Few lights still burned within Anghebad. It was a city that honored the pale white moon. But while King Hamurai was a faithful and fervent king, he never could quite surrender himself to sleep at night. It was as if the darkness beckoned him to study. To explore his own mind and the knowledge within. Hoping to find that one connection, that one bridge to usher in a new golden age. Like the presence of Orb did. He hung over clay slates written from edge to edge, lit by dim candle light. His library had grown since the arrival of the Nameless God’s gift. The many tablet cases lined the wall, with the occasional torch making a pitiful attempt to light up the room. Even when the sun was high King Hamurai’s library had become a cramped and shadowy place. Sadly, tonight his mind and the god of magic did not favor him. He was far too tired. Yet refused to give up. Instead he put down the slate and picked up the small, metallic looking dodecahedron. This too had been testing his mind for many nights now. The sides were marked with strange glyphs. He had tried many things, and to his own amazement the dodecahedron did open up twice already. Seemingly responding to a series of runic magic. “Yes!” He suddenly heard screaming from outside. It came from the gardens and sounded like pure joy. The king dropped his puzzleknot and rushed outside. The pale half moon did not seemingly approve that mortals were still awake and chose to barely illuminate the gardens the green gardens. The tough-leafed hedges lead to the central plaza. The gentle white light created a splendid image. Within the plaza, near the pond which was for some reason a giant, levitating bulb of water, stood Enura. His queen and the love of his life. Hamurai had expected her puzzleknot – an octahedron - in her hands. Enura had been almost obsessed about it. Instead she held a small circlet, adorned with a singular crystal at the front. It looked simple, yet elegant. “You finished the puzzle?” King Hamurai asked as he slowly approached his wife with a big smile. When Enura turned to face him, the blob of levitating water crashed down into the pond again. Splattering water all around. It didn’t faze the queen. “Yes!” She exclaimed, then showed him the circlet. “It opened up completely and then there was this…light. Moments later this came out of it. What do you think it is?” She asked. Her eyes gleamed in the moon light. The king took one of her hands to calm her, then he looked at the circlet. It held some markings, but none that he could recognize. “We should ask Orb, tomorrow. Come, it is late and I think the pale moon wants us to go to bed.” Then, several guards appeared, wielding large shields and curved copper swords. Probably to investigate all the noise. “And I think our guardians would like an easy night of duty.” He added. Causing Enura to throw her arms around him and pull him in tightly. He returned the hug, and finished with a kiss before they both made their way to their smaller domicile. Though as they were nearly inside, a servant came running after them where they actually lived and slept. “Lady Enura!” He screamed, much to the surprise of everyone. Rarely was Enura called upon within the palace. This was a place for the king. None the less he seemed to only have attention for the queen. Then King Hamurai noticed his eyes. Bright blue, just like his wife. In the passing year they had learned it to be the mark of those blessed by the Nameless gods. Akin to the rainbow eyes. “What is it?” Enura asked as she stepped forward. “The- We were- It just-“ The man seemed far too exhausted for his own excitement. “Calm down.” Enura assured him. “Deep breaths first.” The servant did as told and tried to catch his breath. Until he finally thought he would have enough and spoke: “We had seen a yellow mote again tonight. We came closer and closer and… my queen. The yellow mote. It was hovering over something. It was an opening in the ground.” “Like a sandpit?” Enure asked. “No. No! It was round. Perfectly round. It was so dark inside that we couldn’t see the bottom. We dropped torches and below… My queen there was a rock hard floor. Carved like I had never seen before.” The man said. King Hamurai turned his attention towards the servant. “Are you sure?” He had studied the history of the city and its region. Nothing suggested there was something akin to their own civilization before them nearby. Though there were myths of ruins far off into the desert. Was this another mark of something that came before? “I descended into the pit, my lord.” The sapphire eyed servant said, never taking his eyes off Enura. “You must come my queen. It’s-It’s marvelous and… we think there is more inside.” “More?” Enura asked. “More spells?” “We don’t know.” The man admitted. “There is something there. More than something.” The overly excited man said. “Rest.” King Hamurai said, as he put his hand on his shoulder. “Tomorrow we can explore this opening in the light of the sun. It will bring clarity.” For a moment the man seemed to want to plead with the king. But Hamurai’s eyes were uncompromising. They would rest and tomorrow they would explore this new found place. [hr] The King made good on his promise. Sort of. He himself was stuck at court. Discussing a new source of slaves and hearing several nobles and magisters. Meanwhile Lady Enura travelled towards the hole in the ground. It was closer to Anghebad than expected. In fact, it was in a place she knew well. Near a small grove of gnarly olive trees. “This is new.” She said. Her circlet was on her head. Even though she still didn’t know what to do with it. “It is.” The servant who went to get her said next to her. “The hole wasn’t here some days ago at least. A shepherd assured us. He knows this place like the back of his hand. Yet that hole, and everything below it, is new.” The hole itself was rather large, and indeed, the room below was very dark. Though with the sun burning high, Enura could see the carved floor. It looked intricate. Each carving winding through each other like some grand dance of a hundred people was set in stone. Using a ladder she got down and instantly ran her hand over the carved floor. There was a depth to them as well. The carvings had almost impossibly small details to them. Yet none the less they weren’t fragile. She had never seen artisanry like this before. Torches were lit downstairs. Allowing the Mystics to observe the round walls that were kept hidden from the sun. Most of it was, sadly, broken. But some parts showed a stone skeleton, wrapped around something that looked faintly human yet with certain odd things protruding its head. “What are they?” Enura whispered to herself. Hoping to glean more information the more she looked. Though she wasn’t a historian like her husband. He would know. Somehow he always knew about these kinds of things. “My lady!” Someone yelled from the other side of the room. Enura rushed over, only to see a fire-illuminated door. “It’s the only one in the whole chamber.” The Mystic that called her over said. Many were touching door but nothing happened. Until Enura touched it. Something behind hit groaned to life. Like an ancient creature stirring from a century long slumber. The doors slowly began to move and open up. Revealing a corridor flanked by several statues. Some of them were broken. Others were looking remarkably intact. The Mystics shone the lights of their torches in, then slowly began to walk through the corridor. The younger Mystics were rushing ahead, towards the next door that would surely lead to even more rooms and corridors. Enura, meanwhile, took the time to observe the shattered statutes first. She shone her light on them, though could recognize the creatures they were supposed to represent. Again, their craftsmanship was peerless. “What made you?” She whispered. As if it was trying to obey her command, its eyes lit up with a soft blue hue. Enura darted back and saw shadows move, before her fellow Mystics cried out. Three of the statues had begun to move on their own. As if suddenly animated by their presence. A soft blue light seemed to emanate from in between the different pieces of black marble with white veins in it. The Mystics were desperately trying to write their glyphs on their clay slates. Though often had to move away from the golems’ their attacks. A few managed to throw some debris against their attacks. With little success. The walking, stone monsters seemed to shrug off every impact. Even if parts of the stone they were made of crumbled away. The queen charged one of them, moving around him as she beckoned the still air in the corridor. Making it move and edgy. She dodged the golem’s attack. Moving with such grace that she was basically dancing around it. The large, cumbersome creature could barely keep up with her. Though as one of its fist came down hard and cracked a few of the tiles, she knew she was dancing between life and instant death. None the less the winds were obeying her commands. Flowing faster until its softly whistle could be heard. A soft whistle which she began to louden into a roar. The winds began to slash against the golem. Pushing it around. It moved to strengthen its stance, but Enura had already moved around it, sending in the winds from a different angle as she dodged a savage kick by mere inches. None the less the winds began to take their toll upon the golem. Finally it tripped and fell over on its back. Giving Enura a second of respite to observe her attacker in greater detail. In its chest she saw a crystal. It was with a brighter hue of blue than the rest of the golem. With one hand she reached out to the intricately carved stone above. Orb had insisted that she would learn sorcery, despite its shortcomings. Now it was a life saver, as a few rocks about large enough to hold in her two hands, came crashing down. Breaking and then shattering the crystal core of the golem. The second the crystal was broken, it stopped glowing and collapsed entirely. She turned to watch her fellow Mystics. One Golem laid in ruin. Brought low by a constant barrage of stones. The other one was pulled low as well, while other Mystics were still slamming rocks on to it in an effort to destroy it. “The crystal!” She shouted. “Break the crystal!” The Mystics looked up and noticed the mostly in tact golem laying underneath Enura. The rock projectiles were then quickly shifted towards the glowing crystal. When it was finally destroyed, all the Mystics collapsed on their knees. Exhausted from the sudden battle. “How many are wounded?” Enura asked as she slowly walked up her sapphire eyed friends. “Nine. Two are already dead.” One of the Mystics said. Indeed, two bodies laid beside the broken golems. Their eyes open and looking glassy. Enura felt the blood drain from her face, but forced herself not to react. She didn’t ant any of this but what happened, happened. “We should leave.” One of the Mystics said. Several other Mystics just nodded in agreement, too tired to do anything more. “No.” Said Enura, turning towards the next grand door. “We just killed three of these things-“ she was pointing at the broken golems. “- and we’re not even going to open the next door? Move aside. We’re pushing on.” A few Mystics moved away. Others held their ground, refusing to move and let her pass. She saw the defiance in their eyes. “Move.” She commanded, but the handful of Mystics, most of them bloodied, refused to budge. “Then leave me.” She said, with a resigned sigh. Surprised, the Mystics looked at each other. One Mystic tried to plead with her: “My lady… We have three dead. There is no shame in-“ “There is more than just shame in it!” Enura shouted in his face, cutting him off. “Three dead and for what!? So we know these statues move? Bullshit. If you you’re not with me to make their sacrifices worth it, then leave. Go home and never show your face again. I got no use for you.” With those words, she pushed through the Mystics that were blocking her. They let her through without a fight. Though they started walking back towards the first chamber. Some remained around Enura as she gently touched the carved, stone door. Once again, it opened on its own. Beyond it was not a corridor filled with statues. Instead it was a small antechamber, with the next large doors still closed. Though the antechamber itself was filled with grand vases. The Mystics, slowly, opened the vases. Expecting perhaps rotten food or something like that. Instead they began to shout in excitement as they pulled out silver baubles and a few gems. All in all, it was enough to give most of the Mystics a comfortable living for the next few years. But when their excitement burned out, they turned towards the large door. Human greed began to crawl up inside of them. [hider=Summary]Hamurai is still studying magic, but it’s late so he switches to try and solve the puzzleknot he got. Then suddenly he hears a ruckus coming from the gardens and quickly goes there. His wife, the amazon Enura, was able to unlock her puzzlebox. Her focus ends up being a circlet, marking her as a leader (though she doesn’t fully understand that yet). The two are about to retire and sleep when a servant delivers strange news: a hole seemed to have opened up not too far from Anghebad. The hole itself leads to a chamber beneath that seems mysterious and ancient. The next day Enura travels to the sinkhole and travels down into its entry chamber. Where she remarks that the carvings are really intricate and detailed. There is one gate and her touch opens it. Letting the Mystics explore the corridor flanked by strange statues. Some of them crumbled. Some of them hole. Three of the statues come to life, revealing themselves as golems. They attack the Mystics, including Enura. She is able to dance-dodge all the golem’s attacks and trip it using her wind magic. She finishes it off by making debris fall from the ceiling onto it’s blue crystal. The other mystics are able to make one golem crumble entirely, and killed the next one with the information from Enura. After the fight most are afraid to continue, but Enura pushes on. Saying those who dare not continue should return home and never come back. With her touch the next door opened. Revealing a small treasure chamber.[/hider] [hider=Prestige] [b]Post length:[/b] +10K Characters +5 Prestige >> Mystics [/hider]