine glaring at him. Lex chuckled, "Good girl Waste!" He weaved by another jeep, then settled in, reaching down and bringing his Winchester out again. It'd be a helluva a thing...he held his arm out the window, waited just abit before...bang! He fires, adding his own shots to the VPs, his own rounds winging along, to the sides and around the drivers, trying to throw off their balance, "Come on damn it. Stop already...where the hell are we going anyway?"