The job read like it would be tough, but not impossible. Three rogue mages holed up in a small town needed to be brought in for evading investigation and arrest for a string of robberies. Not many in the guild seemed to like taking on three mages, let alone the fact there was the potential for collateral damage. It was the exact kind of thing Kali went for. That wasn't why Kali had taken the job though. It had no sooner gone up than Kali snatched it up and was approved for the job. Helianthus wasn't a remarkable town. It wasn't exactly on the way to any destination unless one wanted it to be. There were faster means to any destination, roads built to be more direct travel to larger towns. One would assume that was why the mages hid there. One would also expect the job to be easy. No one actually expected to hear that two days after setting out on the job, Helianthus was nothing more than ashes. That people had died in the catastrophic inferno that leveled the town. The guild kept it under wraps as best they could, but that didn't stop them from assigning a job to bring Kali in for questioning. [center]- - -[/center] That was three weeks ago. Since then, she'd incapacitated four guildmates. It wasn't something Kali wanted to do. It [i]certainly[/i] wasn't something that helped what she was trying to do. There was no way she could let someone bring her in. The job had been a set up. If someone brought her in, she would never be able to clear her name. She'd end up with more than just a bounty on her head if the dark guild that set her up had any say in it. That meant people that weren't bounty hunters coming for her - people that weren't required to bring her in alive. She'd made it to Sakura and was hiding out there to buy herself some time to figure out her next move. She needed proof. She needed to find the survivors. Those buggers scattered like roaches in the light. She wanted to catch them all in the inferno, but it was a last ditch idea when the job went south. If she could find one of them and someone could verify the truth wasn't just her forcing the mage to tell her story, her slate could wipe clean. That was the best case she could hope for. The worst...she wasn't going to think about what would happen if she failed.