[hider=Temper Fridge][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DGY4Dh5U0AA5UAq?format=png&name=medium[/img] [sub][b]Quirk[/b][/sub] [b]Temper Fridge[/b] is an accumulation-emitter quirk utilized to preserve and control temperature through touch, precaution's enforced by gloves to prevent sudden heating or cooling. Her body is the conduit to channel and generate hot and cold while objects not bigger than a truck are the object of temperature preservation. She may also use her temperature within like fuel to summon a song of ice and fire. A perfect harmony of hot and cold and understanding of thermodynamics subject is required to seamlessly use Temper Fridge. Without balance, the quirk leads to self harm and beyond its self Achilles-heels, Temper Fridge is weak against metals designed to withstand intense temperatures such as tungsten alloy, etc. Temperature preservation is neutralized against objects that deter temperature such as the natural but intense altitude and extreme masses like giant structures like a stadium. This also includes natural occuring phenomenon like extreme temperatures. Kiona so far can only be a walking fridge or heater, thermoregulate herself and preserve objects' temperature not bigger than a truck. She can also give warm hugs and set people's temperature on the right direction, no harmful intent to living things at all because of restraint and her good nature.[/hider]