So I had an account in the past but due some pretty aggressive clean up I have lost that info and the email it was attached to lol. So I made this new one! I am interested in 1x1 pairings and small group settings (high-casual to advanced). For 1x1's I really enjoy romance stories and pref FxF but don't mind FxM (though I can play both male and female characters I have a lean towards playing female characters). Romance by no means needs to be the sole or prominent topic; I just enjoy the story more with that element. For group settings I am far more open to ideas and topics. I love fantasy, fiction, dark, realism, etc. If it's an interesting story the genre hardly matters. Uhmm...... Yeah! If you have any questions feel free to ask! Though I try to keep RL and RP separate I might refuse to answer, though I won't be mad no matter the question! ^-^