[color=bdbdbd]I can't speak for everyone else but as for me, I've simply grown up, found where my limits are and stuck to it. When I was younger, I could sign up for near ten games and play all of them until they died on their own. Nowadays, I'm too busy, too distracted with other things, too invested in my own life to have enough time for anything more than two. If the golden age of forum RP was [color=ffffff][quote=@Inkarnate] probably 1998-2014 [/quote][/color]then many of those same players have grown as well and are doing the same. None of us have left (I started 2006). We're around. So to answer the question, forum RP [i]is[/i] on the decline, not because the hobby is dying but because it has expanded to include other forms of media and most of the ones who used to forum RP are probably doing other things. But I'm no expert. I just live here sometimes. Can I hire someone to say the word 'rural' for me?[/color]