[center][h2]World Martial Arts Tournament, Planet Earth[/h2][h3]Saturday, July 16th, 2500 Semi-Finals Round 1 !![/h3][/center] The once full room, where the contestants all fought in the preliminaries, was now nearly empty. There were only the four remaining fighters, and a couple employees watching over them. They were given an hour to rest and more senzu beans. It was now late evening. The sun was halfway down. In a few more hours, it would be setting behind the classic architecture of the building where the fighters patiently waited. Outside however, the crowd was growing restless. So when the announcer came running out, sporting his trademark smile, nearly everyone stood up. "Alright! Alright!" He proclaimed with arms wide open, the microphone hidden well on his face. "We have four fighters left, and I believe I speak for everyone when I say, this is going to be a night to remember! With any outcome, we will be looking at a new World Martial Arts champion, to reign supreme for the next five years! Now, without further adieu, let's get this party started, shall we!?" The crowd cheered. "I can't hear you!" They cheered louder. "Now let the fighters here you!" The stadium erupted, not a soul was sitting anymore... [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/546fe881-ebf9-4f67-8614-f1e4b32fe3b1.jpg[/img]