[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200723/73776bacecde96ae389ce7ae80ba4c2a.png[/img][/center] [center][color=f26522]"You're welcome."[/color] Duskwing meowed to Spidernose as she watched Fernstar pass by into the medicine cat's den, [color=f26522]"I'm sure Blackpelt will take good care of them."[/color] She could hear their leader talking to both Sunfur and Moosepaw before she walked back out of the den and jumped onto the stump she used to address the clan. As Fernstar called the meeting Duskwing went to sit nearby her apprentice as Moosepaw walked to the front of the medicine den to listen. She felt a flash of pride for her clan as Blackpelt hopped onto the stump and told them what he had seen. [color=f26522][i]We're a real clan, Starclan has accepted us...[/i][/color]she kept her gaze firmly fixed on their leader waiting for whatever other news would come with this announcement.[/center] [center]Stormheart joined up with the rest of the clan as they sat and listened to Fernstar make the announcement. [i][color=00aeef]So that means that she and Blackpelt will have to leave soon.[/color][/i] He felt slightly nervous, but Brambletail would be in charge while they were gone, and he was certainly capable. Traveling all the way in leafbare wouldn't be pleasant; Stormheart definitely didn't envy his leader, but he certainly respected everything she did to form the clan and keep everyone together. He came back out of his thoughts and continued to listen for any other orders they might be given for their leaders absence.[/center]