[color=CD5555][b]NAGAKU OTOYA[/b][/color] - Northwestern District: Yajirui-Kan [@Crowvette][hr] Let’s just get it out of the way. Otoya wasn’t a fan of that golden boy taking the club’s helm. He didn’t like the way he dressed, the way he talked. Guy was like a spotlight shining directly into his eye. Though Sayuri, bless her heart, always had some praise (or excuse) for him, Otoya was never swayed. He knew what that type was like. So he abstained, his seat half-turned away from the group as he plucked a countermelody to the beat in his earphones. A small show of rebellion that brought him a little satisfaction, even if no one else visibly gave a shit. He didn’t pack anything large, once again just slinging his guitar case over his back. He scratched at a bruise through Hiroyuki’s little spiel. Simple enough. [color=CD5555]“Oi, wanna check the basement with me, Fumiko?”[/color] he asked, jerking his chin down the hall.