The woman was getting her belongings together, not that there was much to begin with. She had a couple of gadgets she always carried around, but compatibility wise it was a guessing game when it came to foreign worlds. Hell, she might be as useless as a glass hammer out there, who knew. Beatrice kept her attire simple, taking into consideration whom they were meeting. Her clothes were the opposite of eccentric as she opted for a gray blouse and slacks. Her messenger bag, which she carries around more often than not, was a pale shade of blue. Overall, possibly an eye sore for the individual with an interest in fashion. But Beatrice wasn't out to impress anyone, certainly not by wardrobe anyway. The ride to the meeting place had been uneventful, save for the occasional comment which made Beatrice raise an eyebrow. She remained relatively quiet, not feeling all that comfortable to spew what was on her mind just yet. But she perked up when the buildings came into view. They were...unique, for lack of a better word. Beatrice watched on as they went, trying to intake the numerous detailed designs. It was quite the sight, at least for her. Something about intricacies of architecture which always drew her attention. Upon their arrival, Beatrice grew a tiny bit apprehensive, despite being perfectly fine for the entirety of the trip. The crew had also voiced the same concerns, although that was to be expected given their situation. But Beatrice was armed, and one couldn't tell form simply glancing over at her. Once inside the property, Beatrice noticed it was pretty isolated. Though that didn't last long as they were prompted to go through one of the doors. Curiosity clinged to her, and Beatrice wasn't disappointed once she finally laid eyes on the Holy Vei. She was equal parts fantastic as well as menacing. Such was her effect on Beatrice that the woman almost didn't register her words when she spoke. The question threw her off, but then it was Francesca who went ahead and addressed her on their behalf, with permission of course. At that point, Beatrice didn't know what to expect next.