[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/bftdLNR.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FFD700]The world wants us out.[/color]" "[color=#FF5757]Hey! We can't let them win![/color]" [hr] —————————————————— [sub]Beach House[/sub][/center] [indent] Quinn leaned against the doorway that lead towards the kitchen, her eyes following the conversation until the bomb hit, the news of Izzy's death. The room was silent for what felt like forever when Lyss was done speaking, the sudden change of atmosphere hit everyone like a truck. Grace's smile disappeared and Quinn's face just got worse. That new girl Isla voiced out after the deadpan silence that plagued the room, her answer to Lyss's question definitely surprised Quinn. After Isla had spoke her eyes immediately went to Grace who's currently lost that excited feeling. Quinn shook her head after Maya just spoke but as she put her hands in her pocket to feel that pack of cigarettes it hit her. Sin would have just walked out that door and started smoking without a word, but Quinn was different, it was like she had something to prove but even she did not what it was exactly. "[color=#FFD700]No more sacrifices.[/color]" She let out but she knew no one would have heard that so she continued on anyway but made sure to have only said to herself. "[color=#FFD700]We're not out here to die.[/color]" She took into account what Vashti had said about protection, and even though the lot of her injuries were fully her fault she wanted to say one last thing. "[color=#FFD700]As much as we hate each others guts, we need to protect each other, Vaati's right (Yes, she got her name wrong) we have been struggling in the protection department but now is as good a time as any to get that together.[/color]" Before she even knew it, her heart beat had increased her breathing was irregular but she did not make that known, she took a deep breath and fished out that same cigarette pack and politely said, "[color=#FFD700]Excuse me.[/color]" Which was very unlike Quinn, she moved through the crowd and towards the door but Grace tried to get in her way, she just pushed through her with her shoulder and walked out the door to have a quick smoke. Anxiety attacks? Now? Good timing Quinn, way to show them you mean business. She took out a cigarette and started smoking right there on the porch of the beach house. Grace rubbed her shoulder that was bumped by Quinn as she looked at her leave the house, she then turned back to everyone and added, "[color=#FF5757]I uh... May not know much about what happened about you guys but I'm here for all of you![/color]" She exclaimed, trying to lighten up the mood but that was most likely not going to happen. She looked at the door once more then back at the others, "[color=#FF5757]None of us asked to be like this and we're just tryna' survive like damn why are there so many things after us?[/color]" she asked, she really just wanted to know, she did not expect to go into a life threatening battle the moment she joined but the exhilaration and adrenaline was like a drug she could not refuse. She loved being active and she loved being useful, but maybe these girls (and Herik) did not see the same light. Quinn leaned over railings of the porch cigarette pinched between her index and middle finger, she stared out towards the sea letting her heart rate cool down before she went back inside. First Elise now Izzy? Who's next? Gra- She stopped her thoughts there but Quinn felt like she was responsible for Grace being in the coven and if anything were to happen to her she would feel like it was on her. These thoughts still flooder her mind even though she did not want it which lead to another cigarette. She was not ready to go back inside yet, call her what you will but Quinn rarely pondered on her thoughts so this was a rare occasion for her and she just needs a few minutes to process and think everything through. [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [/right][/sub][/color]