[center][h1][b][color=Brown]Kara Samson[/color][/b][/h1] [img] https://i.imgur.com/pS0fGmu.png[/img][/center] [hr][sub][i]uwu[/i][/sub] Through the ride to a “beach house” Kara was silent. She was thinking about who the nine or ten others were, and the pet alligator? That was weird, but it sounded cute, so she went along with it. Of course, when she got there the whole thing was hell of a lot more nicer than she was anticipating for a bunch of magic lesbians who were up to who knows what. Stepping out of the car and meandering across the sand, it was a pretty nice house. How the hell did a bunch of magical lesbians who were up to who knows what get a hold of some piece of land like that? Oh well, it wasn’t as important as the off brand Mexican stand off she spongebobbed her way into by mistake. It looked like everyone in the coven based on Claudette’s words was right here. [color=brown]”Uh. Hi.”[/color]