[h2]Kaguya-Hime[/h2] Having to pull back to avoid having her head cut off--it probably [i]wouldn't[/i] kill her, even in this state, but it wasn't wise to try--meant that there was nothing much she could do about the man or his captive. Instead, it was her against... oh, this was interesting, very interesting. Were those bladeds coming from her [i]arms[/i]? "I think I might have to seek you and your Master out in future," the princess said, eyes lighting up. A fully-functional robot ninja? Well, that was just wonderful, the sort of thing she would love to collect, or to try and understand. It was just such a shame that said ninja was trying to slice and dice, and her unarmed abilities weren't [i]amazing[/i]. Adequate, one might say, but not amazing. Though the hesitancy in the ninja's actions gave a perfect opening, particularly with her agility not being so much better than the "alien's" own. She could have done it some other way, but this made it just that [i]bit[/i] more likely and so much less effort for Kaguya: stepping in, past the blade and forcing the ninja's arm [i]up[/i], an interesting piece of raised metal and wood. Some sort of lightning rod, one could say. For the exact bolt of lightning that the Caster had just caused. [hr] [h2]Saotome Hana[/h2] "D-Don't I get a say in this?" Hana asked. Her servant, the other Servant, this guy... all this conspiring to get her to [i]do[/i] things was why she spent so much time inside anyway. Watching TV was cheap and easy to do and so much more stress free. Now they wanted her to spend on games and everything...? What if she needed that money for something important! Like not working!