[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://s22.postimg.cc/gp97f0fgh/0d6dfff653297a5a4a906f57fac8107e.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][@Natsu][@Kirah][/center][hr][center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/FairSomberDorking-size_restricted.gif[/img][/center][hr] [center][h1]THE RULES OF JUMANJI[/h1] 1. You will be rolling on the Discord server, using our dice bot and typing in !roll 2d6. Be sure to tag me when you do. 2. Only one person in each pair has to roll when it is that pair's turn, first person is the one who gets it. 3. I'll then be rolling to see what outcome you get and messaging you, as well as include a paragraph for the effects. You need to include the rhyme that I will be sending you in your post, and the part that I send you will go [b]at the end[/b] of your post and is not to be included when talking about your limits for how much you need to write. 4. There might be an instance (only one I can immediately think of) where I might bump the roll for movement on the game board to be one higher or lower, but only if it comes to that. (there are story reasons as to why this would be the case) 5. Only one pair can roll the dice [b]per round[/b]. This is so that the game doesn't end in a few rounds and you can't speed roll for it to make it go more quickly like that. However for some it might be more of 2 or 3 rounds before someone can roll again. Once the turn order has been decided (the first full round of game play will be determining the order) I will be including it here. And if your pairing's names are bolded, that means that it is your turn. [list][*]Mary and Bethany (the Jade Monkey) [*][b]Whoever wants to go next if you can[/b] [/list] Remember, the only way to win and have it end is when a game piece reaches the center of the board and the winners call out Jumanji[/center] [hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/YRWL9Xc/Lance-Mira-and-Mary.png[/img][hr][color=8493ca]Location:[/color] Living Room -> The Danger Room [color=007236]Skills:[/color] [color=yellow]Light Manipulation[/color], [color=8493ca]Sonic Screech[/color][hr][hr][/center] [color=7ea7d8][i]Your argument is dumb, since you say that, but he hates his brother Thor about a million times more then any other Avenger. So why isn't he messing with him?[/i][/color] [color=007236]"Xavier isn't here,"[/color] Mary said with a slight eye roll towards Guin, [color=007236]"He and Beast headed off to go give a talk on genetics at a university, so that's a lucky thing."[/color] Glancing around at what was going on she did agree that getting into the Danger Room was probably their best bet. However, she wasn't all too sure if sealing the door was a good idea. Given the fact that Loki might have messed with a few things, the idea of still being able to get the hell out of the room if need be seemed like it would be important. [color=yellow]"I can try to get us down there,"[/color] Lance muttered, his hands having a soft glow to them, though it seemed to take a moment for his powers to start working. A blinding flash of light lit up the area, and he managed to be partially successful as he got Mary, Ed, Bethany, Iris and Annie down to the Danger Room, the others were still stuck upstairs with the mosquitoes. Luckily though, they did have a speedster in the area who could probably rather quickly get everyone else down below hopefully before anything horrible happened. A mosquito bite would be horrible thing at the moment. [color=yellow]"Damn it... Was trying to get everyone down here without problems, oh well..."[/color] he muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets again and leaning up against the wall. Meanwhile, back upstairs where everyone else was in the entrance way, the mosquitoes followed the group out of the living room and instantly started swarming. [color=7ea7d8]"Okay, clear a path and I can see if I can grab everyone else in a big group, or it might be two trips, just give me a moment."[/color] [color=8493ca]"If you have to take two trips I'll go in the last one, I can probably break you through the bugs, and Guin's suit would protect her from their bites,"[/color] Mira commented, glancing towards him before the bugs surrounded them yet again. [color=8493ca]"You might want to plug your ears,"[/color] she added before she let out a loud shriek that literally punched right through the mosquito swarm, allowing Pietro to grab Neil and Carolina, just barely avoiding getting bitten by the bugs as he raced them right outside of the Danger Room. Setting them down, Pietro looked at the others, [color=7ea7d8]"I'll be right back,"[/color] he said to the rest of the group, before racing off back upstairs. Meanwhile, upstairs where Mira and Guin were, things were getting to be a bit problematic. Unfortunately for them, they didn't have a shield of any sorts anymore, and were completely being swarmed. A mosquito tried to latch itself onto Guin's helmet, but luckily for her, the bug wasn't able to get through it. A few others at various points on her armor were trying to bite her, but they all were failing at it. Mira was shrieking a few more times next to her in order to attempt to keep the bugs at bay, but her attempts were failing as the swarm kept getting closer and closer. There was a gust of wind, signaling Pietro's return and she let out another shriek in order to make it so that they could zip out of there. [color=8493ca]"Hurry up let's go."[/color] Pietro raced up to the pair of them, grabbing the two and racing off, but there was one slight problem. The opening that Mira had created was small, and was already closing up by the time they were racing out, and Mira felt something pierce her arm, but whatever it had been was gone in a second, and it didn't seem to leave a mark or something. It was kind of hard to tell running at super speed. There was something that Guin would be able to notice, and no one else would. Probably because she was used to zipping around at Pietro's typical speed, but given the fact that they were being chased by murder mosquitoes he'd be running faster. To her, it seemed like he was running [i]slower[/i] then he typically would. [color=7ea7d8]"Okay away from the murderous bugs hooray!"[/color] Pietro said as he raced into the Danger Room and shut the door behind him as he set Mira and Guin down. [color=007236]"I'm not sure if sealing off the Danger Room entirely is a good idea..."[/color] Mary commented once everyone was in the area. [color=yellow]"I mean, considering all of the possibilities that could come from that board the ability to move around constantly might be beneficial, but who knows, Loki might have messed with the outcomes, so who knows what's going to happen... Can we just move on, who wants to roll the dice next? Since preferably we can reach the end of this game quickly, hopefully anyway."[/color]