Just a quick note here. I'm not an amazing storyteller, not a great one either. I'm delightfully average. You might read this and think... "Why not make a roleplay out of this?" the answer? I'm working on that, I'm a pretty timid person online. Not sure why, not like that with my real self. Doesn't matter though. I'm here writing this to collect my thoughts to character I made almost 10 years ago but never got a chance to use. So, to give context to the world I've never got finished building. I'm going to write out something short. Nothing spectacular but something to give it form, for to exist outside my mind. My head's a huge jumble of ideas. Some I've written, a lot I've haven't but planning to now that I have the free time. So, enjoy this little piece of mind. Of course, if you would like, give me some feedback. If there's any other questions, feel free to send me a message. With that out of the way, I hope you have a nice time reading. ^^