Hello everyone and welcome to my request thread, as you can tell by my user name – I'm ImmaCamoPrincess, most people call me Princess or more commonly Camo for short, a few people call me CamoPrincess...but its whatever you prefer to call me and whatever you feel you want to type out! I have role played for at least ten years, though I feel it has been longer than that - I can’t really recall the age when I first started on this journey. I work a full and part-time job (currently the full-time job is at PEAK season so I’m working six days a week Sunday to Friday, normally my schedule is Sunday to Thursday with working every non-payday Friday). My part-time job is only Saturdays and Thursdays (so replies are a little limited on Thursdays since I’m working both jobs, but when I’m not working Friday then replies will be much easier). I am in my mid-twenties, I am in a relationship, I own two horses and two dogs so it is important to know that my personal well-being and my personal life come before role playing stuff. Sorry but that’s just how things go, I do however do my best to inform my partners of any sort of absence or postponed replies. I role play females in male female romance role plays with other themes mixed in, the other themes depend on the plot and pairing. Most of my pairings have AT LEAST one plot that will be listed, if not more – some plots are firm while others can be changed or we can brainstorm one together. I'm not a huge fan of doubling unless it’s a few of my ideas, not to be picky or anything. You must be at least eighteen years old in order to role play with me, my role plays vary on plot smut ratios. My replies vary in the length, normally I mirror what you give me or try to. I do ask that the minimum reply my partners give me is at least two paragraphs. I would like my partners to reply at least once a day, but the more replies you can get out the better as I will so the same. I do have an F-List that goes to all my characters and role plays, I'll post the link for it. I don’t use personal photos of my animals, family, friends, etc in any role plays. All you need to know about my location and the hours I am on is that I’m from Ohio in the US, we are in the Eastern Standard Time Zone. I am fairly active since my boyfriend works on one of my off days, I normally spend the day online until he gets off unless I am making a feed run to the feed store, but that only takes about three hours round trip. [h1]Cravings[/h1] [hider=The 100: Prince Roan of the Ice Nation – OC]The series is set 97 years after a devastating nuclear war wiped out almost all life on Earth not all humanity was wiped out, they were called Savages by the people who lived in the survivors who lived in Mount Weather – but the tribes did their best to stay away from the Mountain Men's area. The tribes did their best to remain peaceful amongst one another, though when your next to the ice nation – it isn’t always an option. In fact, her village was at one point a strong part of the ice nation – but they had pulled out slowly before the young woman was born. She never knew her mother, she had passed away shortly after giving birth to her daughter so she only knew of her by the stories her father told her. She grew up as an only child from her father since he never remarried and other children from her village, they became almost like her siblings since their parents always banned them from going too far into the forests in fear of their children stumbling onto the ice nations territory. As years passed, her noble father raised his daughter to act like a noble since he was the elder of their village – he handled everything a King or Queen would. The small village was peaceful up until the young woman turned eighteen years old, that’s when her village fell into the view of the Queen of the ice nation. The Queen was a cold, dangerous woman who was cruel as one could be without being the devil himself or in this case – herself. The young woman hadn’t been of age for a week before the Queen was threatening to destroy the village unless they agreed to rejoin the ice nation, but there was still no promise of the safety of her people. Since their village was so small, they stood no chance to fight and they had nothing to offer her that she didn’t already have. Her father had no other options but to offer the only thing his village could, his daughters' hand in marriage to her son, Roan. It took only a matter of hours for the Queen to accept her father's offer, before the 100 land on Earth the two take their time getting to know one another and planning their wedding after his proposal – as they talk and get to know one another along with the wedding plans allows their feelings to grow for one another. The wedding is set to happen a few days after the 100 land, so their landing postpones the wedding plans. As things calm down after the 100 land, they are able to have their wedding. The story continues from here, private message if you have any interest in the role play.[/hider] [hider=Don’s Son – Rival Don’s Daughter]When your part of a family who has been at war with another family for so many years that even the living members of the family don’t remember why they are still at war, both families having eligible children for a marriage. Both the dons are getting older and finding it harder to keep up with the younger men being recruited into their families, to add to the tension that another family is moving closer that is larger than the two families are apart. But together their families will stand a chance, joining the families will be no small task however. The families had been raised to hate one another for at least four generations, the only option it seems is to have an old-fashioned arranged marriage. What happens when a man from the Italian mafia has to marry a woman from the American mafia in order to stand a better chance against the Russian family mafia that seems to move closer every few weeks? What better way to force the families to cooperate with one another when their don's children are married and leading the way to become one large mafia? The don’s decide it's in the best interest of both families that everyone believes their children have secretly been seeing one another for some time before their fathers happened to stumble upon them one night, catching them together – they decided then and there that it was about time for the war to end and to allow their children to be together. The families have no idea it’s a complete lie and the two are sworn to secrecy and aren’t allowed to speak a word to anyone, they have to make their relationship look real. They are given a one-year time limit to get engaged and married, the longer they fake their relationship the more those fake feelings become easier. Their fake feelings slowly begin to become real, it's only a matter of time before their relationship is truly real. The story continues from here, private message if you have any interest in the role play.[/hider] [hider=Don’s Son – Right Hand Man’s Daughter]In the Italian mafia, family is family whether by blood or long-term friendship. The two grew up together, the don’s son was always the right-hand man's daughter’s protector against other kids – the two were always together and it was impossible to find one without the other in tow. This went on for years until her mothers’ death when she was only fourteen, he was sixteen. She closed off to almost everyone for weeks, it only took the don’s son a few days to get her to open up to him about everything she was going through. Her father tried giving her time, but even as months passed, she still wasn’t herself around anybody but him. He thought it was best to send her off to school, figuring some time away would do her some good in her healing process. Without their parent's knowledge, the two wrote letters to one another – even as his father paraded multiple women in front of him in hopes of finding a nice girl to hopefully see and at one point settle down with. But he has already found the girl he wants and she is hundreds of miles away, he’ll take road trips to “see friends or look around other casinos” when in reality, he is taking those trips to see her. By the time graduation rolls around, he and his parents accompany her father to her ceremony to celebrate and surprise her since she thinks she would be making the trip home alone. It takes some convincing but after some arm twisting, their parents agree to allow the two to drive home together after he offers to help her finish packing and promising they would leave the following day. How will their parents handle if they come out about their relationship? How will the mafia handle her coming back after being gone for four years? After all, she even spent the summers with a local family in order to prepare for the coming school year. The story continues from here, private message if you have any interest in the role play.[/hider] [hider=Don’s Son – Member's Sister]When a pair of siblings lose their parents, their relationship grows stronger and the elder normally becomes the parent figure – taking the responsibilities that their parents once held. The older sibling normally does whatever it takes to provide the basic needs of their younger sibling, this pair is no different when their parents are killed in a drunk driving accident. They had been out for date night, leaving the sixteen-year-old son to babysit his fourteen-year-old sister. The pair were waiting up to surprise their parents with a gift they got them for their anniversary, but instead the knock on the door was the police to inform them that a drunk driver had crossed the centerline and it resulted in a head on collision which resulted in their parents death. Their parents left enough money behind for the pair to pay off the house, leaving a small amount to live off of before life insurance policies paid out. However, it was only enough to get the pair through two years before funds began to run low – the older brother struggled to find any good paying jobs due to only having a high school diploma. He turned to underground fighting, relying on the winnings to support himself and his sister. This is where he caught the attention of the don for his fighting skills, being offered a position in the mafia with pay that he couldn’t turn away – he and his sister would never struggle again. The true trick is keeping his work life and his personal life separate to keep his sister safe, but when he has her accompany him to an event and she meets the don’s son – they seem to take a liking to one another. The story continues from here, private message if you have any interest in the role play.[/hider] [hider=Don’s Son – New Girl in Town]What better way to get away from a crazy, abusive, and controlling boyfriend than to move across the country to a new city and state in the middle of the night while he is off doing whatever he pleased while leaving you alone battered and bruised? It was the last time he hit her, she swore it would never happen again and she made damn sure by packing everything into her car and taking off. She drove for days, stopping as little as possible unless she desperately needed gas, food, or sleep. She had even left her phone behind, stopping just over state lines to get a cheap gas station pre-pay phone for directions and so her ex couldn’t trace her since her old phone had been on his plan. She only took enough money to get settled, but prices were higher than she thought and she found herself forced to get a job at one of the local casinos that had held its grand opening only a matter of days before she arrived in town. Waitress and bartending experience from high school and college had helped the young woman land the job, allowing her peace of mind as she tries to settle into her new life knowing no one. It's only a matter of days before there is some sort of special event at her job, one her boss stresses will make or break her future at the casino. She just happens to catch the eye of the don's son, maybe it’s the fact that she has no idea who he is and treats him just like everyone else. Though the don’s son is interested in her, as he gets to know her, he fears that who he truly is will scare her away. What happens when her ex tracks her down and reveals the truth about who he is? The story continues from here, private message if you have any interest in the role play.[/hider] [hider=Don’s Son – Debtee’s Girlfriend]The mafia is known for getting what is owed to them one way or another, no matter what life has to be endangered or who has to be killed to get it. Sometimes those who didn’t even borrow the money are the ones are the ones whose life is put on the line, even if they had no knowledge of the debt owed. In this case, her boyfriend borrowed large amounts of money for gambling, rooms at the casinos, whores, drinks, food, and gift for those he cheated on her with. She believed he was away on business when in fact he was within a hundred miles from their apartment, when the mafia caught up to him and beat him – he lied to her and said that he’d been jumped and robbed. It didn’t deter him from paying his debts off or from digging the hole any deeper than he already had, so when she went for a girl's night out with friends to the local casino – she runs into those her boyfriend owes money to. It doesn’t take much to kidnap a tipsy girl when she parted ways with her friends to find her hotel room, especially when she is half the size of the men to grab her. And convincing an already tipsy girl to take a drugged drink is quite the easy task, especially if it means easier transportation to the don’s son who has been tasked with watching her until the debt is paid. When she is only able to offer a quarter of what is owed and her boyfriend has no interest in saving her and paying the rest, she is offered the option that could save her life. But the question is, will she take it? The story continues from here, private message if you have any interest in the role play.[/hider] [hider=Undercover Cop – Don's Daughter]When his boss sends him undercover into the largest mafia in the state, he figured it would be no issue to get the dirt needed to take the higher up members down one at a time. He has to start at the bottom and work his way toward the top, it definitely won’t be a quick and simple assignment. This could take months or even years depending on how well he handles assignments handed down to him, he finds it a bit more challenging than he believed it would be – it's harder to earn his trust than he was expecting it to be. He gets the dirty, clean ups for weeks and he begins to wonder if he will even be able to move up. It is emotionally tiring doing things you were trained to take down, but it the mafia thinks you’re a cop – they'll surely kill you and any luck of finding your body will a lost cause. He flies under the radar for weeks, but as time passes, he notices the don’s daughter unsure of exactly who she is and he doesn’t want to ask any question as to not draw attention to himself. It takes a few more days before he runs into her at one of the casino events, managing to charm a few answers out of her before her father whisks her away from him. As time passes, he finds himself developing feelings for the don’s daughter. As feelings grow, he finds himself questioning if he can cross her and her family or cross his brothers in blue. If he becomes a dirty cop, the girl he is falling for will forever be grateful and he could possibly win over her father who seems to hate his guts. Or, he could stay true to his assignment and take them down, risking his life in the process. The story continues from here, private message if you have any interest in the role play.[/hider] [hider=Undercover Cop – Members Sister]When his boss sends him undercover into the largest mafia in the state, he figured it would be no issue to get the dirt needed to take the higher up members down one at a time. He has to start at the bottom and work his way toward the top, it definitely won’t be a quick and simple assignment. This could take months or even years depending on how well he handles assignments handed down to him, he finds it a bit more challenging than he believed it would be – it's harder to earn his trust than he was expecting it to be. He gets the dirty, clean ups for weeks and he begins to wonder if he will even be able to move up. It is emotionally tiring doing things you were trained to take down, but it the mafia thinks you’re a cop – they'll surely kill you and any luck of finding your body will a lost cause. One drunken night at an event at the casino, he slips up in front of one of the members sisters who was out back for some fresh air. He didn’t happen to see her when a marked unit stopped by for an update on what information he has gotten from the mafia, she secretly warns him through notes that she knows his secret – keeping herself anonymous. He goes on guard, watching everyone more carefully as he tries to figure out who knows his secret – knowing that they could cost him his life. It's when she slips up that he figures out she is the one that saw him in the alley, when he demands to know what she wants in order to stay quiet – she seems more interested in upsetting her ex than turning him over to the don. But in blackmailing the young cop into acting as her boyfriend to upset her ex, their feelings turn from fake to real. Would she leave this life and turn her back onto her brother for him or can he give up wearing a badge to really join the family? Both their lives seem to be in danger no matter the choice. The story continues from here, private message if you have any interest in the role play.[/hider] [hider=Soldiers Little Sister – Brothers Comrade]When losing a parent, it normally is a little easier when you have someone to lean on such as an older sibling you’ve always looked up to. It aids in the healing process to know you're not along and to be able to lean on one another, sometimes it is known to draw siblings closer while at other times it is known to drive them apart. In this case, it draws them closer together – given they pair are only a few years apart at the time of their parent's deaths and with no other living relatives her older brother is able to keep her from the foster care system. As they try to make a living, her brother welcomes her long-term boyfriend into the home to help pay bills. When her brother decided he was going to join the Marines, her boyfriend wasn’t far behind – basic called for them both quickly and it resulted in the three living on base while they temporarily rented out their childhood home since she would be living on base while they were in basic and while they were on tour. It was a bit of a change for the three, living with your girlfriend and her brother didn’t make things any easier. Yet her boyfriend managed to keep his flirting and cheating hidden from them both, though he was not a fan of the attention his girlfriend got from the other members of his team. It was during one of the dry runs during basic did the team notice red flags from her boyfriend, yet the team figured it was nerves since they would be deploying soon after graduation. It wasn’t long after graduation that her boyfriend was caught red handed on their first tour by her brother that he was receiving photos and letters from multiple women, not just his sister. He hated to break the news to his sister, but she had been receiving random letters claiming her boyfriend was cheating on her. He was given a warning from his commanding officers, though shortly after his girlfriend ended things with him by sending him an envelope with the business card for a self-storage unit with the code and unit number, he could find his things in. Her brother distanced himself from his sisters ex, taking up talking to the newer recruits who joined the team. The members who already knew his sister were always asking about her, drawing some of the new recruits' attention as her brother explained what happened. It doesn’t take long for one of the recruits to stand out to her brother, seeming interested in his sister so he passed on the address they shared so his comrade could write her. They slowly develop a friendship over letters, meeting in person when the team returns home from the first tour of duty but having video chat over the course of their tour, knew each other enough to be comfortable with one another. Over their leave, her brother lifts his protectiveness over his sister in order to give them freedom away from his eye. It only took a matter of weeks after returning home for the two to really hit it off and become a couple, though PTSD would be new for the young woman to deal with – she would do her best in order to keep the relationship going after they return from their second tour. The story continues from here, private message if you have any interest in the role play.[/hider] [hider=The Outsiders: Keith “Two-Bit’s” Mathews – OC Greaser Girl]Coming soon...[/hider] [hider=The Outsiders: Soda-Pop Curtis – OC Greaser Girl]Coming soon...[/hider] [hider=Assassin’s Creed: Jacob – OC Assassin]Coming soon...[/hider] [hider=Ghost Adventures: Zak Bagans – OC]Coming soon...[/hider] [hider=Werewolf Pack Member – Best Human Friend’s Girl]What is he supposed to do when he hears his best friend is returning home from college besides throw him a huge welcome home party? After all, they had grown up together and been friends all their life – they never let anything get between their brotherly bond and trusted each other with the others deepest, darkest secrets. But while he was away, he started talking about this girl he’d met that attended his school and they shared a few classes. The boys still on their way to being young men at the time, his friend asked for a photo of his buddy's new love interest. As soon as the photo loaded on his phone, he felt something he had only heard some of the other pack members talking about – it was a fire inside him for the girl in the photo, a girl he never met, he didn’t even know her name. The only thing that was clear to him is he had imprinted on her just by her photo and she was dating his best friend, he couldn’t go and try to steal his best friends' girl away from him. His friend did know werewolves love lives were different than humans, his friend had been to many pack events so he knew about imprinting and the effect it had on the person who did the imprinting if they couldn’t be with that person. He figured it would be no big issue since as time passed, he talked less and less of the girl he sent the photo of and flooded his friend back homes phone with photos of many different girls as time passed. Something just didn’t sit right with the werewolf within him, even with the girl so far away – he could sense her emotions. It drove the werewolf crazy that he couldn’t help her, it would surely scare her if he randomly showed up looking for her. A year and a half after he got her picture, he got news that his friend was returning home for the summer and wanted a party for his homecoming. His friend isn’t coming home alone, the girl from the first photo is coming with him – they are still together; however, he hasn’t been loyal or kind to her. The confident, outgoing, beautiful, smiling girl from the photo her boyfriend sent his friend wasn’t the girl from the photo – it was the same girl but she didn’t seem as outgoing, confident, and she rarely smiled. She seemed fearfully shy and followed her boyfriend around, yet if he went to chase after some other girl right in front of her – she would just let him. Curiosity would surely kill the cat in this case at the welcome home party, when his friend was too busy chasing after other girls and leaving his girlfriend to sit by the bonfire alone – the young werewolf took his chance to get answers. He couldn’t allow himself to let her suffer, when he approached her and introduced himself – it was like the imprint hit him all over again but when the fire sparked just right and he noticed bruising on her arms and legs, anger was quick to fill him. How could someone he knew for so long, someone that he thought he knew so well do this to someone smaller than him? Yet just meeting him, the girl wouldn’t talk to him and he couldn’t tell her what he was – at least not right away. But when the pack has a bonfire and he witnesses’ his friend lay hands on the girl in a drunken rage after she said no to having sex, the young werewolf snaps and before his alpha can even stop him – the fuming young man is already pushing his friend away from the girl. That would be the end of their relationship, as he ex tried to hurt her – he decided to act on his feelings and help her. As their relationship begins, she slowly becomes the person in the photo he saw – though raised voices and quick movements still made her flinch. He has to find a way to explain to her what he really is. The story continues from here, private message if you have any interest in the role play.[/hider] [h1]Also Open...work in progress...this area coming soon...[/h1] Outlaw – Sheriffs Daughter Outlaw – Struggling Ranch Owner’s Daughter Cattle Rustler – Struggling Ranch Owner’s Daughter Cattle Rustler – Sheriff's Daughter Young Warrior King – Rival Kingdom’s Princess Paranormal Lead Team Investigator – Sensitive & Tour Guide Paranormal Team Investigator – Sensitive & Tour Guide Werewolf Pack Alpha – Human New Girl Werewolf Pack Alpha – Rival Alpha’s Human Girl Werewolf Pack Member – Human New Girl ECHL Hockey Team Captain – Team Photographer ECHL Hockey Team Member – Team Photographer NHL Hockey Team Captain – Team Photographer NHL Hockey Team Member – Team Photographer PBR Rookie – PBR Veterans Girl PBR Rookie – PBR Veterans Sister PBR Rookie – Opening Ceremonies Rider PBR Rookie – PBR Photographer Ghost Adventures: Aaron Goodwin – OC