He chuckles, seeing the dragonborn take in his expertly crafted armor. "Mages aren't so bad. Sure, they think too much of themselves, but over all they're decent chaps." He laughs. "If you couldn't handle your drink, you'd be out cold right now. I tell that just from the smell on your breath." He licks his lips. "I'm Zandex. Zandex Corean. My friends call me Dex." He grins. "And if you're looking for a fight, I'd not recommend fighting a warrior who's a blacksmith by trade. I can bend metal with my bare hands." He grins, slinging his hammer over his shoulder. "I'm looking for an adventuring group. I like to travel, but it's dangerous to go alone. That's why I take this." He spins the massive lump of lead and steel over his shoulder.