[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/D84wsDmh9oneB6oUpN70-Ls6I0IUvJLXygQzdM10Ot8/https/see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/vY07/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4MSwidyI6MTI1MCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjQUU0Q0M1IiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/QXJpYQ/salikin.png[/img][/center] Patricia scoffed at Will as soon as he finished talking. She crossed her arms, about to go on the attack. What a [i]dumb[/i] plan. It would get them all killed! She was about to pipe in to [s]yell at[/s] correct him when the TV flickered to life again. That caught her attention immediately, drawing her away from her derisive anger. Because, despite all her angry posturing, there was one thing here she was genuinely concerned about- Eliza. Her girlfriend was strong and could fight for herself (something that others seemed to forget often, which frequently irritated her). But today… Patricia couldn’t help the fear that was rising in her chest at the sight of Eliza tied helpless to that rack. Grace’s revelation didn’t shake her to her core. But it did stoke the flames of her fury. [i]The Wings of Law?[/i] Seraph had hated her since day one, that much was true. He had tried so hard to make her career at H.E.R.O miserable, to make her quit. Which was shitty for a guy that had two decades on her. Yet, somehow she had thought that they might be decent enough to not attempt [i]fucking murder[/i]. Mr. Impressive, Sea Serpent, Seraph, all of them… they could go fuck themselves, because Patricia was coming for them. [color=MediumOrchid]“FUCK!"[/color] she screamed, unable to sum up any coherent words. Her hands tightened into claws. How [i]dare[/i] they. She had to try her hardest not to burst into tears when Eliza was shocked. But when the broadcast ended, she was given something else to focus on. Sam leaned in to speak to Patricia, and her eyes widened, staring at him. Her cheeks pinkened. Of [i]course[/i] she smelt like Eliza. It only made sense- they had been holding each other all night. Sam started to walk towards the ogres, and she had to make a choice. Obviously, if they were over there, then there would be no merit in going to the coliseum. And plus… well, she had a few bones to pick with Nero. That she would settle. With mind control. So, after a few moments of thought, Patricia spedwalk after the giant, towards the danger. [color=MediumOrchid]“I’m coming with you,”[/color] she asserted, looking up at him, her obstinance reflected in her gaze. She wasn’t going to take no for an answer. [color=MediumOrchid]“And you can’t stop me, so don’t bother trying.”[/color] [@DClassified] [hr] [center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/yjyl2W8THDpaGLnPFFswROcp2AyGK9DqGLbw3Nayr_A/https/see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/g105/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4MSwidyI6MTI1MCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjQjY4QzI1IiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/UXVha2U/blow-me-personal-use-regular.png[/img][/center] Jamie nodded at Will once he finished, giving him a thumbs-up. That seemed like a good plan! It wasn’t like she could come up with a better one, anyways. Blake, her, and Rumi… just like the mafia mission. And that had gone super well, so maybe this would too! The ogres didn’t look too fragile, though… Jamie looked at her hands, and then looked up at the encroaching Leftovers. A whiff of their scent hit her nose, and it just made her headache worse, for some reason. So did the sun. And everyone [i]talking[/i]. And that TV going in the background… wait, what? [color=Goldenrod] “The Wings of Law… what?!”[/color] Jamie looked genuinely stunned at this revelation. She had of course known that the group didn’t exactly like them much, but to want them dead? No, no, it couldn’t be true. But Grace wasn’t exactly a liar, and Jamie believed her. The Wings of Law were, like them, the good guys- heroes. Even though Mr. Impressive was a douchebag and Sea Serpent was a total bitch, they were still [i]heroes[/i]. Surely they couldn’t want to hurt them. But the evidence was apparently staring her right in the face. The broadcast ended, and Jamie’s attention was drawn back to the ogres. Everyone was splitting up, it seemed- Patricia and Sam were going to the area directly behind the ogres, and Will and Brie were going to the left. Remembering Will’s plan, Jamie decided to stay and fight the ogres. Her power was usually useful for this sort of thing. Looking at the ogres a bit closer, she noticed how durable they seemed. She tried out a blast on one of the ones closest to her- and it didn’t crush it. Rather, the ogre just seemed to be [i]annoyed[/i]. This was not going to work. Suddenly, she had an idea. [color=Goldenrod]“BLAKE!”[/color] she shouted, and winced at how loud her own voice was. [color=Goldenrod]“HERD THEM INTO THE BUILDING! I HAVE AN IDEA!”[/color] [@Hitman]