[quote=@metanoia] In that case, should the above still be in cards, I'd like to quote my question that never was answered. [@Mahz] [@LegendBegins] [/quote] If it is down, it'll just mean that you wont be able to submit a post as the site will be off line. In regards to the time taken to write a post and how it may be turned off by the time you finish writing and click that "Post" button, I would assume you would do the right thing and back up the post anyways. Yes, Guild does have a simple save feature for 6 hour drafts, (which is good for general discussion/chit chat posts), but the autosave function has never been a designed as a feature you should wholeheartedly rely on. For RP posts you should be drafting them up on something like Google Docs anyways... at least that's what I do.