[center][color=c4df9b][h3]Maritza Verenna[/h3][/color] Interactions: [@VitaVitaAR], [@Raineh Daze][/center] As the Barukstaedian's glowing axe came swinging down, there was oddly familiar rapid thrumping noise from up the stairs behind Tyaethe followed by a much more recognizable voice. [color=c4df9b][i]"MOVE!"[/i][/color] The Naga shouted, expertly throwing a short handaxe at the massive Northman's head, presumably "borrowed" from one of the mercenaries. Already committed to a swing, the Barukstaedian twisted the sweep of his axe back up intercepting the thrown weapon in an explosive shower metal shrapnel and wood chips. Before the Northman could completely return to a ready position, Maritza slammed into him, grappling for the enchanted axe. Skidding backwards, the massive warrior brought the Knight Serpenta's charge to a halt, albeit only after getting pushed back several feet. While the Barukstaedian may have had the better upper body strength, Mari had all the leverage of her lower half. And so, if only for a few moments, the two were evenly matched. [color=c4df9b][i]"Tyaethe! NOW!"[/i][/color]